The Wizard is pretty much the Sorceress from Diablo II. The Wizard will use the elements and some magic as his/her weapons. The skills we know the Wizard will have (so far) are:
Skill Tree: Storm
Tier 1:
Charged Bolt: Similar to D2's "Charged Bolt", however it doesn't move in an arched wave in front of the Wizard. Instead, it seems like the Bolts go anywhere in an 180 degrees semi-circle in different shapes and sizes. The effect, however, is identical: lightning damage (minor as it is a lower skill). Also, any lightning damage skill that critically hits will stun the enemy.
Thunderstruck: Increases the chance of a critical hit when using a lightning spell (which will stun the enemy as explained in the skill above). Sorry, AC/DC will not start playing in the background when this skill is used.
Empowered Magic: Increases the effect of Willpower on your spell skills. The new Willpower stat increases spell damage just like Strength increases physical damage.
Lightning Speed: Increases casting speed by a certain percent. Although this skill sounds like it will be extremely useful, it is unknown how items will effect (as D2 players will call it) "Faster Cast Rate".
Tier 2:
Storm Armor: Identical to D2's "Thunder Storm", the Wizard will surround itself with an electrical energy and any nearby monster will be struck. Although it says "Armor" in the name, this skill does not offer any defense bonuses.
Frost Nova: Another one straight from D2: a ring of ice will be projected radially damaging any monsters in range and freezing any that have been critically hit (cold spells freeze upon critical hits just like lightning spells stun upon critical hits).
Deep Freeze: Increases the chance of a critical hit when using a cold spell (which will freeze the enemy as explained in the skill above).
Power Armor: Increases the damage done by "Storm Armor".
Static Charge: Similar to D2's "Energy Shield" (why do they claim this is a "Wizard" when it's clearly a Sorceress): converts a certain amount of damage into added mana.
Tier 3:
Electrocute: Pretty much "Chain-Lightning" from Diablo II: shoot lightning that spreads to multiple enemies (the amount of enemies that will be hit will probably increase as more points are added to the skill).
Hydra Rune: Enables skill to strike additional enemies.
Viper Rune: If a enemy is killed with this skill, it will explode and hurt any nearby monsters.
Ray of Frost: Like the D2 Druid's "Arctic Blast", a beam of cold energy is shot forward.
Static Residue: Any enemy hit by a lightning spell will discharge lightning energy hurting any other monster around them.
Lethal Energy: Increases the chance of critical hits when using both spells and melee attacks.
Improved Charged Bolt: Increases the amount of Bolts released by the Charged Bolt skill (above).
Tier 4:
Tornado: Like the D2 Druid's "Tornado" or "Twister", wind energy (in the form of multiple natural disasters) is sent forward and will change direction slightly every time it makes contact with a monster (the path is pretty much random).
Blizzard: The classic D2 Sorc skill: shards of ice drop from the sky for a certain amount of time.
Storm Power: Increases damage of all lightning and cold spells.
Epic Storms: Increases the size of the Blizzard skill and the amount of twisters sent out when using the Tornado skill.
Shattering Ice: Enemies take damage when frozen.
Skill Tree: Arcane
Tier 1:
Magic Missile: Shoot a purple ball of Arcane (I'm guessing Magic) energy that will silence an enemy for a short period of time (I believe "silence" means that the monster will not be able to cast any spells or (re)raise any minions for that amount of time).
Arcane Power: Increases all arcane damage.
Efficient Magics: Lowers the mana cost of a spell by a certain percent.
Penetrating Spells: Lowers the resistances of the enemies to your spells by a certain percent (like the D2 Necro's "Lower Resist" curse).
Tier 2:
Disintegrate: A long, thin, red beam of Arcane energy will be shot out and can be moved radially. It can attack more than one enemy at a time as it pierces, but every time it goes through an enemy its power is reduced significantly.
Wave of Force: This skill creates a large circle of light all around the Wizard which pushes back enemies and reflects any projectiles. It also does damage, but it is very minimal.
