Since they said they would be moving on from Diablo after Diablo 3. Who do you think would be a good story line to pick up from? Me, Personally, i would like to see the continuation of Siggard's story from Demonsbane. What other books from the DIablo franchise do you think would make a good expansion or the basis of the next Diablo game? I'd like to see more of him get solidified into Sanctuary. I think it would be interesting to see how he would continue to deal with the world as it is considering his condition.
Depending on what will happen to the angels of the Angiris Counsil in D3, we would see a storyline revolving around them. Or we might even see a story line revolving around Jacob. The guy from the Comic books that is set to find Tyraels Sword.
is this a 'no more diablo games' like the ' no more halo games'. lol it's tough for a franchise that is this popular to just up and stop making games. i think they're just sick of finding ways to resurrect the same villain.
Siggard's story will likely not be implemented, the events in Demonsbane make absolutely no chronological sense with the rest of the lore these days. If he came back in the story somehow it would be heavily retconned, though I guess that's a possibility. The basic premise of him being a human who awakens in nephalem powers is certainly there, so perhaps.
Other than that, I guess I'd really like to see more of the nephalem in general. Who they were and what happened between them after Lilith murdered their parents.
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Yeah, the nephalem would be an interesting story to hear about. Considering it says that they were powerful enough to possibly overthrow the gods themselves. I wonder what happened for that to be brought forth for Inarius and Lilith to think this. With Mathael gone, you think this could be he rebirth of pureblooded nephalem? Since hes been gone, hes the one ive been most curious about since hes been introduced. Just trying to figure out what hes been doing the years hes been missing. Him going all dark has me really curious about what plans he could be up to.
I would like to know more about sam. Frodo wouldn't have gotten far without sam
I admit I haven't read enough of the books to choose from one so I'll need to get on that, but seeing as how there are 3 prime evils, 4 lesser evils and how diablo has somehow dominated in camera time I'd like to know what mephisto does on the weekends and I'd like belial to tell me why I can't keep the lights on when I leave the room but he can own 6 enormous houses and fly around on a jet plane.
Seriously though, what's inarius doing down in hell. Chilling being tortured? I don't understand much of what goes on in hell. If mephisto is so brilliant why is he so lame/pseudo dead. Maybe they could write a book/testimonial about what it's like as a minion of Duriel and the truth behind a day's work down in the dungeons.
Ok I need to stop and either play more diablo or go to bed, maybe both. Sorry I'll read more tomorrow.
Im not sure, i sure like the sin war a lot but a game about it idk. If anything kinda like a Prequel but yea thats a bad game pitch lol. But reading some of the above posts yea not about uldyssian per say but the nephalem cuz that leaves so many possibilites but then again it would be like super heroes haha everyone really has something different.
they have atleast 2 expansions planned... dont worry ^^ (what i got it from? the old slate that came out a long time ago, it have not been wrong ONCE on realease of stuff, maybe dates, but not what stuff that are about to be released. the Slate is NOT considers ACCURATE information, but it havent had any big errors ever... dates only! (se d3... but as you remember that was the planned date)
for example, after next d3 epxanison, at the same time, NEXT expansion AFTER Mists of Pandoria, they planned to release "Titans". there newage "FPS?(rummor)" mmo
that is prob pushed forward, but consider hearing about it soon enough in a year or 2
<3 Necromancer's. They were my favorite class durring Diablo 2. Zayl was cool durring The Kingdom of Shadow, havent read about him in the Moon of the Spider yet. The Necromancers and their god Trag'Oul, may have a pivotal part to play in the late chapters of Diablo 3 or at least 1 of the expansions. Considering that their order is there to bring balance, since most of the major players of the Demons side will have been killed. They may come back to strike a balance between the powers of Heaven and Hell.
is this a 'no more diablo games' like the ' no more halo games'. lol it's tough for a franchise that is this popular to just up and stop making games. i think they're just sick of finding ways to resurrect the same villain.
I don't think this is a 'no more diablo games' topic. I believe a while back Blizzard said they would end Diablo's (the demon, not the game) story line with D3. They will keep making games for this franchise but the main villain might not be the three demon brothers again.
It's not like going back in the past with a prequel or inbetween games is a taboo. Serious Sam 3 was a great game and it takes place before serious sam 1. Few people that will see The Hobbit have read the books, and it's being released after the entire trilogy has been years since finished. Lion king 1 and a half. Wait nevermind on that last one doh!
But you get my point, they could still make a sick game, just I don't think anything in the "not diablo" universe could be more epic than what's about to occur.
