i just skipped like 2 pages because i want to return to real discussion -_-...
Anyhow, the TB (time bubble) could work as some have stated so that only projectiles are slowed. However this WOULD still be good in pvp because the sorc also has an ability (no clue what it is though O.o) where she jumps and shoots a wave or nova of force out from her which as we have seen in gameplay videos sends projectiles flying back in the opposite direction.
If the TB worked to slow everything it would still work in PVP. Barbarians could jump attack in then WW, someone above me mentioned and the Monk could omni slas... Seven sided strike, the shit out of the wizard since during it he seems to be immune to all effects, and his attacks are instantaneous. The WD if all spells work the same in pvp, could just use horrify and force the wizard to run from its little craft bubble. (though i doubt skills will work the same in PvP as they do in PvE just proving a point)
Personally i would like to see the option of free for all arena PvP with max 8 players (theres no monsters so why not 8 instead of 4?) and 2-4 arena teams (again max of 8 -> 4+4=8 :D) because alot of spells seem to work well with other classes, i.e. wizard teleports in to 3 people in a 4V4 match drops a TB to slow their asses Teleports out and they all gang up on the poor sole left out while the rest of the team is stuck in slooooooooow mooooooooee. Theres many other examples but anyway i would just personally like to see team vs team pvp matches
heh the screen turning to soup so true. Well depending on your computer and internet connection. If you have a 5k gaming comp your comp aint goin no where. but if you have some baseline 800 dollar standard dell, crash. Yeah 8 ppl is a little much for low end computers but then again it could not. Im not exactly sure of the sppecs yet so we can't say for sure but its a good guess that 8 ppl with aoe effects will make you lag immensly by oding on your gpu.
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Not even Death will save you from Diablo Bunny's Cuteness!
So we all have seen the wizards globe that slows everything down except his/her attacks. So a barbarian is whirl winding into the wizard. The wizard throws down the globe slowing down the barbarian. While she is able to keep shotting spells at the barbarian. From the videos of the spell it looked like the glode lasted quite a while. I don't fell like going into more detail but i think you get the idea.
Run circles around the orb and WW as soon as it's down.
Or maybe do some Seismic Slams and get her out of it. Sure they'd be slowed, but they are AoE, and eventually she'll have to retreat from the orb.
a) we know too little of game mechanics. obvious problems are usually removed. PvP disbalancing is much more subtle than stuff like this.
c) PvP doesn't have to have the same rules as PvE.
So we all have seen the wizards globe that slows everything down except his/her attacks. So a barbarian is whirl winding into the wizard. The wizard throws down the globe slowing down the barbarian. While she is able to keep shotting spells at the barbarian. From the videos of the spell it looked like the glode lasted quite a while. I don't fell like going into more detail but i think you get the idea.
To the OP:
Link to the video please, good sir. I wish to see this wizard pwning barb with my own eyes. I will then lend my voice to support your point with much conviction and enthusiasm.
So we all have seen the wizards globe that slows everything down except his/her attacks. So a barbarian is whirl winding into the wizard. The wizard throws down the globe slowing down the barbarian. While she is able to keep shotting spells at the barbarian. From the videos of the spell it looked like the glode lasted quite a while. I don't fell like going into more detail but i think you get the idea.
The topic and assertion of this thread both amazes and disgusts me. The game is not near release, even beta testing for that matter, and you're complaining about a class being OP. lmao I R AMAZD
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Anyhow, the TB (time bubble) could work as some have stated so that only projectiles are slowed. However this WOULD still be good in pvp because the sorc also has an ability (no clue what it is though O.o) where she jumps and shoots a wave or nova of force out from her which as we have seen in gameplay videos sends projectiles flying back in the opposite direction.
If the TB worked to slow everything it would still work in PVP. Barbarians could jump attack in then WW, someone above me mentioned and the Monk could omni slas... Seven sided strike, the shit out of the wizard since during it he seems to be immune to all effects, and his attacks are instantaneous. The WD if all spells work the same in pvp, could just use horrify and force the wizard to run from its little craft bubble. (though i doubt skills will work the same in PvP as they do in PvE just proving a point)
Personally i would like to see the option of free for all arena PvP with max 8 players (theres no monsters so why not 8 instead of 4?) and 2-4 arena teams (again max of 8 -> 4+4=8 :D) because alot of spells seem to work well with other classes, i.e. wizard teleports in to 3 people in a 4V4 match drops a TB to slow their asses Teleports out and they all gang up on the poor sole left out while the rest of the team is stuck in slooooooooow mooooooooee. Theres many other examples but anyway i would just personally like to see team vs team pvp matches
Not if they made the map you fight on a huge minator maze so that you only find a person 1 at a time pretty much
Lol. Qft on that.
Run circles around the orb and WW as soon as it's down.
Or maybe do some Seismic Slams and get her out of it. Sure they'd be slowed, but they are AoE, and eventually she'll have to retreat from the orb.
Barbarian, use leap into bubble then knock back out of bubble.
Monk, put pressure on using the reflective shield
I see the wizard slow time as a very strong ability. But in pvp I also see it being easily avoided.
c) PvP doesn't have to have the same rules as PvE.
Link to the video please, good sir. I wish to see this wizard pwning barb with my own eyes. I will then lend my voice to support your point with much conviction and enthusiasm.
Warhammer Online: Mystics - R40/RR41 Goblin Shaman
battle.net has come too far to not take advantage
The topic and assertion of this thread both amazes and disgusts me. The game is not near release, even beta testing for that matter, and you're complaining about a class being OP. lmao I R AMAZD