Arcane Armor: Increases defense by a certain percent but only when other armor spells are cast.
Arcane Weakness: Enemies damaged by your arcane spells are affected with Arcane weakness, increasing damage taken by a certain percent for a short period of time.
Arcane Speed: Reduces the cooldown time for all Arcane spells by a certain percent.
Tier 3:
Arcane Orb: Similar to the D2 Sorc's Frozen Orb (without the random ice shard projectiles), an orb of Arcane energy is released which eventually explodes.
Slow Time: A large orb is created around the Wizard and any enemy or enemy projectiles that enter the orb will be greatly slowed. The Wizard itself, any allies and any ally projectiles will not be slowed. The Wizard may move around in the bubble, but if you walk outside the bubble you are vulnerable to attacks that will be at normal speed.
Arcane Distortion: Enemies damaged by Arcane spells are slowed by a certain percent.
Mana Recovery: Enemies have a chance to drop mana globes. It is not certain if mana globes drop regularly or can only drop with certain skills, items, etc.
Improved Magic Missile: Increases the number of missiles and damage when using the Magic Missile skill.
Tier 4:
Temporal Armor: A protective shell surrounds the Wizard and absorbs all damage of an attack every 6 seconds. The shield disappears after a certain amount of attacks have been absorbed (probably depending on what level the skill is on).
Teleport: Again, identical to the Sorc's "Teleport" in D2, however instead of instant teleportation, the Wizard will jump into the air and glide to its destination. This is will make it a lot slow than the previous Teleport, however it is still very speedy.
Striking Rune: Damage any enemies that are around wherever you land (like the Barb's "Leap Attack").
Hydra Rune: Create a duplicate of yourself to distract monsters while you teleport. This duplicate will fight and take damage; it doesn't just stand there (a free "Mirror Image" skill which is explained below).
Greater Mana: Increases maximum mana by a certain percent.
Mana Burst: Increases the damage of a spell when cast at maximum mana by a certain percent (cool skill, in my opinion).
Runic Might: Increases the effect of all runes.
Skill Tree: Conjuring
Tier 1:
Spectral Blade: Creates magical blades that slash each enemy in front of the Wizard a certain amount of times (probably depending on skill level) dealing physical damage.
Spell Speed: Increases speed of the Magic Missiles (this is lame; this should just be a part of "Improved Magic Missile").
Damage Resistance: Increases armor and resistances by a certain percent.
Weapon Mastery: Increases physical damage done by weapons. This is odd; a Barb-type Mastery on a mostly spell-using Wizard. Maybe this opens up some specialty builds for the Wizard (like the D2 "Zeal" Sorc).
Tier 2:
Stone Skin: Shields the Wizard with rocks and stones which absorb damage (one of many armor skills).
Mirror Image: This creates an image similar to the D2 Amazon's "Decoy". However, unlike the Decoy, the Wizard's carbon copies will move around, attack and take damage.
Hydra Rune: Increases number of duplicates made when using the skill.
Force Rune: Increases duplicate health and spell duration.
Conjured Armor: Increases chance to block by a certain percent.
Conjured Health: Increases the health of the Wizard and its duplicates by a certain percent.
Duplicate Conjuring: Increases the amount of duplicates made by the "Mirror Image" skill and increases amount of Hydras made by the "Hydra" skill.
Tier 3:
Meteor Storm: Similar to the D2 Sorc's "Meteor", however highly improved: multiple meteors will drop (like Blizzard drops ice shards) instead of a single meteor. Also, this skill can be used continuously without breaks as long as mana is sufficient (it reduces mana per second).
Acid Cloud: Create a cloud of poison that does more damage by the second the longer it remains.
Conjured Power: Increases damage done by spells by 1% for every 10 points in Vitality (the numbers may change depending on the level of the skill).
Conjuring Duration: Increases the duration of the skills Stone Skin, Acid Cloud and Mirror Image.
