Has anyone or does anyone have this problem with game minimizing by itself? This is starting to get very frustrating as i can not seem to find a solution. Everything is up to date. no virus. no over heating. all background applications disabled and yet. I thought maybe it was screen saver kicking in but shut all that off and it still happens. And to point out that this is the only game that does it. I wouldn't care that much but i only play HC and only by pure luck this has not happened whilst in battle. what is the answer to this problem?
Not sure if this is the same problem you are having, but here is a link to a thread on the official forums highlighting a problem some of us have been having. No answer as of yet, but hopefully soon!
Curious as I have one system that does this as well with just D3. When the issue occurs for me it always occurs in two's. The second will occur within like a minute of the first minimize. Then all is fine for X number of hours before it again happens two times. As you say rather annoying issue thankfully I do not play on HC as I have died many times to this issue to date since 2.0.1 went live. :/
No, this is not a black screen hang issue. Literally it is as if we are hitting ALT+TAB to task switch to the desktop when we have not done so. The system is fully functioning and rendering fine and we are able to task switch back to Diablo 3 without issue. And as the OP stated it seems to only be D3 that is doing this and only since the patch. I was beginning to think I had a gremlin in my system since no one I know has seen this except me on just one of my various systems.
True about window mode... hadn't thought about the BNet launcher. I will have to try and exit it the next time I have a chance to log in and see if it helps or not.
well. window mode sucks. Miss clicking onto desktop is not fun. So I have been still running game without Bnet launcher (full screen) and it still has not minimized as of yet. Also if you look at your processes there will still be Bnet updater going. ended that to.
I played a bit last night, not sure if it was long enough to trigger the issue or not, but I did not minimize once with the BNet launcher killed. Good find on this work around... Bliz needs to fix their launcher it looks like if it is the true culprit here.
no. scrap all that. i finally figured it out. because it just happened. in my case anyway. my CTRL button was sticking and i was hitting ESC. CTRL+ESC=game minimizing. when ever i have my inventory up or anything i always hit ESC to close it. so anyway. stoner moment.
no. scrap all that. i finally figured it out. because it just happened. in my case anyway. my CTRL button was sticking and i was hitting ESC. CTRL+ESC=game minimizing. when ever i have my inventory up or anything i always hit ESC to close it. so anyway. stoner moment.
problem fixed
Pressing alt and enter also does this, in case you have your item highlighting on atl.
Well, I can definitely say it is not CTRL+ESC for my issue. I got up from my computer and left it sitting in the game for a couple minutes and came back to it sitting at the desktop. I had forgot to kill off the launcher and background process. Every time I make sure to kill the launcher and background updater I do not hit the issue. So I still think it is tied to the Blizz launcher for some reason.
I had a similar problem in the past and I found the best way to solve it was to bring up the task manager, got to processes, right click on Diablo III.exe, set priority. Setting the priority to High or Real Time should prevent it from minimizing randomly, as long as it's higher than your other processes, although it may also prevent you from bringing up other windows if you want to also.
If any of you are running two monitors, have you tried disabling one. I had the issue with random minimize to taskbar when my other monitor was enabled.
I have since changed it to window mode.
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Don't feed the trolls....they will bite your hand off.
Curious as I have one system that does this as well with just D3. When the issue occurs for me it always occurs in two's. The second will occur within like a minute of the first minimize. Then all is fine for X number of hours before it again happens two times. As you say rather annoying issue thankfully I do not play on HC as I have died many times to this issue to date since 2.0.1 went live. :/
edit. quick fix is to play game in window mode. it will not minimize if you play windowed.
problem fixed
I have since changed it to window mode.