paladin! i really hope they dont change it to a samurai sort of thing, i like the whole idea of the knight with mace and shield murdering whole hosts of demons! .. also a rogue as someone here posted with the combined abilities of assasin and amazon
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"You have already grasped that Sisyphus is the absurd hero. He is, as much through his passions as through his torture. His scorn of the gods, his hatred of death, and his passion for life won him that unspeakable penalty in which the whole being is exerted toward accomplishing nothing. This is the price that must be paid for the passions of this earth. Nothing is told us about Sisyphus in the underworld. Myths are made for the imagination to breathe life into them."
ok this is probably a retarded idea, just came up with it and i dont have any skill ideas or anything, aside from the fact that it would be a caster...
the horadric child! (or horadric apprentice)
time of lore explanations! yay!
ok, we all know that deckard cain is the last of the horadrim and whatnot, but in the gameplay trailer, as deckard cain is rescued and leaves back to town in a TP, the barb mentions that "Leah worries after you."
now, we can tell from the name that Leah is a girl. perhaps after the events of D2, cain got busy "continuing the horadrim race."
nastyness aside, its been 20 years. suffice it to say im sure cain has had children by now and has apprenticed them in the ways of the horadrim. we know that he is worried about the destruction of the worldstone and its logical that he would start the horadrim back up in case hell tried to assault sanctuary again, so Leah becomes his wife and there we go. Plus we would get to play as a kid, and whats better than a 9 year old in horadric robes getting its head bitten off by a seigebreaker assault beast?
this would replace the sorc in that it would be the pure spell caster class of diablo 3, but it also has auras and curses, making it more of a sorc-pally hybrid.
its spell trees would be light spells (strong against demons and undead, called from the high heavens) dark spells (strong against minions and beasts, created from the studies of hell itself) and seals (mostly auras, curses, and "lore", which i will explain.)
the lore section of the seal tree is like the barb specializations, but instead of specializing in a weapon, the lore specializes in damaging types of monsters.
so there would be beast lore, undead lore, minion lore, and demon lore. putting points in these would increase the damage done to each type. the idea is that the horadric child would research that specific type of monster to learn its weak points and whatnot.
Also, a point about the history of the horadric child/apprentice.
storywise, there would only be one or two horadric children. remember, cains and old guy, and hes only one man. However, there were hundreds of players as barbs in D2, but lorewise there was only one. the same goes for the horadric child. only one exists in the diablo universe storywise, no matter how many people are playing it. (sorry if this part doesnt make much sense.)
another thing, pvpwise, minion lore would also increase damage to players, as well as dark spells being good vs humans.
i think that the lore thingy is cool! but i think it should be in the rogue or amazon type (ranged) like in baldurs gate 2, the ranger could learn an ability called "enemy something" (dont remember well) in which the ranger especialized and had bonus in killing those types of monsters, i chose vampires hoho, it sure'll be cool to see that in diablo, besides i love all kind of physical chars, and i would hate it if the paladin was made a spellcaster...
edit: the ability was called chosen enemy, ... ithink hoho,
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"You have already grasped that Sisyphus is the absurd hero. He is, as much through his passions as through his torture. His scorn of the gods, his hatred of death, and his passion for life won him that unspeakable penalty in which the whole being is exerted toward accomplishing nothing. This is the price that must be paid for the passions of this earth. Nothing is told us about Sisyphus in the underworld. Myths are made for the imagination to breathe life into them."
One of the playable classes should be PURE EVIL. I'm not just saying "morally questionable", like the much-revered Necromancer (whiich used to be one of my favorites, BTW). I'm talking about an antagonist, someone you can doom the world of Sanctuary with, NOT save it. We baddies need our time for payback from those pesky heroes.
I have some other mischievous ideas, but this is not the thread to publish them
Utility Fighter: Templar[Similar to the paladin, provides an array of auras, and enhanced attack abilities, preferably derived through faith, with a possible transformation ability.]
Magic Fighter: Sorceress 2.0[Obviously a direct decent from the original Sorceress, but loaded with different magical abilities.]
Ranged/ Weapon Specialist: Corsair[Weapon specialist from the high-seas, known to rely on tactical combat, including traps.]