Improved Spectral Blade: Increases damage of the "Spectral Blade" skill (above) by a certain percent.
Tier 4:
Hydra: Identical to the Hydra from the D2 Sorc: flaming, multi-headed dragons erupt from the ground and shoot fireballs.
Magic Weapon: Imbue your weapon with magical energy granting it increased damage.
Magical Impact: Increases damage of all spells by a certain percentage of your weapon damage. This may create some special builds, with some Wizards using weapons that give large damage instead of caster weapons.
Slowing Strikes: Enemies damaged by your melee attacks, Spectral Blade or Magic Weapon have their movement and attack speeds reduced by a certain percent for a short period of time.
Armor Piercing: Conjured and physical damage decreases the armor of armored enemies.
The Barbarian is actually the face of the Diablo series when it comes to the "Heroes". The Barb has been fighting the forces of evil since the original Diablo and there seems to be no end in sight for his rampage. He is known for his brute strength, usually wielding two weapons (something no other class can do, well as far as we know). The skills we know the Barbarian will have (so far) are:
Skill Tree: Battlemaster
Tier 1:
Battle Rage: Enter a rage which increases regular and critical damage.
Perseverance: Increases time of the skills Battle Rage, Battle Cry and Ignore Pain (I believe it's a war cry, not a passive).
Power of the Battlemaster: Increases damage of Battlemaster skill tree skills by a percentage (similar to a D2 Mastery). It does not increase weapon damage or the skills of any other skill tree.
Iron Skin: Probably identical to the "Iron Skin" in D2, it increases defense rating.
Tier 2:
Hammer of the Ancients: Deals bonus weapon damage, additional physical damage and increases damage of critical hits. When the Barb strikes, he is left vulnerable for a second, so it is better to use this skill against one enemy, not a group. When this skill is used, the Barb's weapon turns into a giant golden mace (really tacky) and he performs a massive overhead swing.
Battle Cry: What the Barb is known for... crying. This is "Shout" from D2: it raises your party's defense and sends a warning signal (whatever that means).
Scavenge: Identical to "Find Potion" in D2 (however it may be a passive), it increases the chance that a monster will drop a health orb.
Critical Attacks: Increases the damage bonus of, you guessed it, critical attacks (for any skill in any of the 3 trees).
Shield Specialization: Increases damage blocked and chance to block (blocking explained above in "Significant Features").
Tier 3:
Furious Charge: Improved version of the D2 Paladin's "Charge": dash at a selected enemy at teleportation speed while dealing damage to anything in your path, the target and anything around the target.
Ignore Pain: Reduces all damage taken for a certain period of time (probably seconds).
Deliberate Defense: Increases defense for a certain period of time (probably seconds) when the Barb lands a critical hit.
Improved Battle Rage: Gives melee attacks a certain percent chance to make Battle Rage cost no Fury for a certain period of time (sounds like a horrible synergy, in my opinion).
Death Proof: Resist even death: upon receiving fatal damage the Barb is kept alive and gains 30% of maximum health. This effect can only occur once every 5 minutes.
Tier 4:
Inspiring Presence: Increases the effect of 2-3 other skills (the skills it helps are unknown at the moment).
Natural Resistance: Another one straight out of D2; it increases all resistances.
Mighty Hammer: Increases damage of "Hammer of the Ancients".
Skill Tree: Berserker
Tier 1:
Frenzy: Almost identical to the "Frenzy" from D2, it increases weapon damage and attack speed. The only difference is that now you can use Frenzy with either 1 or 2 weapons (instead of strictly 2).
Bad Temper: Reduces Fury degeneration (see "Fury" explained above in "Significant Features").
Power of the Berserker: Increases damage of Berserker skill tree skills by a percentage (similar to a D2 Mastery). It does not increase weapon damage or the skills of any other skill tree.
Heightened Senses: Grants and increases the chance to dodge attacks.
Tier 2:
Terrifying Shout: Increase damage done by a skill, weapon or both (unclear). There may also be a "Threatening Shout" which would reduce damage done by enemies that are in range of the war cry. It is not certain that these are two different skills, or a mistake was made and they are the same skill and just do one effect (maybe both, who knows?).
Onslaught: Increases attack speed for a certain period of time. This skill will drain fury, however hitting things at a faster speed will probably build it up just as fast.
Double Strike: Identical to "Double Swing" in D2, when two weapons are equipped either two different enemies will be hit with a weapon or the same enemy will be hit once with each weapon (except that there will be a percent chance, it isn't certain).
Strong Constitution: Regenerates health (certain amount of health per second).
Berserker State: Increases the duration of the Frenzy and Onslaught skills.
Tier 3:
Leap Attack: From D2 but changed up a bit: both "Leap" and "Leap Attack" combined. The Barb will jump into the air and land with an overhead strike to the floor causing damage, stunning and knocking back any nearby monsters. It seems to be a skill that does some considerable damage (compared to the Leap in D2) instead of just a mobility move.
Enrage: Kind of like the D2 Paladin's "Sacrifice" (however instead of trading health for attack damage), Fury is increased but health damage is taken.
Dual Wield Specialization: Increases physical damage dealt by weapons while dual wielding.
Savage: Increase Fury generation for a certain period of time when a critical hit is scored.
Increase Speed: Similar to the Increase Speed in D2, however run/walk speed is only increased when using Frenzy or Onslaught. Not great, but can be used to keep your Fury high as you can move faster from one monster to another.
Tier 4:
Whirlwind: Classic skill from D2 (what every good Barb used). He pretty much twirls like a deadly ballerina with his weapons extended outwards damaging anything in range.
Slashing Strike: Melee attacks have a chance to damage all nearby monsters.
Relentless Attacks: Increases the damage of Frenzy and Whirlwind by a certain percent.
Destroy Armor: Reduce enemy armor. This is currently a skill, however it *may* be removed or changed.
Skill Tree: Juggernaut
Tier 1:
Bash: Different than D2's "Bash", the Barb will hit the enemy for 100% weapon damage (I'm guessing it does the weapon's maximum damage every time).
Inspiration: Increases critical and added hit damage (although it is unknown what "added hit" means).
Power of the Juggernaut: Increases damage of Juggernaut skill tree skills by a percentage (similar to a D2 Mastery). It does not increase weapon damage or the skills of any other skill tree.
Skill Name Unknown: Damage is reduced by a certain amount when the Barbarian is below 50% health. Pretty much the lower your health, the less damage you take.
Tier 2:
Cleave: Seems to be just a strengthened regular attack. As a drawback it's a little slower, but another plus is that you can hit multiple enemies (and the # of enemies you can hit probably increases at a higher level).
Ground Stomp: Stomp the ground stunning and decreasing the defense of anything in range (like D2's "War Cry"). Very good skill to use with an attack skill like Cleave. Also, the graphic for this is really nice: the ground shakes and everything that's stunned will drop their shield if they have one (pretty cool effect in my opinion).
Focused Strength: Increases the effect of strength on your damage. Every stat point in strength increases physical damage and this skill will increase that effect.
Stubborn: Decreases any slowing effects monsters put on you. This probably isn't that great of a skill, but it may help in keeping your Fury up.
Recovery: Increases the amount of health gained from a health globe by a certain percent.
Tier 3:
Revenge: Kind of like the "Bash" skill (above) and D2's life tap combined: smash the ground for maximum weapon damage and every monster that is in range will be hurt while every hit will add to the Barb's maximum life by a certain percent.
Taunt: Same as D2's "Taunt", it lures an enemy into coming into close-combat.
Stunning Blows: Grants all Juggernaut skills to have a certain percent chance to stun the enemy for a short period of time (seconds).
Two-Handed Weapon Specialization: Basically a D2 Mastery: it increases weapon damage done by a two-handed weapon by a certain percent.
Invigorated: Picking up a health globe will (not only increase health, but will also) increase strength by a certain percent for a short period of time which will increase damage (because higher strength means higher damage).
Tier 4:
Seismic Slam: Slam the floor with an overhead swing and send a shock wave of energy forward hitting everything in its way.
Iron Will: Like a D2 Mastery that provides resistance to stun, slow and freeze.
Crushing Blows: Increases the damage of the skills Bash and Cleave.
Seismic Effect: Increases the damage of Revenge and Seismic Slam.
This is one funky looking fellow and he is one of the new character classes Diablo III will introduce. However, he is essentially the Necromancer from the previous game; he summons pets, deals with the undead and can control some magic and elements. The skills we know the Witch Doctor will have (so far) are:
Skill Tree: Plague
Tier Unknown:
Locust Swarm: Shoots a green cloud of Locusts that can spread to many enemies if they are close by. Each enemy that is killed gives extra duration time to the swarm. The Locusts can also hitch a ride on the WD's other minions (without hurting them) and will give them poison damage as a trade-off for the transportation.
Plague of Toads: Similar to the Sorc's Charged Bolt in D2, the WD will throw toads in a horizontal line or arch (yes... I know). The toads will then explode green stuff, poisoning enemies. The goo will remain on the floor and will damage any monster that walks over it.
Spider Statue: A special statue erupts surrounded by spiders erupts from the ground. The spiders will crawl over nearby enemies and deliver damage (likely poison).
Skill Tree: Spirit
Tier Unknown:
Skull of Flame: Pretty much the Sorc's Fire Ball from D2. It has a splashing effect while knocking back enemies and, although it doesn't hurt the enemies, it sets the ground on fire. If an enemy is hit and does not die, it will still be damaged by a burn affect. Also, the flames that are created can be picked up by Mongrels and other minions adding fire damage.
Hydra Rune: Will make the (formally known) firebomb skip on the floor creating multiple explosions.
Force Rune: Will increase damage and will make sort of a firewall wherever the firebomb lands (and unlike the skill without the rune, the fire on the ground will hurt the enemies).
Mass Confusion: A spirit is cast and any monster near it becomes really dumb and just walks around. It may also attack other enemies on its team and be attacked by them in return (so you are pretty much turning them against each other). However, they don't become your minions; once the spirit runs out they become normal again so it would be wise to kill them while they are entranced.
Soul Harvest: A small ring is formed around the WD that damages enemies. If it damages enough to kill the monsters, their spirits get absorbed and add to the Doctor's mana.
Firebats: Almost exactly like the D2 Sorceress' Inferno, however instead of a stream of fire, it's a stream of bats that are on fire.
Skill Tree: Voodoo
Tier Unknown:
Horrify: A combo of a Necro's curse, Paladin's aura and Druid's spirit from D2. A spirit is cast around the Doctor which strikes fear into any enemy that is in range causing them to run away scared.
Wall of Zombies: Similar to the Necro's Bone Wall from D2, a straight line of zombies erupt from the earth and claw at (damage) enemies that come nearby (they will come close because they will want to attack the wall... that's AI for you). The wall can also block ranged attacks, however it is uncertain if the size of a monster determines if it can blocked or not.
Summon Mongrel: Create a possessed dog (similar to the Druid's Summon Wolf from D2) that will attack enemies. It will carry any elemental damage (fire or poison) and its graphics will clearly change when its damage type has been modified. You can also detonate it with the Sacrifice skill which will hurt any surrounding enemy.
Sacrifice: Not similar to the D2 Paladin's "Sacrifice". It's sort of like a bomb detonator; this skill will explode any minion (like the Mongrel) which will damage nearby enemies.
