As you may be aware every class in Diablo III will have their own resource system. The Barbarian will use Fury; Witch Doctor, Mana; and Wizard, Instability. We also completed an early implementation of the Monk's resource system just before the holiday break, and that's continuing to undergo programming and visual refinement. It's a resource certainly fitting of a holy warrior.
This is from Diablo Facebook Page.
So, we finally get a name for the Wizard's Resource System. Instability. Sounds great.
I haven't had time to think how it would work, I'll post my ideas later. But do you guys think?
Also, we get some scarce info on the Monk's Resource. I guess the most interesting part of that is how Blizz refers to the monk as a Holy Warrior.
EDIT: Now that I think of it, this should be moved to General D3 section, since it contains info about the Monk also.
The quality or condition of being erratic or undependable: emotional instability; political instability.
Italics and bold on undependable added by me. That is the one thing I worry about as to why they would use this word to describe the Wizards resource system. Does this mean it can not be trusted? Or do you think they were thinking more of the physical instability of the Wizard to focus more around the casting aspect?
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But I was under the impression that Blizz wanted every class to be somewhat physical also. I also thought they were going to use the Arcane magic as the Wizards resource system? I'm sure that I read that some place, but I may be wrong.
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My guess is using X type of spells will make you increasingly "unstable", so you need to use Y type of spell to "stabilize" yourself. Maybe this is ranged vs melee, or large aoe vs pinpoint accuracy. Either way it lets you spam but you have to balance your skill usage in doing so.
Another possibility is that using any kind of spell makes you "unstable" I.E. adds greater and greater risk if you spam constantly. Unlike a mana system, you can push past your normal spending limits, but maybe some consequences would result, like chance of spell backfiring on you, and stunning you or sapping health.
A third and overly complicated option would be to create 4 spheres of magic, using one sphere to the exclusion of others pushes you far to the edge, with some kind of consequences. So you'd then have to balance your use of magic across 4 different types, with 2 opposed. [E.G. Fire vs Water, Air vs Earth.)
It's not really interesting. Monks are supposed to be Holy Warriors
Yeah, kind of. What I find interesting is that Blizzard agrees with that. Maybe they had a different stance
And I'm pretty much on the same line as FoxBatD2. Use a spell too much and things will get messy until you "stabilize" using another spell. I was thinking more on the lines of elements. Like, you can't spam fire spells all the time
I was thinking more along the lines of what the Wizard is destabilizing, not what is causing the Wizard to become unstable. From the quote I cited, I was imagining the resource coming from the Wizard corrupting the reality around themselves.
I was thinking more along the lines of what the Wizard is destabilizing, not what is causing the Wizard to become unstable. From the quote I cited, I was imagining the resource coming from the Wizard corrupting the reality around themselves.
I like that last part. The Wizard making everything around him that once was stable, unstable.
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My view coincides with Ivaron the most so far. I think the Wizard resource may be to actually become unstable. I come to this conclusion by
It is those magics that this wizard seems determined to explore ? magics centered on manipulating the primal forces from which reality is constructed.
Therefore by the Wizard altering reality and corrupting; power builds more and more. This makes the most logical sense to me.
I can see where you get this idea from but your ignoring the fact that the Wizard might get a little in over his head when using spells that he or she cant handle. I see the wizard as an arrogant type of character, hence believe that the instability resource system will allow you to mash spells until becoming unstable and then having to do something else to bring your character back to stability.
I can see where you get this idea from but your ignoring the fact that the Wizard might get a little in over his head when using spells that he or she cant handle. I see the wizard as an arrogant type of character, hence believe that the instability resource system will allow you to mash spells until becoming unstable and then having to do something else to bring your character back to stability.
Firstly, there is an excess of focus on SPAMMING. I don't think Blizzard is creating these resource systems to stop spamming, as much as to make a more varied and fun game....spamming should be very much a gamer's own choice, right? (yes i spam bone spears :P)
I remember Jay Wilson or someone saying somewhere; "We want to make the wizard even more blasty, but even more vulnerable." I think what Instability means is that we'll probably see that if she really turns into a "light show" (i.e. lots of spells released in a short time), her defences will reduce and damage dealt will increase accordingly.