I am sorry for closing this thread, but it pretty much removes the point of having a "Game Suggestions" forum, and it causes a lot of confusion for the moderators who merge/move threads and the people who are making a new thread in the "Game Suggestions" forum. If you had any ideas flowing around in here, feel free to make a new thread.
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It's the decisions you make when you have no time to make them that define who you are.
Diablo 3 will have 5 classes, same as Diablo II did (pre LOD)
The classes essentually, A Melee class, a ranged class a heavy spell caster, a second line melee class/Light Caster, and a Light Caster/Summoning class.
So in Diablo II we have the Barbarian (melee), Amazon (ranged), Sorceress (Heavy Caster), Paladin (second line melee class/Light Caster) and Necromancer (Light Caster/Summoning class)
This sort of 5 man team works quite well. It is an expansion of the 3 man team found in Diablo I. Melee, Ranged and Heavy Caster. Warrior, Rogue and Sorcerer.
So one would be inclined to think the 3 remaining classes that are yet to be announced for Diablo III would be a ranged class, a heavy spell caster and a light caster/second line melee class.
As the Melee class is taken by the Barbarian, and the Light Caster/Summoning class posistion is taken by the Witch Doctor.
So what (base) choices does that leave us with. As it has been stated that the Barbarian is to be the only class returning as aplayable character, I guess the Sorceress, Paladin and Amazon are out, at least in their D2 forms.
-So we need a ranged Chracter, someone who will primarily use a bow, Prehaps the Hunter Ranger. This architype is almost always synmonynous with a bow (primarily to stalk their prey). Definitely going to be some ranged class, though I would imagine it will have a name other than Hunter or Ranger, or Archer.
-Blizzard did say that the Barbarian is (supposedly) the only class to be returning as a playable class, but there are few mage types that are plausible as a decent class other than the "Sorcerer". A class which has appeared in both previous titles. One male one female naturally, but still largely the same class.
What other mage classes are there? Well there is the most basic type, Mage. Fairly vague but it would work, lots of Mage clans in Diablo, the class could be from anyone of them. The Sorcerer in Diablo 1 was from the Vizjerei, while the Sorceress in Diablo II was ofthe Zann Esu. So the "sorcerer" class is not clan specific. And neither is a vague term like mage. However the class lore always refers to one. So Mage might be too vague, so what do we have left.
Illusionist. A mage who specializes in creating illusions to confuse and mislead., While creating Mirror images and other false images is fun, I do not see a full class being made out of it. Also you have that horrible connectation with stage magicians.
Diviner: A mage who specializes in detection and divining magics. Now I enjoy Far Sight and True Sight as much as the next, and they no doubt come in handy, but much like the Illusionist, I do not see a full class being made out of it.
Transmuter:A mage who specializes in magic that alters physical reality. Polymorph (and Polymorph Other) Shapeshift, Morph and Transform. That is what this type of spell caster specializes in. Either turning himself (or herself) into something else, or turning someone or something into something else. Definitely fun, but again I don't see a full range of say 30 skills out of this class.
Abjurer: A mage who specializes in protective magics. Well that role in generally taken by the Light Caster and Second line Melee class. It is usually them that offers the protective bonuses not a mage. Mages are far more cooler unleashing hellish firestorms. So this class is most likely out.
Conjurer: A mage who specializes in creating creatures and objects to assist him. Much Like the Abjurer, this role is pretty much taken by another class. The Light Caster/Summoning. And in Diablo III we have the Witch Doctor for that.
Invoker: A mage who specializes in Invocation/Evocation magic. Well for those of you who don't really know what Evocation magic is, it is essentially Anything to do with large displays of Elemental mastery. And I do think such a class will appear again, it's quite the staple of the series. Both times the "Sorcerer" has appeared they have had a whole host of elemental spells. So this one is probably highly likely, Those not with that name.
-Second Line Melee/Light Casters are great, they offer some killer buffs, and are full capable of handling themselves should the get surrounded.
