1. This might be big news for you, but games are not realistic and often not logical But I can give you one: Spells opens rifts into the energy ether, the strength of the spell doesn't matter. Weaker spells generates more from the rift than they spend, while strong spend more than the rift generates.
2. Spells would be divided into draining (frozen orb, meteor, blizzard, lightning, etc) and charging (frost bolt, fire bolt, lightning bolt, etc), mostly depending on the total amount of damage they do, or how useful they are. They can also be modified with the efficiency rune to change them into charging spells.
3. Every single combat move in D2 is not physically possible, thus ridiculous and unlogical.
4. And the more the Barbarian hits, the stronger he gets. He is teh Hulk!
you have difference between logical, realistic and fantastic. When I say "logical" I mean more mathematic view and for the balancing and for the gameplay.
Sorry but I don't understand very well your explaination.
You talk about your concept like if it was already confirmed...
If I think about what blizzard said : more wizard will cast more he will be vulnerable. They don't want wizard be unable to cast.
But with your concept, if I cast strong spell I will run out of energy (then I need to cast small spell)... But what I understand from blizzard it's if I cast strong spell I will be extremly vulnerable. If I cast small spell I will be less vulnerable. What is hard to understand in that ?
Imagine Blizz making it so you got all the skills but each one has a cooldown and you jsut gota do each one and wait for the others to be ready... that would suck...lol
Just had to mention this point xD
I may not have expressed this persons point clearly.
Think along the lines of Halo's Plasma rifle. You shoot the thing on automatic too long and it overheats for a bit. It works if you need to burst down something.
If you manage it where you dont over heat it then you can still be effective.
Think of each shot of the Halo Plasma rifle as a single spell for the wizard.
No energy! =D everything is free.
i think having a small cd on most spells would encourage a wider use of spells. the problem with d2 was everyone spammed the same ability over and over since they put all their points into focusing on max damage from teh most effective one.
using lots of different spells is fun! slow fireball/aoe then shoot a few instant slows maybe a knockback ability and a class temporary buff, rinse and repeat.
thinking about what your doing is the first sign of skill, and this way gives you the option of showing skill so much more easily than d2 (while still having the most effective quality in your specific role).
hm, are you saying that 'my' concept is bad or good, because this:
is exactly what it is doing.
I define logical as beeing possible and realistic, which doesn't fit with any game I have played so far.
Your concept don't make wizard more vulnerable but less strong (small spell). It's not the same.
lol stop arg about "logical" I just explain it. Something fantastic can be logical but something logical cannot be fantastic. It's only not logic to use up energy and regain it. Exemple : I pay 20$ to have 40$ ???
Using spell shouldn't give energy it's supposed to cost energy !! It's what I call "logical". A spell is a form of energy so how you can gain energy when you supposed to spend it ?
It will be too hard to balance, on start small spell is your first spell so it is a big one ? when it will be considered to be a small one ? when you reach an other tier ?
I think if I were blizzard I would try to think how I could keep the wizard in the action AND regenerate energy. I would discard anything that would prevent or encourage the player NOT to be in combat. So things like non combat regeneration would be the first thing to go. If there is any way that a player can regain energy quickly by not being in battle it encourages the player to run away, wait and then come fight again. That being said, if anyone has played sorc on Hell difficulty on D2 and tried to cast weak spells... It's lame, it doesn't work, and you die. I'm not saying D3 is the same game but I think that you'll have less chance to run away than in D2 (tp?)
Here's my solution and its by no means perfect. Wizard has an energy source that starts full. This allows you to blast quickly when you begin the fight. The regen out of battle is either slow or non existent. I'd prefer non existent cause there are players with much more patience than I have and would still wait for their energy to refill. So then how to get energy? I would give the wizard some default spell. This spell would drain energy from surrounding baddies and cause them to move slowly. The monsters life doesn't diminish and they can still attack you but they move slow while you recharge your energy. While the energy is being recharged you cannot cast other spells which makes you vulnerable. So basically you have to stay in the fight but you cannot attack until you are done recharging. There are disadvantages to this and would be hard to implement for PvP but it keeps you in the fight and you get energy.
2. Spells would be divided into draining (frozen orb, meteor, blizzard, lightning, etc) and charging (frost bolt, fire bolt, lightning bolt, etc), mostly depending on the total amount of damage they do, or how useful they are. They can also be modified with the efficiency rune to change them into charging spells.
I realize, with that idea you decrease customization.
In d2 I see many bodies try to build a charging bolt character (it can be cool if the game wasn't so unbalanced) but if you separate spells like that, no one will try this kind of character because the spell are only for charging others spells so it's mean "small" spell, without possibility to be strong. That is exactly what blizzard don't want, make skills less useful than others. You will say : yes is useful for charging others spell, but you prevent them skill to be possibly strong.