But even this seems to simple for an entire resource system so dunno really. But something on these lines.
i saw a post on here that was talking about resource systems and the new wizard system using like volatile or something like and not mana? Can anyone tell what blizzard was thinking or what volatile is and what it does?
We don't know. Just like we don't know what the old respec system was that they changed. They're just giving us little bits of information good for nothing more than speculation and with little to no context.
kinda seems like there working way to much on older classes instead of trying to get stuff done there just changing crap maybe that's why its going to take forever for this game lol
To be fair they have a HUGE amount of pressure to make this the best Diablo game ever.
A) They are not the original Diablo team, so if they mess up and this game sucks well then there will be a huge backlash at Blizzard for stopping the original team who has proven themselves on 3 different occasions.
This game is 5 years into development now, if it ends up being rushed or horrible well then people will be asking...what the hell did they do in the 5 year span? Beside redo everything the original team did which brings us back to point A.
C) It's Blizzard, have they ever been on time or even close to releasing games in a timely fashion? I am just glad I didn't know Diablo 2 was being created and I was just lucky my friends dad picked Diablo 2 up on the release day over the sims for him so we could play that day.
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This is from Diablo Facebook Page.
So, we finally get a name for the Wizard's Resource System. Instability. Sounds great.
I haven't had time to think how it would work, I'll post my ideas later. But do you guys think?
Also, we get some scarce info on the Monk's Resource. I guess the most interesting part of that is how Blizz refers to the monk as a Holy Warrior.
EDIT: Now that I think of it, this should be moved to General D3 section, since it contains info about the Monk also.
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EDIT: I mean the part about being erratic
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Another possibility is that using any kind of spell makes you "unstable" I.E. adds greater and greater risk if you spam constantly. Unlike a mana system, you can push past your normal spending limits, but maybe some consequences would result, like chance of spell backfiring on you, and stunning you or sapping health.
A third and overly complicated option would be to create 4 spheres of magic, using one sphere to the exclusion of others pushes you far to the edge, with some kind of consequences. So you'd then have to balance your use of magic across 4 different types, with 2 opposed. [E.G. Fire vs Water, Air vs Earth.)
It's not really interesting. Monks are supposed to be Holy Warriors
@Fox, you also have to take into consideration that, like tele, there may be a "cool down" period to keep you from spamming certain spells.
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Yeah, kind of. What I find interesting is that Blizzard agrees with that. Maybe they had a different stance
And I'm pretty much on the same line as FoxBatD2. Use a spell too much and things will get messy until you "stabilize" using another spell. I was thinking more on the lines of elements. Like, you can't spam fire spells all the time
Sorry guys, means nothing.
Therefore by the Wizard altering reality and corrupting; power builds more and more. This makes the most logical sense to me.
Still, we have no idea what might or might not destabilize the Wizard
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I can see where you get this idea from but your ignoring the fact that the Wizard might get a little in over his head when using spells that he or she cant handle. I see the wizard as an arrogant type of character, hence believe that the instability resource system will allow you to mash spells until becoming unstable and then having to do something else to bring your character back to stability.
Yeah, that would also make sense too
I remember Jay Wilson or someone saying somewhere; "We want to make the wizard even more blasty, but even more vulnerable." I think what Instability means is that we'll probably see that if she really turns into a "light show" (i.e. lots of spells released in a short time), her defences will reduce and damage dealt will increase accordingly.
But even this seems to simple for an entire resource system so dunno really. But something on these lines.
Please this will be nice
this was where i saw it
A) They are not the original Diablo team, so if they mess up and this game sucks well then there will be a huge backlash at Blizzard for stopping the original team who has proven themselves on 3 different occasions.
C) It's Blizzard, have they ever been on time or even close to releasing games in a timely fashion? I am just glad I didn't know Diablo 2 was being created and I was just lucky my friends dad picked Diablo 2 up on the release day over the sims for him so we could play that day.