the soulstones are infact destroyed, however its the worldstone that keeps the forces of hell and heaven from coming into the world. with that destroyed, now everyone is fucked :D. tyreal on the other hand might be corrupted, however i dont think so because in the d2 it was said that he did his own thing from the beginning. i think it has something to do with inarius and the nephalem, the angel who created human kind in sanctuary. on the blizzard website, they say that inarius is still in hell. if you read the 3rd book he uses the worldstone to reduce the power of his children to what the humans in sanctuary now belong today. he is the father of humankind, whereas lillith is the mother of human kind, plus, shes the daughter of mephisto. (hint hint), she def knows a way to bring him back. based on the trailer you can see that harrogath and the barbarian highlands are flooded, since it was all ice. you can see the worldstone destroyed as well, and see a bunch of demons rushing into the mortal realm. this is gonna be some next level game, its gonna be all out war b.w. heaven and hell. think about it this way, the soulstones were the only artifacts that the prime evils cud use in order to stay in power in the mortal realm. the prime evils are all immortal, they can never die, just come back and torment humans, meaning all three brothers are still in hell, just THEIR defeat was that they cant come back to the mortal realm. but now that the worldstone is destroyed, theyre gonna come back because its the worldstone thats gonna keep heaven and hell from entering. the fact that the worldstone keeps the human world from merging with heaven and hell means that an evil and a good force had to create it in the first place to keep the balance of power. im guessing cain returns to tristram because we missed something from the first game. we only know that the warrior stuck it in his head and became the dark wanderer, but we do not know what else that was all the way down there. diablo was already down there before who corrupted the kings son, meaning he was there the entire time. tyrael is def on the good side, we just dont know who his superiors are and im guessin we're gonna find out this time. =D
Maybe Tyreal destroying the worldstone would be the last straw with the other members of the Angris Council and they descide to send in Hordes of angelic warriros to finish the planet. Then maybe Trag'Oul and the other Ancients could interfe somehow...idk just an idea
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If you want to arrange it
This world you can change it
If we could somehow make this
Christmas thing last
By helping a neighbor
Or even a stranger
And to know who needs help
You need only just ask
the soulstones are infact destroyed, however its the worldstone that keeps the forces of hell and heaven from coming into the world. with that destroyed, now everyone is fucked :D. tyreal on the other hand might be corrupted, however i dont think so because in the d2 it was said that he did his own thing from the beginning. i think it has something to do with inarius and the nephalem, the angel who created human kind in sanctuary. on the blizzard website, they say that inarius is still in hell. if you read the 3rd book he uses the worldstone to reduce the power of his children to what the humans in sanctuary now belong today. he is the father of humankind, whereas lillith is the mother of human kind, plus, shes the daughter of mephisto. (hint hint), she def knows a way to bring him back. based on the trailer you can see that harrogath and the barbarian highlands are flooded, since it was all ice. you can see the worldstone destroyed as well, and see a bunch of demons rushing into the mortal realm. this is gonna be some next level game, its gonna be all out war b.w. heaven and hell. think about it this way, the soulstones were the only artifacts that the prime evils cud use in order to stay in power in the mortal realm. the prime evils are all immortal, they can never die, just come back and torment humans, meaning all three brothers are still in hell, just THEIR defeat was that they cant come back to the mortal realm. but now that the worldstone is destroyed, theyre gonna come back because its the worldstone thats gonna keep heaven and hell from entering. the fact that the worldstone keeps the human world from merging with heaven and hell means that an evil and a good force had to create it in the first place to keep the balance of power. im guessing cain returns to tristram because we missed something from the first game. we only know that the warrior stuck it in his head and became the dark wanderer, but we do not know what else that was all the way down there. diablo was already down there before who corrupted the kings son, meaning he was there the entire time. tyrael is def on the good side, we just dont know who his superiors are and im guessin we're gonna find out this time. =D
the ideas are good but lemme tell u that TYRAEL does NOT have any superiors, since he is in the Angiris Council
I think there all equal thats why there is no one ruler
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If you want to arrange it
This world you can change it
If we could somehow make this
Christmas thing last
By helping a neighbor
Or even a stranger
And to know who needs help
You need only just ask
Are all of the council equal though, or is there like a head member?
