After the server came back up from the scheduled maintenance today i decided to try push Greater Rift leaderboards. I am using the carnevil build with my WD and out of nowhere my Fetish Army and Fetish Scycophants stopped shoot the darts all together. The only thing shooting darts was me. I looked at my helm to make sure it wasn't broken and it was NOT broken. I have no clue what causes this bug. The Fetishes just stop shooting all together and start meleeing. I even tried recasting FA in hopes that would "reset the AI" or what ever and that didn't help. I tried alt tabing-didn't help. Please Fix!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If i restart the game it will work properly. Actually, if you go back to town and shoot a couple darts it will fix it self but the point is that in the middle of a rift it just stops working. This is really really frustrating because i had farmed up tons of 55 keys to try and push the leaderboards and on 2 of my last keys it just stopped working and ruined 2 pretty decent rifts. i got so behind on time trying to fix the problem and it was then ,when i got WAY behind that i just went back to town, shot a couple darts, it started working properly and left the game. i was so behind there was no way i was going to catch up.
Make a habit out of recording your rifts and so on (Stop the recording after each rift or what ever you're doing and record again when starting something), when playing on the test servers.
When something shows up (like this), you have a video to supply as well as feedback
I do this myself - when finishing a rift or whatever, I just delete the video I just made and start a new one (if nothing strange showed up).
It doesn't have to be the over-the-top quality (If your setup can handle that; then just do that - not really that taxing though), but as long as what you're doing is fairly clear, then that'll do
I've been running into this too. Really annoying when you're pushing GR's and it's actually looking good till the lil buggers decide to stop shooting. Totally kills your momentum
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After the server came back up from the scheduled maintenance today i decided to try push Greater Rift leaderboards. I am using the carnevil build with my WD and out of nowhere my Fetish Army and Fetish Scycophants stopped shoot the darts all together. The only thing shooting darts was me. I looked at my helm to make sure it wasn't broken and it was NOT broken. I have no clue what causes this bug. The Fetishes just stop shooting all together and start meleeing. I even tried recasting FA in hopes that would "reset the AI" or what ever and that didn't help. I tried alt tabing-didn't help. Please Fix!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Did you try restarting game?
If i restart the game it will work properly. Actually, if you go back to town and shoot a couple darts it will fix it self but the point is that in the middle of a rift it just stops working. This is really really frustrating because i had farmed up tons of 55 keys to try and push the leaderboards and on 2 of my last keys it just stopped working and ruined 2 pretty decent rifts. i got so behind on time trying to fix the problem and it was then ,when i got WAY behind that i just went back to town, shot a couple darts, it started working properly and left the game. i was so behind there was no way i was going to catch up.
Make a video and report it on the official forums, here nobody can help.
This has happened on the Wiz with hydras as well. Porting to town and coming back fixes it.
I cant afford to port back to town when im trying to push leader boards.
I'm having the same issue with my WD. =/
Just a quick tip:

Make a habit out of recording your rifts and so on (Stop the recording after each rift or what ever you're doing and record again when starting something), when playing on the test servers.
When something shows up (like this), you have a video to supply as well as feedback
I do this myself - when finishing a rift or whatever, I just delete the video I just made and start a new one (if nothing strange showed up).
It doesn't have to be the over-the-top quality (If your setup can handle that; then just do that - not really that taxing though), but as long as what you're doing is fairly clear, then that'll do
I've been running into this too. Really annoying when you're pushing GR's and it's actually looking good till the lil buggers decide to stop shooting. Totally kills your momentum