"If" big if lol, if they did make a prequel, the story of Arkaine would be interesting to hear about. I've not read the sin war books but i skimmed over the Sin War section in the book of cain. I couldnt find anything pertaining to him. He could be pretty interesting to hear about. I dont think they should do Uldyssian though. Would be too hard to match it up to the book considering most people rarely ever follow anything to the T. Really am curious as to how his armor ended up in the catacombs of tristram.
<3 Necromancer's. They were my favorite class durring Diablo 2. Zayl was cool durring The Kingdom of Shadow, havent read about him in the Moon of the Spider yet. The Necromancers and their god Trag'Oul, may have a pivotal part to play in the late chapters of Diablo 3 or at least 1 of the expansions. Considering that their order is there to bring balance, since most of the major players of the Demons side will have been killed. They may come back to strike a balance between the powers of Heaven and Hell.
I definitely agree that more info on the followers of Rathma would be a good offshoot from the original game. Talking about balance, I think that going into the necromancer's views on Anu and the Dragon as a part of the story would satisfy people like me who love the genesis stories of these huge and intricate story lines.
Also, at the risk of sounding like an uber-nerd, I would say that a good way to keep playing, as opposed to continue the story, would be to make an up-to-date table-top RPG out of Diablo. I know there are some in existence already but I never liked them...just sayin'.
I'd like to see something taking place during the sin wars, it's a really interesting time in Sanctuary's history. But the problem with prequels is that you know what the ending will be. So I don't think it will happen.
If they are going to continue on with the series, just change up the villain and such, I really see them going to the angels side of things. It's quite likely we'll be doing something with them towards the end of the game, so it would make sense to continue on with that, and it's certainly possible for them to make them into villains. They haven't exactly been what would necessarily be considered the good guys this whole time, it was them in fact that almost wiped out life on Sanctuary themselves instead of just leaving us to our own devices.
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Yeah, the nephalem would be an interesting story to hear about. Considering it says that they were powerful enough to possibly overthrow the gods themselves. I wonder what happened for that to be brought forth for Inarius and Lilith to think this. With Mathael gone, you think this could be he rebirth of pureblooded nephalem? Since hes been gone, hes the one ive been most curious about since hes been introduced. Just trying to figure out what hes been doing the years hes been missing. Him going all dark has me really curious about what plans he could be up to.
Did you guys ever think that maybe we the players are playing Nephalem? We've killed Diablo in the first game. We've killed Andarial, Duriel, Mephisto, Diablo (again), and Baal. Maybe we are building our character's story to include this concept? Ever since I read the first book of the Sin War, I have come to feel that my characters in the games are Nephalem. We have the power, and the will, and while it might not always be aligned with the Dark or the Light, he or she always does what is just.
Also, Lilith needs to be a main boss in the future. You don't just bring her into a book that was closely written with Blizzard, into the main plot as a character that you would love to kill or learn more about without the intention of bringing her to the limelight.
Stories that I would like to see would include the story unfolding between Bartuc and Horazon. Maybe even seeing more of the darkening of Bartuc as he changes to the Warlord of Blood. Possibly my favorite story from any form of media. It would be nice if it was an event since I doubt they can make a full game from that.
Thank you Blizzard for bringing Lachdanan back. The guy's story is a great one as well. Please bring some other characters from Diablo 1, still play the game to this day.
For my part, I'd like to pick up the trail of the Rogue Sisterhood. They were so pivotal in the first two games, and when you go back to visit Akara in D2 she cheerfully informs you that they're "still cleaning the Monastery" (just like it was a party that got out of hand or something). What happened to them after that?
I think once this story arc is complete, the universe of sanctuary would be perfectly poised to enter into the MMO space of having a game with a persistent world (and I don't mean having it be just a re-skin of World of Warcraft)
If anyone has seen the up-and-coming MMO called TERA, well I think it's action style combat mechanics would be a perfect fit for blizzard to implement in a diablo MMO project. Everyone knows that blizzard has the resources and the time to perfect such an enormous project.
I wouldn't mind continuing with the Angels. Or maybe we discover that there are other planets like Sanctuary and we have to save them from demonic/angelic forces.
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I don't always burn. But when I do, I use hellfire.
Future players...hmmm...could all depend on how they end D3. There could be another "loose end" even after its rumored 2nd expansion...are there any angiris council left? The council or corrupted council could be villains...tho it seems they are already touching on this with D3.
Another big player that hasnt really been touched on in the game, but has in the sin war, is Trag'oul.
