It's 3am. rain. thunder, lightning. silence. silence. thunder. wind, howling wind. pricks of sound the rain makes. slowly. as it trickles down your roof. behold the solemn nature. behold the beauty of the storm.
Well, there could always be a throwback to Penance, from the X-men universe. *laughs* As long as they don't try and copy the new Xmen movie's version that seemed too much like "Twilight" to be of any value.
But seriously though, I vote Crystalline Barrier
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------------------------------------------- Those who stand for nothing will fall for anything.
Agreed, but thing is, people keep coming up with new ones lol.
There would have to be a pretty extensive list of alternatives to really tailor to what everyone wants.
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Quote from "Sixen" »
"One in every 10 million people can potentially have a headache from this pill." God forbid she is the 0.000000001% of having a headache.
so lets help Blizzard think of a new name for the skill shall we.
when i first saw it i was thinking crystallization. its easy to say and easy to remember. and its what it looks like.
anybody else have any other names?
maybe we should make bets ^_^;):D:O:thumbsup:
Suggested so far:
Necronergal: Crystallization
Shadowdragon85: diamond-skin, Crystalline Shell
interception: Crystal Barrier
Aldibo: Arcane Encasement
Rik-Universe: Diamond armor, Crystalline Armor
emilemil1: Crystal Armor, Gem-gown
OathofChaos: Crystalline Barrier
and i will put everyones idea's in the first post with who suggested it. maybe i will send it to blizzard and maybe they will use it.
It's kind of long, but I like it.
Also, first post. Haha
Crystalline Armor
I liked Diamondskin
thunder, lightning.
wind, howling wind.
pricks of sound the rain makes.
as it trickles down your roof.
behold the solemn nature.
behold the beauty of the storm.
But seriously though, I vote Crystalline Barrier
Those who stand for nothing will fall for anything.
And for a male Wizard? I don't Gemgown'd cut it.
Get it?!
[Laughs at his own jokes, because everyone's laughing with him.... in his head] Oath~
Those who stand for nothing will fall for anything.
I can't think in a better name.
edit: AW FUCK, this was already suggested.
Why didn't I read the earlier posts :/.
Oh well.
There would have to be a pretty extensive list of alternatives to really tailor to what everyone wants.
Crystal Embrace
I don't know, just trying to think out of the box
Out of the many posts, this one attract my attention. I believe it is possible for anyone to participate.
Excellent ! I like it very much.:cool: