Fmulder: At the end of Diablo II: Lord of Destruction, Tyrael shattered the Worldstone by throwing his sword into it. Was Tyrael praying when he was “powering up” his sword? What language was he speaking? Ed Trotta: I loved that conclusion. Tyreal was really “letting his hair down” (does he even have hair?), and yes, he was in prayer while powering up his sword. The language? It was a combination of Farsi, Gaelic, and “California surfer speak”. In other words, the language we will all be speaking if we survive long enough.
Fmulder: What do the words actually mean? Just some non-English words put together to sound cool and mysterious? I ask because I don’t speak Farsi or Gaelic, and I don’t surf (laughs). Ed Trotta: The prayer interprets, “Father of the Universe, grant my wings the energy of youth, bless my vision with the wisdom of my years, and please let the hot-tub be unoccupied when I get back to the hotel”.
I have no idea what the words mean. They were an incantation, a mantra if you will, and only Tyreal himself will ever know.
Does anyone know what prayer, language or anything about the prayer in in this cinematic?
Ugh. I was so hoping for something really epic and not something so... <insert negative adjective here>.