All of my stash has dissapeard and only have the ring called signet ring of the blizzard. Can anyone explain why and how i can fix it. I had several full set for my necromancer, crusader demon hunter, and wizard. I put a lot of time and effort into farm that gear. As well as several legendaries some almost impossible to farm for. Please give me an idea as to what has happened. Plus I lost several hundred gems.
Either you logged in the wrong server(zone) or you got hacked.
The ring Is a bonus item you get for having your PSN/XBL account linked with your account, you get one in your inventory or stash (dont remember) every time you create a new character.
All of my stash has dissapeard and only have the ring called signet ring of the blizzard. Can anyone explain why and how i can fix it. I had several full set for my necromancer, crusader demon hunter, and wizard. I put a lot of time and effort into farm that gear. As well as several legendaries some almost impossible to farm for. Please give me an idea as to what has happened. Plus I lost several hundred gems.
Either you logged in the wrong server(zone) or you got hacked.
The ring Is a bonus item you get for having your PSN/XBL account linked with your account, you get one in your inventory or stash (dont remember) every time you create a new character.
Those Who Do Not Know True Pain Cannot Possibly Understand True Peace...
@V0yder: Did you farm the gear you're talking about in Season 20 ?
Seasonal loot will automatically be transfered to non-season after the season ended.
If so, you'll find an envelope (mail) icon in the bottom left corner of your D3 screen (assuming you use PC).