*Anything is subject to change*
Once Again Not my Info Props to the Guy on
Edit: Guys name is LuLer
All 3 Classes are here and its not my info so pick away:)
looks like there is an awesome potential for a sweet battle mage build... first time i've read through everything, usually just skimmed.. kinda wanted to be surprised.. but i am "studying" for my test tomm.. which means doing everything but actually studying...
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The Wizard is pretty much the Sorceress from Diablo II. The Wizard will use the elements and some magic as his/her weapons. The skills we know the Wizard will have (so far) are:
Skill Tree: Storm
Tier 1:
Charged Bolt: Similar to D2's "Charged Bolt", however it doesn't move in an arched wave in front of the Wizard. Instead, it seems like the Bolts go anywhere in an 180 degrees semi-circle in different shapes and sizes. The effect, however, is identical: lightning damage (minor as it is a lower skill). Also, any lightning damage skill that critically hits will stun the enemy.
Thunderstruck: Increases the chance of a critical hit when using a lightning spell (which will stun the enemy as explained in the skill above). Sorry, AC/DC will not start playing in the background when this skill is used.
Empowered Magic: Increases the effect of Willpower on your spell skills. The new Willpower stat increases spell damage just like Strength increases physical damage.
Lightning Speed: Increases casting speed by a certain percent. Although this skill sounds like it will be extremely useful, it is unknown how items will effect (as D2 players will call it) "Faster Cast Rate".
Tier 2:
Storm Armor: Identical to D2's "Thunder Storm", the Wizard will surround itself with an electrical energy and any nearby monster will be struck. Although it says "Armor" in the name, this skill does not offer any defense bonuses.
Frost Nova: Another one straight from D2: a ring of ice will be projected radially damaging any monsters in range and freezing any that have been critically hit (cold spells freeze upon critical hits just like lightning spells stun upon critical hits).
Deep Freeze: Increases the chance of a critical hit when using a cold spell (which will freeze the enemy as explained in the skill above).
Power Armor: Increases the damage done by "Storm Armor".
Static Charge: Similar to D2's "Energy Shield" (why do they claim this is a "Wizard" when it's clearly a Sorceress): converts a certain amount of damage into added mana.
Tier 3:
Electrocute: Pretty much "Chain-Lightning" from Diablo II: shoot lightning that spreads to multiple enemies (the amount of enemies that will be hit will probably increase as more points are added to the skill).
Hydra Rune: Enables skill to strike additional enemies.
Viper Rune: If a enemy is killed with this skill, it will explode and hurt any nearby monsters.
Ray of Frost: Like the D2 Druid's "Arctic Blast", a beam of cold energy is shot forward.
Static Residue: Any enemy hit by a lightning spell will discharge lightning energy hurting any other monster around them.
Lethal Energy: Increases the chance of critical hits when using both spells and melee attacks.
Improved Charged Bolt: Increases the amount of Bolts released by the Charged Bolt skill (above).
Tier 4:
Tornado: Like the D2 Druid's "Tornado" or "Twister", wind energy (in the form of multiple natural disasters) is sent forward and will change direction slightly every time it makes contact with a monster (the path is pretty much random).
Blizzard: The classic D2 Sorc skill: shards of ice drop from the sky for a certain amount of time.
Storm Power: Increases damage of all lightning and cold spells.
Epic Storms: Increases the size of the Blizzard skill and the amount of twisters sent out when using the Tornado skill.
Shattering Ice: Enemies take damage when frozen.
Skill Tree: Arcane
Tier 1:
Magic Missile: Shoot a purple ball of Arcane (I'm guessing Magic) energy that will silence an enemy for a short period of time (I believe "silence" means that the monster will not be able to cast any spells or (re)raise any minions for that amount of time).
Arcane Power: Increases all arcane damage.
Efficient Magics: Lowers the mana cost of a spell by a certain percent.
Penetrating Spells: Lowers the resistances of the enemies to your spells by a certain percent (like the D2 Necro's "Lower Resist" curse).
