the navigation links (the ones that u click to go back to forum, or forum home, this -> Home > Site Suggestions and Questions > Create Thread) isnt working.
also on main page, u cant click on topic on recent forum posts section
like minon said, there a spot, just went to check now and see it.. the problem, the spot is a little below the topic title, so the cursor isnt on top of the words
I can reproduce the Navigation link issue on Firefox, but the Recent Posts on the main page seem fine with all browsers I've tried. What browser are you running?
Either way, we passed it on to the developers. Thanks for the report!
You can't click the top entry in the Blue Tracker box ("need help") and the Recent Forum post (forum links isn't working) except if you get your cursor on like the bottom 2 pixels. Looks like this element is sitting on top of it.
the navigation links (the ones that u click to go back to forum, or forum home, this -> Home > Site Suggestions and Questions > Create Thread) isnt working.
also on main page, u cant click on topic on recent forum posts section
i am using chrome.
like minon said, there a spot, just went to check now and see it.. the problem, the spot is a little below the topic title, so the cursor isnt on top of the words
You can't click the top entry in the Blue Tracker box ("need help") and the Recent Forum post (forum links isn't working) except if you get your cursor on like the bottom 2 pixels. Looks like this element is sitting on top of it.
All hail the Molster! At last, this issue should be resolved. Thanks for all the in-depth feedback and elaborate guidance on how to fix this.