So what do we have available to us to fill this role. This role is primarily if not stereotypically, filled by some sort of healer. Even is it is only one skill (eg Holy Bolt)
First one that comes to mind is the cleric. The cleric is a generic priest who tends to the spiritual needs of a community. He is both protector and healer. He is not purely defensive, however. When evil threatens, the cleric is well suited to seek it out on its own ground and destroy it. Based on how big a part religion (the Zakarum) and the two polar opposites, The High Heavens and the Burning Hells, plays in Diablo, this class is not such a farfetched as it prehaps seems. clerics are generally battle-hardened warriors who are also able to tap into the higher powers and cast a wide assortment of either offensive or defensive spells. I imagine such as class will make an appearance, sort of a d3 version of the Paladin. Clearly.
Similar to the Cleric is the Priest. But this class tends to be much more spell oriented rather than skill oriented, that is buffs and healing magics, rather than being able to do any real damage themselves, why bother when can heal the crap of a barbarian and a host of summons. But that largely defys the point of second line Melee.
The other sort of class that comes to mind is actually the Paladin, or rather the various sub classes there of.
First you have the Cavalier. This class represents the most common picture of the knight; the gentlemanwarrior who epitomizes honor, courage and loyalty. Seems to be a popular choice around here from what I have seen. So perhaps it is something we want to see. One that work I think.
Another common subclass of the Paladin is the Inquistor. The Inquisitor has dedicated his life to finding and eliminating practitioners of evil magic and defeating the forces of darkness. This is your holy warrior of light type guy. He is bound by the doctrine he follows religiously. The convert the heathens, purge the land of it's taint type people. Inquisitors do appear in Diablo, So I think they are quite likely to appear as a playable class.
Essentually an extension of the Inquisitor is the Undead Hunter type Paladin. While the Inquisitor focuses on almost anyone they deem unholy, this holy avenger has honed his abilities towards the destruction of the undead and other unnatural creatures and is immune to many of their more devastating abilities. A fun type to play it is hard to get a full class out of it, it fits better as say a class build build around a few skills. Though focusing on one monster leads to problems, much like a sorceress who concentrates too heavily on one element.
I guess I am looking at the "Invoker" the "Ranger" and "Inquisitor" or "Cleric" Not really sure which, both seem plausible as the D3 equivalent of the Paladin.
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-Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's First Law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one, and only, truth.
Only problem is a majority of the spells may get reused ...
Hungry? Why Wait? Grab a Barbarian!
RIP: Demon Hunter: lvl 50 | Barb: lvl 60 (plvl 5) | Monk: lvl12 & lvl70 (plvl 200)
They could use both holy spells as well as have many dark necromancer like spells.
"You have already grasped that Sisyphus is the absurd hero. He is, as much through his passions as through his torture. His scorn of the gods, his hatred of death, and his passion for life won him that unspeakable penalty in which the whole being is exerted toward accomplishing nothing. This is the price that must be paid for the passions of this earth. Nothing is told us about Sisyphus in the underworld. Myths are made for the imagination to breathe life into them."
- Albert Camus
Witch Docter
Amazon ( or some type of ranged character )
I do like how they improved the Barbarian though and the WD is pretty awesome as well.
Btw... There are only going to be 5 classes O.o
Read the FAQ's on the Blizzard Homepage of DIII, says only 5 classes...
the horadric child! (or horadric apprentice)
time of lore explanations! yay!
ok, we all know that deckard cain is the last of the horadrim and whatnot, but in the gameplay trailer, as deckard cain is rescued and leaves back to town in a TP, the barb mentions that "Leah worries after you."
now, we can tell from the name that Leah is a girl. perhaps after the events of D2, cain got busy "continuing the horadrim race."
nastyness aside, its been 20 years. suffice it to say im sure cain has had children by now and has apprenticed them in the ways of the horadrim. we know that he is worried about the destruction of the worldstone and its logical that he would start the horadrim back up in case hell tried to assault sanctuary again, so Leah becomes his wife and there we go. Plus we would get to play as a kid, and whats better than a 9 year old in horadric robes getting its head bitten off by a seigebreaker assault beast?
this would replace the sorc in that it would be the pure spell caster class of diablo 3, but it also has auras and curses, making it more of a sorc-pally hybrid.
its spell trees would be light spells (strong against demons and undead, called from the high heavens) dark spells (strong against minions and beasts, created from the studies of hell itself) and seals (mostly auras, curses, and "lore", which i will explain.)
the lore section of the seal tree is like the barb specializations, but instead of specializing in a weapon, the lore specializes in damaging types of monsters.
so there would be beast lore, undead lore, minion lore, and demon lore. putting points in these would increase the damage done to each type. the idea is that the horadric child would research that specific type of monster to learn its weak points and whatnot.