Even if, someone is bound to be more powerful.
theyre all equal but they have their own characteristics and personality for exp: Malthael (i think so) is The Archangel of Death while another one is The Archangel of War.. Tyrael is the archangel of justice
Since there are 50+ pages and I do not want to read them all, I do not know whether or not this has been discussed already.
Falling Meteor Theory: They both come from the "heavens". That's pretty much it. This actually does have some backbone, but it is not the most convincing piece of information.
Fake Soulstones: I do not think so. Smacking down some false stone on the hellforge, in my opinion, would not result in all the gems (and rune, in LoD), nor would it trigger the effects shown in Diablo II.
Was there anything else? This does, in all, seem to be a plausible idea.
Since there are 50+ pages and I do not want to read them all, I do not know whether or not this has been discussed already.
Falling Meteor Theory: They both come from the "heavens". That's pretty much it. This actually does have some backbone, but it is not the most convincing piece of information.
Fake Soulstones: I do not think so. Smacking down some false stone on the hellforge, in my opinion, would not result in all the gems (and rune, in LoD), nor would it trigger the effects shown in Diablo II.
Was there anything else? This does, in all, seem to be a plausible idea.
EDIT: What is a Zakarumite?
I agree u with the soulstones
OFF TOPIC :offtopic::offtopic: A zakarumite is a Zakarum priest or zealot or follower
You know something I buy more would be Tyraels sword being corrupted seeing as it's what made direct contact with the worldstone. Maybe he retrieved it later and it corrupted him, or maybe it's still in the crater waiting to be found.
Now Id like to explain where my initial thoughts about Tyrael being corrupted came from
its a movie where Leonard Boyarski one of the lore designers (head i believe) is talking about Tyrael when he talks about the main storyline for D3
Ill quote him here:
At 11:50 Leonard says: "Tyrael is an angel who has been helping mankind trough the previous games against the wishes of heaven"
"At the end of diablo 2 he was forced to destroy the world stone and (important) this was the last time anyone saw him, what has he been doing all this time, no one has talked to him no one has heard from him"
He contiues: "has he been punished, He stood RIGHT in front of this very powerfull artefact when it exploded. Sure hes an angel butt would that change him in any way what happend to him as a result of this.. so no one knows it has been twenty years and no one has heard any thing from him, why hasnt hell invaded is a very important question, everyone expected hell to invade as soon as the world stone was destroyed
but no one has heard anything from hell"
"these are questions we are going to be looking into further "
This to me.. really suggests that something happend to him at the world stone.. and the punished part also hints to this.. Also he emphazises on the fact we havent heard from him in 20 years and this is a mayor question to everybody.. then he says we will be looking at these questions
check my big post in my signature for the rest of my points reply there also if youd like ^^ Im keen on comments/critics
PS I keep updateing that post with new info if you got anything to add would be great ill add it asap so together we can make one BIG theory
and also when u typed wat he said he said he helped charcters in the PREVIOUS games
Am I the only one in the world who DOESN'T want Tyrael to turn evil? I thought Tyrael was pwnage. He was tough, nice and brilliant. I hope he does not turn evil, but, it's possible he was banished from Heaven for blowing up the Worldstone.
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[center] - Great website and great Diablo III streams and Skype chat!
Im starting to get the impression that possibly in destroying the worldstone, Tyrael was corrupted by the souls of Diablo, Mephisto and Baal all at once. Maybe because just one of them alone wouldnt have as much affect on Tyrael. He fights them off for 20 years and gets banished from heaven once they realize what's happened to him. Then you see his mask off and either wings or horns on his head and massive red fire instead of light and slowly the three prime evils all take control and reveal their new form, the hydra
i like tyrael but i honestly dont ride his sack to the point where obvious points about him would be labelled by me as "stupid concepts".
i hope the prime evils did rape him and i hope he had to hold them inside of him for 20 years and i hope when they come out it hurts.
sorry if it hurting him might offend you.....
