SOTS recently revealed the newest addition to the Sons of the Storm as "Glowei.
In Glowei's profile gallery it shows the work that has been done for Diablo 3. I recognized all of the work except one particular piece. I have never seen this piece before.
You may know Glowei best as the artist who did the cover of the Diablo Archive and all of the cool artwork from wow particularly of Illidan and Arthas.
Also, I'll give you guys what could be a bit of insight. After looking through his gallery, I noticed he does a lot of Oriental characters. So, this may very well be the guy responsible for the Wizard being oriental.
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"I want to say something but I'll keep it to myself I guess and leave this useless post behind to make you aware that there WAS something... "
"We're like the downtown of the Diablo related internet lol"
Well, I'd like to add that I do like how the Wizardess looks, all Asiany. It kinda makes sense for some reason. Mr. Wizard doesn't look Asian IMO, though.
"I want to say something but I'll keep it to myself I guess and leave this useless post behind to make you aware that there WAS something... "
"We're like the downtown of the Diablo related internet lol"
"I want to say something but I'll keep it to myself I guess and leave this useless post behind to make you aware that there WAS something... "
"We're like the downtown of the Diablo related internet lol"
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Hhmmm..Hammy, how did you see it? I'm trying to get it up for everyone to see but it's posing problems...
I think I know a way to fix it...hold on everybody, you will see the awesomeness soon enough.
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"I want to say something but I'll keep it to myself I guess and leave this useless post behind to make you aware that there WAS something... "
"We're like the downtown of the Diablo related internet lol"
"I want to say something but I'll keep it to myself I guess and leave this useless post behind to make you aware that there WAS something... "
"We're like the downtown of the Diablo related internet lol"
I thought it was pretty damn important for you guys to see.
I've been checking the SOTS site for soooo long in anticipation of the revealing of the new Son. And the wait was worth it.
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"I want to say something but I'll keep it to myself I guess and leave this useless post behind to make you aware that there WAS something... "
"We're like the downtown of the Diablo related internet lol"
I laugh in the face of those questioning the art direction of Diablo 3.
Can you imagine how the gorier art will look?
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"I want to say something but I'll keep it to myself I guess and leave this useless post behind to make you aware that there WAS something... "
"We're like the downtown of the Diablo related internet lol"
Well, I remember when they announced the class, guy. That image was not shown to me. And apparently it's new to all these people to. So, your bubble bursting failed.
Lawl. And to think a ScyberDragon could burst the bubble of the legendary Reptar!
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"I want to say something but I'll keep it to myself I guess and leave this useless post behind to make you aware that there WAS something... "
"We're like the downtown of the Diablo related internet lol"
Why thank you! Just doing my duty as a good DiabloFan.
Reptar is a team player!
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"I want to say something but I'll keep it to myself I guess and leave this useless post behind to make you aware that there WAS something... "
"We're like the downtown of the Diablo related internet lol"
There are at least three other threads on this pic. One I argued that it was the wiz even though she had a sword and dagger. Another was that she was a female monk due to the over exaggerated Asian theme. The last was a thread about all of the banners this was shown on with the barb and diablo.
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Link then? Not even Seth has seen this image. If they did make threads about it they were not good threads because I missed them.
So far your the only person who has seemed to of seen this image before so it's still a new find in the eyes of Reptar.
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"I want to say something but I'll keep it to myself I guess and leave this useless post behind to make you aware that there WAS something... "
"We're like the downtown of the Diablo related internet lol"
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SOTS recently revealed the newest addition to the Sons of the Storm as "Glowei.
In Glowei's profile gallery it shows the work that has been done for Diablo 3. I recognized all of the work except one particular piece. I have never seen this piece before.
You may know Glowei best as the artist who did the cover of the Diablo Archive and all of the cool artwork from wow particularly of Illidan and Arthas.
Also, I'll give you guys what could be a bit of insight. After looking through his gallery, I noticed he does a lot of Oriental characters. So, this may very well be the guy responsible for the Wizard being oriental.
"We're like the downtown of the Diablo related internet lol"
"We're like the downtown of the Diablo related internet lol"
Is the image still not showing up on the OP?
"We're like the downtown of the Diablo related internet lol"
It says:
I think I know a way to fix it...hold on everybody, you will see the awesomeness soon enough.
"We're like the downtown of the Diablo related internet lol"
"We're like the downtown of the Diablo related internet lol"
Anyway, that is an awesome find
Join the chat!
I thought it was pretty damn important for you guys to see.
I've been checking the SOTS site for soooo long in anticipation of the revealing of the new Son. And the wait was worth it.
"We're like the downtown of the Diablo related internet lol"
Can you imagine how the gorier art will look?
"We're like the downtown of the Diablo related internet lol"
Find any Diablo news? Contact me or anyone else on the News team
Lawl. And to think a ScyberDragon could burst the bubble of the legendary Reptar!
"We're like the downtown of the Diablo related internet lol"
Reptar is a team player!
"We're like the downtown of the Diablo related internet lol"
Find any Diablo news? Contact me or anyone else on the News team
So far your the only person who has seemed to of seen this image before so it's still a new find in the eyes of Reptar.
"We're like the downtown of the Diablo related internet lol"