Also, a point about the history of the horadric child/apprentice.
storywise, there would only be one or two horadric children. remember, cains and old guy, and hes only one man. However, there were hundreds of players as barbs in D2, but lorewise there was only one. the same goes for the horadric child. only one exists in the diablo universe storywise, no matter how many people are playing it. (sorry if this part doesnt make much sense.)
another thing, pvpwise, minion lore would also increase damage to players, as well as dark spells being good vs humans.
edit: the ability was called chosen enemy, ... ithink hoho,
"You have already grasped that Sisyphus is the absurd hero. He is, as much through his passions as through his torture. His scorn of the gods, his hatred of death, and his passion for life won him that unspeakable penalty in which the whole being is exerted toward accomplishing nothing. This is the price that must be paid for the passions of this earth. Nothing is told us about Sisyphus in the underworld. Myths are made for the imagination to breathe life into them."
- Albert Camus
I have some other mischievous ideas, but this is not the thread to publish them
Ah, but inevitably there will be more. Blizzard is bound to make an expanision or two.
As for a new character--I'd be interested in a Gypsy like a bard/paladin, chants for auras. Maybe even with some assassin-esque skills.
Tank-like Fighter: (Barbarian)
Utility Fighter: ??
Magic Fighter: ??
Summoner/Debuffer: (Witch Doctor)
Ranged/ Weapon Specialist: ??
Leaving - (My suggestions)
Utility Fighter: Templar[Similar to the paladin, provides an array of auras, and enhanced attack abilities, preferably derived through faith, with a possible transformation ability.]
Magic Fighter: Sorceress 2.0[Obviously a direct decent from the original Sorceress, but loaded with different magical abilities.]
Ranged/ Weapon Specialist: Corsair[Weapon specialist from the high-seas, known to rely on tactical combat, including traps.]
It's the decisions you make when you have no time to make them that define who you are.
The classes essentually, A Melee class, a ranged class a heavy spell caster, a second line melee class/Light Caster, and a Light Caster/Summoning class.
So in Diablo II we have the Barbarian (melee), Amazon (ranged), Sorceress (Heavy Caster), Paladin (second line melee class/Light Caster) and Necromancer (Light Caster/Summoning class)
This sort of 5 man team works quite well. It is an expansion of the 3 man team found in Diablo I. Melee, Ranged and Heavy Caster. Warrior, Rogue and Sorcerer.
So one would be inclined to think the 3 remaining classes that are yet to be announced for Diablo III would be a ranged class, a heavy spell caster and a light caster/second line melee class.
As the Melee class is taken by the Barbarian, and the Light Caster/Summoning class posistion is taken by the Witch Doctor.
So what (base) choices does that leave us with. As it has been stated that the Barbarian is to be the only class returning as aplayable character, I guess the Sorceress, Paladin and Amazon are out, at least in their D2 forms.
-So we need a ranged Chracter, someone who will primarily use a bow, Prehaps the Hunter Ranger. This architype is almost always synmonynous with a bow (primarily to stalk their prey). Definitely going to be some ranged class, though I would imagine it will have a name other than Hunter or Ranger, or Archer.
-Blizzard did say that the Barbarian is (supposedly) the only class to be returning as a playable class, but there are few mage types that are plausible as a decent class other than the "Sorcerer". A class which has appeared in both previous titles. One male one female naturally, but still largely the same class.
What other mage classes are there? Well there is the most basic type, Mage. Fairly vague but it would work, lots of Mage clans in Diablo, the class could be from anyone of them. The Sorcerer in Diablo 1 was from the Vizjerei, while the Sorceress in Diablo II was ofthe Zann Esu. So the "sorcerer" class is not clan specific. And neither is a vague term like mage. However the class lore always refers to one. So Mage might be too vague, so what do we have left.
