This thread contains all music, all speech files, sound effects, links to all videos, monster animations, item images and other images found in Diablo I. All these files have been extracted from DIABLODAT.mpq found on the Diablo I CD.
Contains all speech files from Diablo I. NPC Speech contains all speech by the townspeople and by the books found in the game, Character speech all speech by teh three classes (rogue, sorceror, warrior) and Sounds contain all sound effects, including monster deaths (for those of you who want to hear Knights dying once again). SOunds also include monster speech, like Snotspil and Gharbad's dialogue.
Interesting things here:
It appears that Izual was supposed to appear in D1, as there's a file bearing his name in the files.¨¨
Another leftover sound is someone, probably a warlock (whatever that is in the Diablo Universe), who tempts the player into releasing him from his prison.
All graphics and animations for D1 can be found in the above link eventually. It'st ill under construction (i.e. things are still being uploaded to the wiki). But eventually the page will contain all monster animations, item images and NPC's.
PlugY for Diablo II allows you to reset skills and stats, transfer items between characters in singleplayer, obtain all ladder runewords and do all Uberquests while offline. It is the only way to do all of the above. Please use it.
Supporting big shoulderpads and flashy armor since 2004.
I would think there wasn't anywhere appropriate to slot him in, so they left him for D2
Thx for the sounds files, they're great.
Probably. There another cut one, wlock01.wav (warlock?), which appears to be an imprisoned demon that temps the player to release them from their prison.
He sounds much more ominous and bad ass than Snotspil to say the least
PlugY for Diablo II allows you to reset skills and stats, transfer items between characters in singleplayer, obtain all ladder runewords and do all Uberquests while offline. It is the only way to do all of the above. Please use it.
Supporting big shoulderpads and flashy armor since 2004.
I've known for a long time about the cut content from Diablo 1. But I thought it was Inarius, not Izual that was going to be in the game. The manual referenced him quite heavily. I believe he will make an appearance in Diablo 3.
I also wonder what the game would've been like had they not cut Tremaine out of the game. I figured he was probably a rank or so lower than Lazarus and managed to escape corruption but had become paranoid and stricken with neurosis after the whole corruption of the Cathedral.
I've known for a long time about the cut content from Diablo 1. But I thought it was Inarius, not Izual that was going to be in the game. The manual referenced him quite heavily. I believe he will make an appearance in Diablo 3.
"How much suffering mortal does it take, before you loose your grace? Let me show you." - izual01.wav
It's possible either Izual or Inarius spawned from the concept of the other, as both are angels who betrayed heaven, though one did it for personal flaws while the other might have been corrupted and/or evil/demonic at heart. Both could at one point have been slated for the game, but Blizzard has a habit of not changing their file names (Anya is known as Dreya in the Diablo II files, among others), so if the file is named Izual, it was probably intended for him in the beginning. Whether Inarius is a by-product of Izual that was created to expand on the fallen angel concept, or simply never got into production we'll probably never know though.
I also wonder what the game would've been like had they not cut Tremaine out of the game. I figured he was probably a rank or so lower than Lazarus and managed to escape corruption but had become paranoid and stricken with neurosis after the whole corruption of the Cathedral.
PlugY for Diablo II allows you to reset skills and stats, transfer items between characters in singleplayer, obtain all ladder runewords and do all Uberquests while offline. It is the only way to do all of the above. Please use it.
Supporting big shoulderpads and flashy armor since 2004.
Whether Inarius is a by-product of Izual that was created to expand on the fallen angel concept, or simply never got into production we'll probably never know though.
Mm, probably not. Regardless though. Inarius will totally be in Diablo 3.
Wow, nice work. Of course, putting models, animations and backgrounds together is real labor (and at least the monk and Na-Krul probably involved some significant work), even if it's based on a template, but I think it says something that 'Hellfire' is the last title listed in that article on Synergistic, and that Bliz has more or less pretended that it never existed and has never licensed out their IP to an outside studio since that time (and may not even be outsourcing pre-production cinematic stuff again after that leak a few months ago).
The general consensus is that Blizz had a lot of ideas when making D1, but decided to release the game as we all know, and a lot of the surplus ideas made the core for what we know as D2.
There isn't much to the original D beyond 'Real-time Rogue'. D2 was much, much more ambitious in scope (and much less focused as a result IMO).
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Speech Files
Download Link: Diablo I Music.rar
YouTube Link: Diablo I Music
Countains all music (6 tracks, but still) from Diablo I, all converted to .mp3 format.
Download Link 1: Diablo I NPC Speech.rar
Download Link 2: Diablo I Character Speech.rar
Download Link 3: Diablo I Sounds.rar
Contains all speech files from Diablo I. NPC Speech contains all speech by the townspeople and by the books found in the game, Character speech all speech by teh three classes (rogue, sorceror, warrior) and Sounds contain all sound effects, including monster deaths (for those of you who want to hear Knights dying once again). SOunds also include monster speech, like Snotspil and Gharbad's dialogue.
Interesting things here:
YouTube Link: Diablo I Cinematics
All cinematics can be viewed on our YouTube page.
Wiki Link:
All graphics and animations for D1 can be found in the above link eventually. It'st ill under construction (i.e. things are still being uploaded to the wiki). But eventually the page will contain all monster animations, item images and NPC's.
I would think there wasn't anywhere appropriate to slot him in, so they left him for D2
Thx for the sounds files, they're great.
He sounds much more ominous and bad ass than Snotspil to say the least
I also wonder what the game would've been like had they not cut Tremaine out of the game. I figured he was probably a rank or so lower than Lazarus and managed to escape corruption but had become paranoid and stricken with neurosis after the whole corruption of the Cathedral.
Siaynoq's Playthroughs
It's possible either Izual or Inarius spawned from the concept of the other, as both are angels who betrayed heaven, though one did it for personal flaws while the other might have been corrupted and/or evil/demonic at heart. Both could at one point have been slated for the game, but Blizzard has a habit of not changing their file names (Anya is known as Dreya in the Diablo II files, among others), so if the file is named Izual, it was probably intended for him in the beginning. Whether Inarius is a by-product of Izual that was created to expand on the fallen angel concept, or simply never got into production we'll probably never know though.
He's the guy in my sig. He was meant to be an NPC in Diablo but didn't make the final cut. There might even be a speech file or two for him.
Siaynoq's Playthroughs
Do you have any supporting documentation on that, or is that just a theory?
There isn't much to the original D beyond 'Real-time Rogue'. D2 was much, much more ambitious in scope (and much less focused as a result IMO).