Look, i dont get the whole real id stuff and shit... do i have a different name? or is the name i chose for my account the only one? help... im confused by this shit. Oh and the campaign rocks.
you dont have to add your real name or tell us your battle.net account mail to add (that's for real id only). your in-game name and your unique identifier will do.
Correct, the RealID is based on your Battle.net e-mail and is ENTIRELY OPTIONAL.
So provide that if you want, otherwise we just need your name and unique ID, which is the 3-digits attached to your name if you poke around in the 'Friends' menu.
Region:United States
A D D M E ! Let's play 1v1!!
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www.myspace.com/mpotatoes for all your Trans Siberian Orchestra listening pleasure
If you want to arrange it
This world you can change it
If we could somehow make this
Christmas thing last
By helping a neighbor
Or even a stranger
And to know who needs help
You need only just ask
yep so ive decided to start gettin a lil bit back acclimated to the forums, since ive been virtually non-existant on the forums, (especially after i stopped playin D2 to join the army) so heres my first official post of my return, and u can find me on SC2 alot [until D3 comes out ;)] so heres my info
P.S. im not very good at melee and play mostly UMS (custom games for the new guys) but if u just need an extra man, i still love playing
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Twas long ago that death was my ally.
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Add me, fools!
US Players
AcidReign - AcidReign 992
Archie - Archie 265
DaWg - Publar 170
deadsightsxx - deadsightsx 530
DesmondTiny - Stereo 954
Donsro - Donsro 356
Ent1ty - Entity 846
Equinox - Synlarch 877
GhostZ - ThaDickDoc 762
Forty09 - Gary 420
IceBlade - IceBlade 561
IIrrational - MikesMart ?
Kiserai - HalcyonMaus 119
necronergal - Wrath 205
Ryukenden - andromeda ?
Siaynoq - Siaynoq 886
tsengko - TheCuteOne ?
Zhuge - Zhuge 815
EU Players
ansl - ansl 831
arry2007uk - Arry 854
D4unas - Zalias 278
Dauroth - Dauroth 197
DeathWingSC - DeathWingSC 411
Don-Guillotine - Don 803
Epsilemna - Metallicutz 766
FingonfinGR - Fingolfin 858
Jamoose - Jamoose 536
AlucardIX - Raynor 231
KonataX - Suika 354
us region
US region
Look, i dont get the whole real id stuff and shit... do i have a different name? or is the name i chose for my account the only one? help... im confused by this shit. Oh and the campaign rocks.
So provide that if you want, otherwise we just need your name and unique ID, which is the 3-digits attached to your name if you poke around in the 'Friends' menu.
US Region
U.S. Region
Siaynoq's Playthroughs
U.S. Region
awesome as zerg and protoss
also loves custom maps =3
Be my Buddy =^.^=
Region:United States
A D D M E ! Let's play 1v1!!
If you want to arrange it
This world you can change it
If we could somehow make this
Christmas thing last
By helping a neighbor
Or even a stranger
And to know who needs help
You need only just ask
1v1 all the way!!!
P.S. im not very good at melee and play mostly UMS (custom games for the new guys) but if u just need an extra man, i still love playing