yeah, i knew about the trees. Just not sure where his fire bomb (or ball, cant remember. It's in a bottle or a skull anyway so i said bomb) fits with the trees, though
yeah, i knew about the trees. Just not sure where his fire bomb (or ball, cant remember. It's in a bottle or a skull anyway so i said bomb) fits with the trees, though
Yeah me either. Doesnt fit disease, summoning, or hexes really.
Well the gameplay refers to him as "a master of disease and fire". So....
Yeah me either. Doesnt fit disease, summoning, or hexes really.
That is true... There could be 4 trees for all we know.
Anyway I noticed all the skills have a primary color for WD, some are blue, some are red/orange, some are green.
Maybe that's a hint to what skill trees they will be in.
which will, more realistically, be called 'witchcraft' or something of the like, with hexes named 'voodoo'
as do i. At this point it's not a definate the game will appear at all.
One thing I find weird is the mongrel is red...
I mean the mongrel skill itself, and the icon where the mongrel hp bar is.
I also noticed the Barbarian skills are all blue, orange, red and one teal colored one.