About a week ago i decided to format my computer. It was due time. Lot of stuff installed and my "ocd" got the better of me.
Before formatting diablo 3 ran spotless. No lag, nothing. Never noticed a single slowdown.
After Formatting it runs terrible. Fps is still steady at around 80 (100 hz monitor V-sync on). But still it feels like i have 3 fps at times. Even tho it doesnt go down.
My specs are as follows.
Intel i5 3570K.
Nvidia geforce 780 TI
16gb ram.
OS and D3 on SSD drive
All Drivers are up to date. gfx, soundcard. chipset. etc.
So since it worked spotless before the formatting and not after. Im thinking it must be some settings that isnt correct. Or i would have had the same issues before aswell.
I tried to go over it multiple times but no matter what i do. I never seem to get the game to run flawless.
Any suggestions to help a brother out ?
Only thing i did different from the last time around is that i might have got a updated nvidia driver after formatting. That i had a older version before. Could that be it ?
Try going into the Nvidia control panel, go to Manage 3d settings, under global settings change 'Power Management Mode' from adaptive to 'Prefer Maximum Performance'.
About a week ago i decided to format my computer. It was due time. Lot of stuff installed and my "ocd" got the better of me.
Before formatting diablo 3 ran spotless. No lag, nothing. Never noticed a single slowdown.
After Formatting it runs terrible. Fps is still steady at around 80 (100 hz monitor V-sync on). But still it feels like i have 3 fps at times. Even tho it doesnt go down.
My specs are as follows.
Intel i5 3570K.
Nvidia geforce 780 TI
16gb ram.
OS and D3 on SSD drive
All Drivers are up to date. gfx, soundcard. chipset. etc.
So since it worked spotless before the formatting and not after. Im thinking it must be some settings that isnt correct. Or i would have had the same issues before aswell.
I tried to go over it multiple times but no matter what i do. I never seem to get the game to run flawless.
Any suggestions to help a brother out ?
Only thing i did different from the last time around is that i might have got a updated nvidia driver after formatting. That i had a older version before. Could that be it ?
According to nvidia They are not beta drivers.
Also tried turning of Indexing service. No change
All temps are good. Nothing is overheating. No virus found with microsoft security essentials and Hitman pro.
Try going into the Nvidia control panel, go to Manage 3d settings, under global settings change 'Power Management Mode' from adaptive to 'Prefer Maximum Performance'.
Just a thought. Helped me out before.
Tried changing sound channels to low and also have it to max power on nvidia.
What seemed to fix a tiny bit was setting vertical sync to adaptive in control panel and turning it off in game.
But still not where it should be.
Gonna toy around some more with pre rendering frames and some other settings.