Illusionist. A mage who specializes in creating illusions to confuse and mislead., While creating Mirror images and other false images is fun, I do not see a full class being made out of it. Also you have that horrible connectation with stage magicians.
Diviner: A mage who specializes in detection and divining magics. Now I enjoy Far Sight and True Sight as much as the next, and they no doubt come in handy, but much like the Illusionist, I do not see a full class being made out of it.
Transmuter:A mage who specializes in magic that alters physical reality. Polymorph (and Polymorph Other) Shapeshift, Morph and Transform. That is what this type of spell caster specializes in. Either turning himself (or herself) into something else, or turning someone or something into something else. Definitely fun, but again I don't see a full range of say 30 skills out of this class.
Abjurer: A mage who specializes in protective magics. Well that role in generally taken by the Light Caster and Second line Melee class. It is usually them that offers the protective bonuses not a mage. Mages are far more cooler unleashing hellish firestorms. So this class is most likely out.
Conjurer: A mage who specializes in creating creatures and objects to assist him. Much Like the Abjurer, this role is pretty much taken by another class. The Light Caster/Summoning. And in Diablo III we have the Witch Doctor for that.
Invoker: A mage who specializes in Invocation/Evocation magic. Well for those of you who don't really know what Evocation magic is, it is essentially Anything to do with large displays of Elemental mastery. And I do think such a class will appear again, it's quite the staple of the series. Both times the "Sorcerer" has appeared they have had a whole host of elemental spells. So this one is probably highly likely, Those not with that name.
-Second Line Melee/Light Casters are great, they offer some killer buffs, and are full capable of handling themselves should the get surrounded.
So what do we have available to us to fill this role. This role is primarily if not stereotypically, filled by some sort of healer. Even is it is only one skill (eg Holy Bolt)
First one that comes to mind is the cleric. The cleric is a generic priest who tends to the spiritual needs of a community. He is both protector and healer. He is not purely defensive, however. When evil threatens, the cleric is well suited to seek it out on its own ground and destroy it. Based on how big a part religion (the Zakarum) and the two polar opposites, The High Heavens and the Burning Hells, plays in Diablo, this class is not such a farfetched as it prehaps seems. clerics are generally battle-hardened warriors who are also able to tap into the higher powers and cast a wide assortment of either offensive or defensive spells. I imagine such as class will make an appearance, sort of a d3 version of the Paladin. Clearly.
Similar to the Cleric is the Priest. But this class tends to be much more spell oriented rather than skill oriented, that is buffs and healing magics, rather than being able to do any real damage themselves, why bother when can heal the crap of a barbarian and a host of summons. But that largely defys the point of second line Melee.
The other sort of class that comes to mind is actually the Paladin, or rather the various sub classes there of.
First you have the Cavalier. This class represents the most common picture of the knight; the gentlemanwarrior who epitomizes honor, courage and loyalty. Seems to be a popular choice around here from what I have seen. So perhaps it is something we want to see. One that work I think.
Another common subclass of the Paladin is the Inquistor. The Inquisitor has dedicated his life to finding and eliminating practitioners of evil magic and defeating the forces of darkness. This is your holy warrior of light type guy. He is bound by the doctrine he follows religiously. The convert the heathens, purge the land of it's taint type people. Inquisitors do appear in Diablo, So I think they are quite likely to appear as a playable class.
Essentually an extension of the Inquisitor is the Undead Hunter type Paladin. While the Inquisitor focuses on almost anyone they deem unholy, this holy avenger has honed his abilities towards the destruction of the undead and other unnatural creatures and is immune to many of their more devastating abilities. A fun type to play it is hard to get a full class out of it, it fits better as say a class build build around a few skills. Though focusing on one monster leads to problems, much like a sorceress who concentrates too heavily on one element.
I guess I am looking at the "Invoker" the "Ranger" and "Inquisitor" or "Cleric" Not really sure which, both seem plausible as the D3 equivalent of the Paladin.
so do you have any proof, reference, or at least anything to base your statement on?