I'm wondering how much I could get for these boots with double roll on str?
There's anything between 20M and 130M on the AH right now, mostly regular ones and some with double roll on vit.
Here are the full stats :
324 Armor
172 Str
39 Int
94 Vit
71 All Res
12% Mov. Speed
Reduces duration of control impairing effects by 14%
I'm wondering how much I could get for these boots with double roll on str?
There's anything between 20M and 130M on the AH right now, mostly regular ones and some with double roll on vit.
Here are the full stats :
324 Armor
172 Str
39 Int
94 Vit
71 All Res
12% Mov. Speed
Reduces duration of control impairing effects by 14%