Some key points (this video is terrible so I think someone might appreciate it):
Farms using 100 accounts
Writes scripts for his own bots, and manages the accounts to run them
Each account can be on America and EU at the same time, doubling each accounts effectiveness
Approx. 300k gold for each account per hour
Gold prices: $12 US for 1 million, gold prices dropped by half in one day and continue to drop
Inflation is going to start getting outrageous if Blizzard does nothing to curb him and his kind
Blizzard needs to raise money sink prices to compensate
Approx. 10,000 accounts currently in use farming gold worldwide (this produces 72 BILLION gold per day if each account makes 300k per hour running with 100% uptime)
Bots run 24h a day
Accounts are never banned, Warden cannot see the bots and likely will not for 3-4 months he figures
People (farmers) are saving up tons and tons of gold for the day RMAH comes in ("people will sells billions of gold, undercutting, especially the Chinese")
If the farmer can't make enough money to live off of, then the game has failed in his eyes, because then the game has been ruined for everyone because of inflation
Saving money for RMAH with a few others, selling some gold on grey market for little bits of money
( at this point the retarded interviewer's CELL PHONE RINGS WTF )
Approx. $6000 gold USD investment for the accounts
Some farmers, but not him and his guys, use hacked and phished accounts ("very illegal")
bug in Blizzard store for EU (not specific on details)
accounts are bought with stolen credit card #'s often (he only buys fresh CD keys however, legitimately)
account hacking on Blizzard forum that was big issue a week or so ago - your computers are not being hacked, they hack FANSITES AND TEST ALL EMAIL AND PASSWORD COMBOS IN GAME (keep your D3 pass different than anything) - process is called 'comboing' - programs can create 'combo lists' with data that is hacked from other sites
10 million email/passwords compromised - only 1-10% may actually log in, but that is still a great number of accounts
targeted sites: Diablo fan websites, Blizzard-related sites such as MMO-Champ "it's easy"
forums are being compromised OVER AND OVER AGAIN - Paypal, banks, Facebook accounts may be in risk because of this behavior, people with combo lists (see above) will attempt to gain access to a wide swath of sites
Cannot get anything out of the Blizzard website "they are bulletproof, logically"
what Blizz can do - "increase sinks and prevent botters" "fix farming spots and exploits"
Blizz is aware of all exploits and farming locations "it's all over Youtube!"
what if you get banned - "if we made profit, just buy new accounts and fix the problems [that got us banned]"
reiterates that there are idiots who will get caught by Warden, but at the moment he is undetectable with a new method that Warden cannot see at the moment
"10 million email/passwords compromised - only 1-10% may actually log in, but that is still a great number of accounts"
This right here proves most of the shit he's saying is talking out of his ass. I'm not even sure that 10 million people own the game yet, and even if there is, 100% of people have been compromised? FFS this guy is a blowhard.
As for the bots? yes, theyre real. Dunno how this guy is running 100 accounts(or if he's completely full of shit on this as well, which I assume he is). What kind of hardware setup he has going to run 100 clients of the game.
This does not suprise me at all, there is simply no way the EU market would have reached this insane inflation this fast without bots going around..
Hell, I wouldnt be suprised if these bots are partially responsible for bogging down the EU servers, back when they went down 4 times in 3 days.
Absolute tragedy that blizzard fail to addresse this..
Personally I don't think the EU gold AH will ever recover, my hopes now is that the rmah currency will not be so easy to corrupt, as gold sellers will want to cash out rather then spit money into the system.
Blizzard was expectedly unprepared for this. They weren't prepared for the launch of the game period... did anyone think that they'd be prepared for the people who are actively working to dismantle their game?
Honestly, gold inflation is going to be a huge issue in this game. To the point where I question whether people will even use gold for anything besides the artisans and repairs. And if you just buy everything off the AH you don't really need to worry about artisans.
Maybe that will work out in Blizzard's favor though if it gets to the point where you essentially have to use real money if you want to buy items off the AH.
One way that life is made a lot more difficult for farmers is if gold becomes completely useless. Then they actually have to pick up items and understand the different stats to some extent in order to make a profit.
You sure can't feel good about spending hours farming legitimately while people out there are getting gold like this...