Tier 2:
Disintegrate: A long, thin, red beam of Arcane energy will be shot out and can be moved radially. It can attack more than one enemy at a time as it pierces, but every time it goes through an enemy its power is reduced significantly.
Wave of Force: This skill creates a large circle of light all around the Wizard which pushes back enemies and reflects any projectiles. It also does damage, but it is very minimal.
Arcane Armor: Increases defense by a certain percent but only when other armor spells are cast.
Arcane Weakness: Enemies damaged by your arcane spells are affected with Arcane weakness, increasing damage taken by a certain percent for a short period of time.
Arcane Speed: Reduces the cooldown time for all Arcane spells by a certain percent.
Tier 3:
Arcane Orb: Similar to the D2 Sorc's Frozen Orb (without the random ice shard projectiles), an orb of Arcane energy is released which eventually explodes.
Slow Time: A large orb is created around the Wizard and any enemy or enemy projectiles that enter the orb will be greatly slowed. The Wizard itself, any allies and any ally projectiles will not be slowed. The Wizard may move around in the bubble, but if you walk outside the bubble you are vulnerable to attacks that will be at normal speed.
Arcane Distortion: Enemies damaged by Arcane spells are slowed by a certain percent.
Mana Recovery: Enemies have a chance to drop mana globes. It is not certain if mana globes drop regularly or can only drop with certain skills, items, etc.
Improved Magic Missile: Increases the number of missiles and damage when using the Magic Missile skill.
Tier 4:
Temporal Armor: A protective shell surrounds the Wizard and absorbs all damage of an attack every 6 seconds. The shield disappears after a certain amount of attacks have been absorbed (probably depending on what level the skill is on).
Teleport: Again, identical to the Sorc's "Teleport" in D2, however instead of instant teleportation, the Wizard will jump into the air and glide to its destination. This is will make it a lot slow than the previous Teleport, however it is still very speedy.
Striking Rune: Damage any enemies that are around wherever you land (like the Barb's "Leap Attack").
Hydra Rune: Create a duplicate of yourself to distract monsters while you teleport. This duplicate will fight and take damage; it doesn't just stand there (a free "Mirror Image" skill which is explained below).
Greater Mana: Increases maximum mana by a certain percent.
Mana Burst: Increases the damage of a spell when cast at maximum mana by a certain percent (cool skill, in my opinion).
Runic Might: Increases the effect of all runes.
Skill Tree: Conjuring
Tier 1:
Spectral Blade: Creates magical blades that slash each enemy in front of the Wizard a certain amount of times (probably depending on skill level) dealing physical damage.
Spell Speed: Increases speed of the Magic Missiles (this is lame; this should just be a part of "Improved Magic Missile").
Damage Resistance: Increases armor and resistances by a certain percent.
Weapon Mastery: Increases physical damage done by weapons. This is odd; a Barb-type Mastery on a mostly spell-using Wizard. Maybe this opens up some specialty builds for the Wizard (like the D2 "Zeal" Sorc).
Tier 2:
Stone Skin: Shields the Wizard with rocks and stones which absorb damage (one of many armor skills).
Mirror Image: This creates an image similar to the D2 Amazon's "Decoy". However, unlike the Decoy, the Wizard's carbon copies will move around, attack and take damage.
Hydra Rune: Increases number of duplicates made when using the skill.
Force Rune: Increases duplicate health and spell duration.
Conjured Armor: Increases chance to block by a certain percent.
Conjured Health: Increases the health of the Wizard and its duplicates by a certain percent.
Duplicate Conjuring: Increases the amount of duplicates made by the "Mirror Image" skill and increases amount of Hydras made by the "Hydra" skill.
Tier 3:
Meteor Storm: Similar to the D2 Sorc's "Meteor", however highly improved: multiple meteors will drop (like Blizzard drops ice shards) instead of a single meteor. Also, this skill can be used continuously without breaks as long as mana is sufficient (it reduces mana per second).
Acid Cloud: Create a cloud of poison that does more damage by the second the longer it remains.
