Okay So i was woundering,
Supouse you got your CE today, and ofc to pass time you wanna do sumthing fun like get the portraits etc for SC2 while you wait to soothe your hunger.
What are the odds of getting banned for adding the cd key to your b.net acc today? I mean you still wouldent be able to do anything and it's not your fault the retailer sent it out early right?
But then again blizz has the right to ban you for any reason at any time.
Why are people so scared about adding / typing in game codes before the release so they can possibly get banned?
Do you see any harm happening to anyone if you've received your copy already? Nope. Of course Blizz realises shops are sending boxes few days prior to the release day so everyone can start asap, neutral for them, good for the customers.
I also got my CE today, but i get an error when trying to add it to my account. "An error has occured". Anyone else get this? I did sign up for the WoW annual pass, not sure if thats causing the problem.
I don't think there would be any problem, as anyone is allowed to do a digital download of diablo from Blizzard's website, which adds Diablo 3 to their b.net games list. Inputing the CD key would simply add the game to your list of games, in my opinion.
Well i was worried since other items to other games come with the CE like the wow pet and SC2 portraits, since the game havent been released yet per say. And well blizz has the oppertunity to ban you at any time for any reason. so wanted to make sure and not waste 800 nok and loose everything else connected to my b-net. better safe then sorry imo
I also got my CE today, but i get an error when trying to add it to my account. "An error has occured". Anyone else get this? I did sign up for the WoW annual pass, not sure if thats causing the problem.
yes that is indeed a problem, you should contact the support about that since you're only allowed 1 game per account
This is from the annual pass FAQ:
What if I purchase the Diablo III Collector's Edition?
If you choose to add your Collector's Edition license key to the Battle.net account associated with your World of Warcraft Annual Pass promotion, you will receive all of the benefits of the Collector's Edition. Additionally, you will receive four months of World of Warcraft game time, which will count towards your 12 month subscription commitment for the Annual Pass. After you purchase the Diablo III Collector's Edition, add the product key to the Battle.net account that contains a World of Warcraft account that is signed up for the Annual Pass. That World of Warcraft account will then receive the next four months of game time free. For example, if you already have a month of game time on the associated World of Warcraft account when you add your Diablo III Collector's Edition product key, it will be five months until your next subscription payment is due.
I have submited a ticket, but in the wait for a response im wondering if anyone else with annual pass was able to add theyre CE?
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Supouse you got your CE today, and ofc to pass time you wanna do sumthing fun like get the portraits etc for SC2 while you wait to soothe your hunger.
What are the odds of getting banned for adding the cd key to your b.net acc today? I mean you still wouldent be able to do anything and it's not your fault the retailer sent it out early right?
But then again blizz has the right to ban you for any reason at any time.
so got my portaitrs today
Do you see any harm happening to anyone if you've received your copy already? Nope. Of course Blizz realises shops are sending boxes few days prior to the release day so everyone can start asap, neutral for them, good for the customers.
This is from the annual pass FAQ:
I have submited a ticket, but in the wait for a response im wondering if anyone else with annual pass was able to add theyre CE?