Quote from Letyuk »
go with passives like mana cost redaction and increceing mana regeneration no matter in combat or out of combat it can cause some delay wich is good that it will make wizzard run around a bit till mana is full
Passives skill ! I find that a good idea but blizzard don't want the wizard need to run around a bit till mana is full...
How it's make wizard more vulnerable ?
You talk about charging, what happen when wizard run out charge (energy) ? he stop casting ? Blizzard said they don't want that !!
Your concept don't make wizard more vulnerable, it's make wizard less strong.
Blizzard want: when you cast many strong spell you are vulnerable. If you wont that you cast small spell. But small spell let you vulnerable but less than stronger spell. If you wont be vulnerable you don't cast.
yes!and it can be similar to fury system mana globe with traffic lights globes in.u enter the fight with the full mana globe,dealling damage u use mana and full up restoring globes 1 for x% wizzards health damage done to monsters.when u low in mana u can use them to restore ur pull.but restoring globes should be volatile if u dont use then its a waist.and passive can reduse damage done needed in order to get restoring globe.more points in passive = more easy to get restoring globe
Ok Ok, you want when you hit a monster, you recover "mana". So the only thing you have to do is to not miss the monster if you want keep your casting rate ?!
I don't know if it's an appropriate feature for wizard...
I don't know how energy Monk will work, I think something like barb. But barb, wizard and monk they can't be the same thing !!! Blizzard want something different for each...
Ok, so add in loss of resources when you take damage, how is that? You attack in bursts (like a cannon), but your power is lost if you don't stay away from trouble, leaving you vulnerable.
LOL I like this idea, it's the basic particularity of a wizard (strong attack but he's physically weak when he cast), exemple : It's complement the gameplay with a barb, wizard help a lot to massive kill but barb need to protect him.
Quote from "emilemil1" »
I don't believe in making the character physically weaker so it dies more easily, I prefer to play around with the spellcasting resource only. I don't want to step too far away from the classic mana system.
I though blizzard wanted to change completly this system ?!
Quote from "emilemil1" »
Why not? I believe Bashiok said somewhere that it is never fun to run out of mana, and that they want to step away from that. Look at the mana system from Blizzcon, the regeneration was insane and you never run out of mana. When you do, just wait 3 seconds and you have 25% charged again. The Barbarian never runs out unless he is fighting an enemy with so much power that he can't harm them, it can be similar for the Wizard.
Yes, blizzard want that you never run out of mana, but they want implement a system that is fun to play. Something far different from "mana".
I continue to hope a special new functioning of gameplay for wizard, I trust the beautiful words : icy cannon !
Because it what is said, "Icy cannon", and those words can't fit with your concept.
but if u melee wizzard u dont wont to lose ur defense,maybe this build shouldn't need to much of resorce whatever it'll be if not mana,but there is nothing wrong with mana its just the way to restore it
Your defense temporary decreasing only when you cast abusively !! melee wizard will not cast always same as caster so your defense will stay normal.
what about a system in wich you increase your energy constantly, but if that energy gets full then it start to hurt you and you lose health... that will push the wiz into the action constantly so she uses the energy so she won't die, of course, in town this will not happen...
oh, for higer spells more quikly you energy grows so more you have to use them... maybe to OP?
what about a system in wich you increase your energy constantly, but if that energy gets full then it start to hurt you and you lose health... that will push the wiz into the action constantly so she uses the energy so she won't die, of course, in town this will not happen...
oh, for higer spells more quikly you energy grows so more you have to use them... maybe to OP?
Bad idea. You wouldn't be able to stop and thats would be absurd.
Your poor cat are set on fire by some stupid kid while you playing your HC wizard. Imagine yourself have to decide between your cat and your character! Thats terrible.
Though this could be a niiice skill... You active it and you start to regenerate "mana" like crazy but if it reachs the maximun value your magical power explodes and you take tons of damage !
what about a system in wich you increase your energy constantly, but if that energy gets full then it start to hurt you and you lose health... that will push the wiz into the action constantly so she uses the energy so she won't die, of course, in town this will not happen...
oh, for higer spells more quikly you energy grows so more you have to use them... maybe to OP?
AHAHHA the worst idea I heard !!! the goal of blizzard is : when YOU CAST you'll vulnerable NOT when you don't casting you vulnerable. Totally Contrary, lol.
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you have difference between logical, realistic and fantastic. When I say "logical" I mean more mathematic view and for the balancing and for the gameplay.
Sorry but I don't understand very well your explaination.
You talk about your concept like if it was already confirmed...
If I think about what blizzard said : more wizard will cast more he will be vulnerable. They don't want wizard be unable to cast.