You sound like a flamer and a troll. Your arguments are often along the lines of rehashing already-used concepts and being a jerk to people with opposing points of view. This is forbidden in the forum rules, located here:
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You sound like a flamer and a troll. Your arguments are often along the lines of rehashing already-used concepts and being a jerk to people with opposing points of view. This is forbidden in the forum rules, located here:
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the soulstones are infact destroyed, however its the worldstone that keeps the forces of hell and heaven from coming into the world. with that destroyed, now everyone is fucked :D. tyreal on the other hand might be corrupted, however i dont think so because in the d2 it was said that he did his own thing from the beginning. i think it has something to do with inarius and the nephalem, the angel who created human kind in sanctuary. on the blizzard website, they say that inarius is still in hell. if you read the 3rd book he uses the worldstone to reduce the power of his children to what the humans in sanctuary now belong today. he is the father of humankind, whereas lillith is the mother of human kind, plus, shes the daughter of mephisto. (hint hint), she def knows a way to bring him back. based on the trailer you can see that harrogath and the barbarian highlands are flooded, since it was all ice. you can see the worldstone destroyed as well, and see a bunch of demons rushing into the mortal realm. this is gonna be some next level game, its gonna be all out war b.w. heaven and hell. think about it this way, the soulstones were the only artifacts that the prime evils cud use in order to stay in power in the mortal realm. the prime evils are all immortal, they can never die, just come back and torment humans, meaning all three brothers are still in hell, just THEIR defeat was that they cant come back to the mortal realm. but now that the worldstone is destroyed, theyre gonna come back because its the worldstone thats gonna keep heaven and hell from entering. the fact that the worldstone keeps the human world from merging with heaven and hell means that an evil and a good force had to create it in the first place to keep the balance of power. im guessing cain returns to tristram because we missed something from the first game. we only know that the warrior stuck it in his head and became the dark wanderer, but we do not know what else that was all the way down there. diablo was already down there before who corrupted the kings son, meaning he was there the entire time. tyrael is def on the good side, we just dont know who his superiors are and im guessin we're gonna find out this time. =D
If you want to arrange it
This world you can change it
If we could somehow make this
Christmas thing last
By helping a neighbor
Or even a stranger
And to know who needs help
You need only just ask
the ideas are good but lemme tell u that TYRAEL does NOT have any superiors, since he is in the Angiris Council
Are all of the council equal though, or is there like a head member?
Even if, someone is bound to be more powerful.
If you want to arrange it
This world you can change it
If we could somehow make this
Christmas thing last
By helping a neighbor
Or even a stranger
And to know who needs help
You need only just ask
Falling Meteor Theory: They both come from the "heavens". That's pretty much it. This actually does have some backbone, but it is not the most convincing piece of information.
Fake Soulstones: I do not think so. Smacking down some false stone on the hellforge, in my opinion, would not result in all the gems (and rune, in LoD), nor would it trigger the effects shown in Diablo II.
Was there anything else? This does, in all, seem to be a plausible idea.
EDIT: What is a Zakarumite?
What are you trying to say to me? Why did you quote my post?
Was just pointing out the armor doesn't look like Tyraels thats all.
OFF TOPIC :offtopic::offtopic: A zakarumite is a Zakarum priest or zealot or follower
and also when u typed wat he said he said he helped charcters in the PREVIOUS games - Great website and great Diablo III streams and Skype chat!
I already said it multiple times, but I swear by my membership here that Tyrael will not be "corrupted" (a stupid concept to begin with.)
you sound like a tyrael sackrider.
i like tyrael but i honestly dont ride his sack to the point where obvious points about him would be labelled by me as "stupid concepts".
i hope the prime evils did rape him and i hope he had to hold them inside of him for 20 years and i hope when they come out it hurts.
sorry if it hurting him might offend you.....
You sound like a flamer and a troll. Your arguments are often along the lines of rehashing already-used concepts and being a jerk to people with opposing points of view. This is forbidden in the forum rules, located here:
It is also a form of trolling:
Okay so are you going to give me a ticket?? i have to see you at court?