The release of Diablo III is almost here! But with which class will you be slaughtering the legions of the Burning Hells?
The Diablo Facebook page posted this poll earlier today. It should be pretty accurate since each person is only allowed to vote once. I am surprised the Demon hunter is so high and the wizard is so low. Anyway, I thought some people would like to see this if they haven't.
61,455 Votes
The Diablo Facebook page posted this poll earlier today. It should be pretty accurate since each person is only allowed to vote once. I am surprised the Demon hunter is so high and the wizard is so low. Anyway, I thought some people would like to see this if they haven't.
61,455 Votes
Barbarian: 15,388 (25%)
Demon Hunter: 14,397 (23.5%)
Monk: 11,693 (19%)
Wizard: 10,927 (17.8%)
Witch Doctor: 9,050 (14.7%)