But with your concept, if I cast strong spell I will run out of energy (then I need to cast small spell)... But what I understand from blizzard it's if I cast strong spell I will be extremly vulnerable. If I cast small spell I will be less vulnerable. What is hard to understand in that ?
Just had to mention this point xD
No energy! =D everything is free.
i think having a small cd on most spells would encourage a wider use of spells. the problem with d2 was everyone spammed the same ability over and over since they put all their points into focusing on max damage from teh most effective one.
using lots of different spells is fun! slow fireball/aoe then shoot a few instant slows maybe a knockback ability and a class temporary buff, rinse and repeat.
thinking about what your doing is the first sign of skill, and this way gives you the option of showing skill so much more easily than d2 (while still having the most effective quality in your specific role).
Your concept don't make wizard more vulnerable but less strong (small spell). It's not the same.
lol stop arg about "logical" I just explain it. Something fantastic can be logical but something logical cannot be fantastic. It's only not logic to use up energy and regain it. Exemple : I pay 20$ to have 40$ ???
Using spell shouldn't give energy it's supposed to cost energy !! It's what I call "logical". A spell is a form of energy so how you can gain energy when you supposed to spend it ?
It will be too hard to balance, on start small spell is your first spell so it is a big one ? when it will be considered to be a small one ? when you reach an other tier ?
What is FCR system ?
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Here's my solution and its by no means perfect. Wizard has an energy source that starts full. This allows you to blast quickly when you begin the fight. The regen out of battle is either slow or non existent. I'd prefer non existent cause there are players with much more patience than I have and would still wait for their energy to refill. So then how to get energy? I would give the wizard some default spell. This spell would drain energy from surrounding baddies and cause them to move slowly. The monsters life doesn't diminish and they can still attack you but they move slow while you recharge your energy. While the energy is being recharged you cannot cast other spells which makes you vulnerable. So basically you have to stay in the fight but you cannot attack until you are done recharging. There are disadvantages to this and would be hard to implement for PvP but it keeps you in the fight and you get energy.
I realize, with that idea you decrease customization.
In d2 I see many bodies try to build a charging bolt character (it can be cool if the game wasn't so unbalanced) but if you separate spells like that, no one will try this kind of character because the spell are only for charging others spells so it's mean "small" spell, without possibility to be strong. That is exactly what blizzard don't want, make skills less useful than others. You will say : yes is useful for charging others spell, but you prevent them skill to be possibly strong.
Passives skill ! I find that a good idea but blizzard don't want the wizard need to run around a bit till mana is full...
You talk about charging, what happen when wizard run out charge (energy) ? he stop casting ? Blizzard said they don't want that !!
Your concept don't make wizard more vulnerable, it's make wizard less strong.
Blizzard want: when you cast many strong spell you are vulnerable. If you wont that you cast small spell. But small spell let you vulnerable but less than stronger spell. If you wont be vulnerable you don't cast.
it's what I said, it's not make you vulnerable it's make you less strong !!!!!
vulnerable in sense easier to be hurt, to die.
I don't see that as the same thing, less strong in attack or less strong in defense are extremly not the same thing, sorry.
If I analysis "icy canon" : icy will break under attack, canon will always attack at same strengh.
mmm I already know that ??! I don't know what you mean ?!
?! Blizzard don't want that you need to wait the regeneration of mana (energy or something...) !
You aren't completly clear, I don't know what you want finally mean ?!
Ok Ok, you want when you hit a monster, you recover "mana". So the only thing you have to do is to not miss the monster if you want keep your casting rate ?!
I don't know if it's an appropriate feature for wizard...
I don't know how energy Monk will work, I think something like barb. But barb, wizard and monk they can't be the same thing !!! Blizzard want something different for each...
I though blizzard wanted to change completly this system ?!
Yes, blizzard want that you never run out of mana, but they want implement a system that is fun to play. Something far different from "mana".
I continue to hope a special new functioning of gameplay for wizard, I trust the beautiful words : icy cannon !
Because it what is said, "Icy cannon", and those words can't fit with your concept.
loll yes maybe.. It's what I think BUT not free, it will cost your defense then make you more vulnerable.
For melee wizard, you don't cast so you're not vulnerable as much as a caster.
Your defense temporary decreasing only when you cast abusively !! melee wizard will not cast always same as caster so your defense will stay normal.
I think the goal is to have this build viable, possible (not too hard, different gameplay).
oh, for higer spells more quikly you energy grows so more you have to use them... maybe to OP?
Bad idea. You wouldn't be able to stop and thats would be absurd.
Your poor cat are set on fire by some stupid kid while you playing your HC wizard. Imagine yourself have to decide between your cat and your character! Thats terrible.
Though this could be a niiice skill... You active it and you start to regenerate "mana" like crazy but if it reachs the maximun value your magical power explodes and you take tons of damage !
AHAHHA the worst idea I heard !!!