For all who have waited the time has come pick up your axes, swords,spears, and bows the awakening of hell is upon us protect sanctuary to your dieing breath
um thx but watch his video's im not that fat ass but its true
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For all who have waited the time has come pick up your axes, swords,spears, and bows the awakening of hell is upon us protect sanctuary to your dieing breath
NVM im stupid its a hoax just found out please take out theis thread my bad next time i will be more careful sry
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For all who have waited the time has come pick up your axes, swords,spears, and bows the awakening of hell is upon us protect sanctuary to your dieing breath
yea i deserve it sry haven't been home in awhile my bad :(((((((((((
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For all who have waited the time has come pick up your axes, swords,spears, and bows the awakening of hell is upon us protect sanctuary to your dieing breath
And the FAILURE OF THE DAY AWARD goes to IonStorm999!
Congratulations IonStorm999, what will you do with your winnings, 20 tons of high-class horseshit?
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For all who have waited the time has come pick up your axes, swords,spears, and bows the awakening of hell is upon us protect sanctuary to your dieing breath
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third class is Knight just found this
For all who have waited the time has come pick up your axes, swords,spears, and bows the awakening of hell is upon us protect sanctuary to your dieing breath
For all who have waited the time has come pick up your axes, swords,spears, and bows the awakening of hell is upon us protect sanctuary to your dieing breath
For all who have waited the time has come pick up your axes, swords,spears, and bows the awakening of hell is upon us protect sanctuary to your dieing breath
For all who have waited the time has come pick up your axes, swords,spears, and bows the awakening of hell is upon us protect sanctuary to your dieing breath
For all who have waited the time has come pick up your axes, swords,spears, and bows the awakening of hell is upon us protect sanctuary to your dieing breath
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