Well, clearly the first step is to make it so one account can't log into both EU and US at the same time. The second would be something along the lines of disabling spawning at checkpoints after you NG too many times. They've already made it clear they don't want people running the same mini area for gold/chests/goblins. So, they just ID the places that give large amounts of gold without many monsters, and make so that you can only NG and spawn at that checkpoint a handful of times an hour. It will really only hurt people who are NG farming specific areas (like that Royal Crypt gold run).
Well, clearly the first step is to make it so one account can't log into both EU and US at the same time. The second would be something along the lines of disabling spawning at checkpoints after you NG too many times. They've already made it clear they don't want people running the same mini area for gold/chests/goblins. So, they just ID the places that give large amounts of gold without many monsters, and make so that you can only NG and spawn at that checkpoint a handful of times an hour. It will really only hurt people who are NG farming specific areas (like that Royal Crypt gold run).
one thing that everyone can get is gold. a farmer can certainly add a lot of gold to the economy, but there's still going to be millions of players doing the same thing anyways. even if there were zero farmers, the gold prices would bottom out and be next to worthless when rmah hits. people will have to sell tens of millions at once just to charge a few bucks (eventually).
if you really care about selling things on the rmah for some nice cash on the side then you never intended to do it with something like gold
Honestly, I think this is just going to make companies that want in game economies to start looking to eliminating global play. I mean, it's profitable for Chinese farms because they're cost of living is so much lower than the people who buy it. If Blizzard said you could only play in the region your computer is in, then we wouldn't have nearly as many. And getting rid of global play would be, IMO, bad.
Well, clearly the first step is to make it so one account can't log into both EU and US at the same time. The second would be something along the lines of disabling spawning at checkpoints after you NG too many times. They've already made it clear they don't want people running the same mini area for gold/chests/goblins. So, they just ID the places that give large amounts of gold without many monsters, and make so that you can only NG and spawn at that checkpoint a handful of times an hour. It will really only hurt people who are NG farming specific areas (like that Royal Crypt gold run).
New game. I was referring to running a relatively short section, and then creating a new game to do exactly that. Back in D2LOD Baal runs, you'd get games where you where up to Baal Run 40.
If people didnt buy gold everything would be fine. But of course it is the cheaters that drive up the cost. Right now it is starting to look like hardcore is the only place where the economy wont get totally screwed by the cheaters.
But the main problem is blizzard not catching and having server software that is secure from bots. Legit earning of gold is not that quick the problem is the hundreds of billions of gold that the farm bots have inserted into the economy. That influx of gold make gold take the form of fiat money since the sellers of legit items know that it is trivial to get big amount of gold all you have to do is take out your credit card and voila you have 100 million in your account in no time.
If people didnt buy gold everything would be fine. But of course it is the cheaters that drive up the cost. Right now it is starting to look like hardcore is the only place where the economy wont get totally screwed by the cheaters.
What's stopping botters from hardcore? If they can get a character high enough, just run a simple script to do crypt runs.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Playing Diablo since 97. I know nothing and having nothing good to say, I be a troll.
Don't worry guys, Blizzard loves and takes the best care of Diablo. They always have, I mean no hacks or dupes in Diablo 1 - 2 so there def won't be a problem here either.