Or what would be really awesome, Since there is this whole balance thing going on, what if after all 7 demon lords have been killed, somehow all their essence is absorbed and reform into Tathamet? That would bring ONE MAIN BAD ASS villain to the table. And if the council is destroyed, that makes Trag'oul our main good guy (IE Deckard Cain/Tyrael)
Another idea is that it has been said that through out the eternal conflict both heaven and hell created other worlds in their image but always failed...we could find a way through Trag'oul to enter these worlds that Tathamet has found a way to create to use to invade sanctuary with??
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Other than that, I guess I'd really like to see more of the nephalem in general. Who they were and what happened between them after Lilith murdered their parents.
I admit I haven't read enough of the books to choose from one so I'll need to get on that, but seeing as how there are 3 prime evils, 4 lesser evils and how diablo has somehow dominated in camera time I'd like to know what mephisto does on the weekends and I'd like belial to tell me why I can't keep the lights on when I leave the room but he can own 6 enormous houses and fly around on a jet plane.
Seriously though, what's inarius doing down in hell. Chilling being tortured? I don't understand much of what goes on in hell. If mephisto is so brilliant why is he so lame/pseudo dead. Maybe they could write a book/testimonial about what it's like as a minion of Duriel and the truth behind a day's work down in the dungeons.
Ok I need to stop and either play more diablo or go to bed, maybe both. Sorry I'll read more tomorrow.
for example, after next d3 epxanison, at the same time, NEXT expansion AFTER Mists of Pandoria, they planned to release "Titans". there newage "FPS?(rummor)" mmo
that is prob pushed forward, but consider hearing about it soon enough in a year or 2
But you get my point, they could still make a sick game, just I don't think anything in the "not diablo" universe could be more epic than what's about to occur.
I definitely agree that more info on the followers of Rathma would be a good offshoot from the original game. Talking about balance, I think that going into the necromancer's views on Anu and the Dragon as a part of the story would satisfy people like me who love the genesis stories of these huge and intricate story lines.
Also, at the risk of sounding like an uber-nerd, I would say that a good way to keep playing, as opposed to continue the story, would be to make an up-to-date table-top RPG out of Diablo. I know there are some in existence already but I never liked them...just sayin'.
If they are going to continue on with the series, just change up the villain and such, I really see them going to the angels side of things. It's quite likely we'll be doing something with them towards the end of the game, so it would make sense to continue on with that, and it's certainly possible for them to make them into villains. They haven't exactly been what would necessarily be considered the good guys this whole time, it was them in fact that almost wiped out life on Sanctuary themselves instead of just leaving us to our own devices.
Tired of the same regurgitated blue posts? Want more in depth coverage of
the aspects of the game you want to know about? Check us out!
Did you guys ever think that maybe we the players are playing Nephalem? We've killed Diablo in the first game. We've killed Andarial, Duriel, Mephisto, Diablo (again), and Baal. Maybe we are building our character's story to include this concept? Ever since I read the first book of the Sin War, I have come to feel that my characters in the games are Nephalem. We have the power, and the will, and while it might not always be aligned with the Dark or the Light, he or she always does what is just.
Also, Lilith needs to be a main boss in the future. You don't just bring her into a book that was closely written with Blizzard, into the main plot as a character that you would love to kill or learn more about without the intention of bringing her to the limelight.
Stories that I would like to see would include the story unfolding between Bartuc and Horazon. Maybe even seeing more of the darkening of Bartuc as he changes to the Warlord of Blood. Possibly my favorite story from any form of media. It would be nice if it was an event since I doubt they can make a full game from that.
Thank you Blizzard for bringing Lachdanan back. The guy's story is a great one as well. Please bring some other characters from Diablo 1, still play the game to this day.
If anyone has seen the up-and-coming MMO called TERA, well I think it's action style combat mechanics would be a perfect fit for blizzard to implement in a diablo MMO project. Everyone knows that blizzard has the resources and the time to perfect such an enormous project.
Another big player that hasnt really been touched on in the game, but has in the sin war, is Trag'oul.
Or what would be really awesome, Since there is this whole balance thing going on, what if after all 7 demon lords have been killed, somehow all their essence is absorbed and reform into Tathamet? That would bring ONE MAIN BAD ASS villain to the table. And if the council is destroyed, that makes Trag'oul our main good guy (IE Deckard Cain/Tyrael)
Another idea is that it has been said that through out the eternal conflict both heaven and hell created other worlds in their image but always failed...we could find a way through Trag'oul to enter these worlds that Tathamet has found a way to create to use to invade sanctuary with??