Some key points (this video is terrible so I think someone might appreciate it):
Farms using 100 accounts
Writes scripts for his own bots, and manages the accounts to run them
Each account can be on America and EU at the same time, doubling each accounts effectiveness
Approx. 300k gold for each account per hour
Gold prices: $12 US for 1 million, gold prices dropped by half in one day and continue to drop
Inflation is going to start getting outrageous if Blizzard does nothing to curb him and his kind
Blizzard needs to raise money sink prices to compensate
Approx. 10,000 accounts currently in use farming gold worldwide (this produces 72 BILLION gold per day if each account makes 300k per hour running with 100% uptime)
Bots run 24h a day
Accounts are never banned, Warden cannot see the bots and likely will not for 3-4 months he figures
People (farmers) are saving up tons and tons of gold for the day RMAH comes in ("people will sells billions of gold, undercutting, especially the Chinese")
If the farmer can't make enough money to live off of, then the game has failed in his eyes, because then the game has been ruined for everyone because of inflation
Saving money for RMAH with a few others, selling some gold on grey market for little bits of money
( at this point the retarded interviewer's CELL PHONE RINGS WTF )
Approx. $6000
goldUSD investment for the accountsSome farmers, but not him and his guys, use hacked and phished accounts ("very illegal")
bug in Blizzard store for EU (not specific on details)
accounts are bought with stolen credit card #'s often (he only buys fresh CD keys however, legitimately)
account hacking on Blizzard forum that was big issue a week or so ago - your computers are not being hacked, they hack FANSITES AND TEST ALL EMAIL AND PASSWORD COMBOS IN GAME (keep your D3 pass different than anything) - process is called 'comboing' - programs can create 'combo lists' with data that is hacked from other sites
10 million email/passwords compromised - only 1-10% may actually log in, but that is still a great number of accounts
targeted sites: Diablo fan websites, Blizzard-related sites such as MMO-Champ "it's easy"
forums are being compromised OVER AND OVER AGAIN - Paypal, banks, Facebook accounts may be in risk because of this behavior, people with combo lists (see above) will attempt to gain access to a wide swath of sites
Cannot get anything out of the Blizzard website "they are bulletproof, logically"
what Blizz can do - "increase sinks and prevent botters" "fix farming spots and exploits"
Blizz is aware of all exploits and farming locations "it's all over Youtube!"
what if you get banned - "if we made profit, just buy new accounts and fix the problems [that got us banned]"
reiterates that there are idiots who will get caught by Warden, but at the moment he is undetectable with a new method that Warden cannot see at the moment
This right here proves most of the shit he's saying is talking out of his ass. I'm not even sure that 10 million people own the game yet, and even if there is, 100% of people have been compromised? FFS this guy is a blowhard.
As for the bots? yes, theyre real. Dunno how this guy is running 100 accounts(or if he's completely full of shit on this as well, which I assume he is). What kind of hardware setup he has going to run 100 clients of the game.
Either way --- quite the hardware setup to handle but presumably he's also farming other games too, I'd imagine?
Internet wise - what kind of connection are we talking about to run all of them, at once - presumably from the same location.
Hell, I wouldnt be suprised if these bots are partially responsible for bogging down the EU servers, back when they went down 4 times in 3 days.
Absolute tragedy that blizzard fail to addresse this..
Personally I don't think the EU gold AH will ever recover, my hopes now is that the rmah currency will not be so easy to corrupt, as gold sellers will want to cash out rather then spit money into the system.
god damn chinese are hella smart
Blizzard was expectedly unprepared for this. They weren't prepared for the launch of the game period... did anyone think that they'd be prepared for the people who are actively working to dismantle their game?
Honestly, gold inflation is going to be a huge issue in this game. To the point where I question whether people will even use gold for anything besides the artisans and repairs. And if you just buy everything off the AH you don't really need to worry about artisans.
Maybe that will work out in Blizzard's favor though if it gets to the point where you essentially have to use real money if you want to buy items off the AH.
One way that life is made a lot more difficult for farmers is if gold becomes completely useless. Then they actually have to pick up items and understand the different stats to some extent in order to make a profit.
You sure can't feel good about spending hours farming legitimately while people out there are getting gold like this...
BurningRope#1322 (US~HC)
Request an invite to the official (NA) <dfans> Clan
if you really care about selling things on the rmah for some nice cash on the side then you never intended to do it with something like gold
New game. I was referring to running a relatively short section, and then creating a new game to do exactly that. Back in D2LOD Baal runs, you'd get games where you where up to Baal Run 40.
If people didnt buy gold everything would be fine. But of course it is the cheaters that drive up the cost. Right now it is starting to look like hardcore is the only place where the economy wont get totally screwed by the cheaters.
But the main problem is blizzard not catching and having server software that is secure from bots. Legit earning of gold is not that quick the problem is the hundreds of billions of gold that the farm bots have inserted into the economy. That influx of gold make gold take the form of fiat money since the sellers of legit items know that it is trivial to get big amount of gold all you have to do is take out your credit card and voila you have 100 million in your account in no time.
What's stopping botters from hardcore? If they can get a character high enough, just run a simple script to do crypt runs.
Oh wait...
No bot can handle an inferno pack of mobs. GG