Conjured Power: Increases damage done by spells by 1% for every 10 points in Vitality (the numbers may change depending on the level of the skill).
Conjuring Duration: Increases the duration of the skills Stone Skin, Acid Cloud and Mirror Image.
Improved Spectral Blade: Increases damage of the "Spectral Blade" skill (above) by a certain percent.
Tier 4:
Hydra: Identical to the Hydra from the D2 Sorc: flaming, multi-headed dragons erupt from the ground and shoot fireballs.
Magic Weapon: Imbue your weapon with magical energy granting it increased damage.
Magical Impact: Increases damage of all spells by a certain percentage of your weapon damage. This may create some special builds, with some Wizards using weapons that give large damage instead of caster weapons.
Slowing Strikes: Enemies damaged by your melee attacks, Spectral Blade or Magic Weapon have their movement and attack speeds reduced by a certain percent for a short period of time.
Armor Piercing: Conjured and physical damage decreases the armor of armored enemies.
The Barbarian is actually the face of the Diablo series when it comes to the "Heroes". The Barb has been fighting the forces of evil since the original Diablo and there seems to be no end in sight for his rampage. He is known for his brute strength, usually wielding two weapons (something no other class can do, well as far as we know). The skills we know the Barbarian will have (so far) are:
Skill Tree: Battlemaster
Tier 1:
Battle Rage: Enter a rage which increases regular and critical damage.
Perseverance: Increases time of the skills Battle Rage, Battle Cry and Ignore Pain (I believe it's a war cry, not a passive).
Power of the Battlemaster: Increases damage of Battlemaster skill tree skills by a percentage (similar to a D2 Mastery). It does not increase weapon damage or the skills of any other skill tree.
Iron Skin: Probably identical to the "Iron Skin" in D2, it increases defense rating.
Tier 2:
Hammer of the Ancients: Deals bonus weapon damage, additional physical damage and increases damage of critical hits. When the Barb strikes, he is left vulnerable for a second, so it is better to use this skill against one enemy, not a group. When this skill is used, the Barb's weapon turns into a giant golden mace (really tacky) and he performs a massive overhead swing.
Battle Cry: What the Barb is known for... crying. This is "Shout" from D2: it raises your party's defense and sends a warning signal (whatever that means).
Scavenge: Identical to "Find Potion" in D2 (however it may be a passive), it increases the chance that a monster will drop a health orb.
Critical Attacks: Increases the damage bonus of, you guessed it, critical attacks (for any skill in any of the 3 trees).
Shield Specialization: Increases damage blocked and chance to block (blocking explained above in "Significant Features").
Tier 3:
Furious Charge: Improved version of the D2 Paladin's "Charge": dash at a selected enemy at teleportation speed while dealing damage to anything in your path, the target and anything around the target.
Ignore Pain: Reduces all damage taken for a certain period of time (probably seconds).
Deliberate Defense: Increases defense for a certain period of time (probably seconds) when the Barb lands a critical hit.
Improved Battle Rage: Gives melee attacks a certain percent chance to make Battle Rage cost no Fury for a certain period of time (sounds like a horrible synergy, in my opinion).
Death Proof: Resist even death: upon receiving fatal damage the Barb is kept alive and gains 30% of maximum health. This effect can only occur once every 5 minutes.
Tier 4:
Inspiring Presence: Increases the effect of 2-3 other skills (the skills it helps are unknown at the moment).
Natural Resistance: Another one straight out of D2; it increases all resistances.
Mighty Hammer: Increases damage of "Hammer of the Ancients".
Skill Tree: Berserker
Tier 1:
Frenzy: Almost identical to the "Frenzy" from D2, it increases weapon damage and attack speed. The only difference is that now you can use Frenzy with either 1 or 2 weapons (instead of strictly 2).
Bad Temper: Reduces Fury degeneration (see "Fury" explained above in "Significant Features").
Power of the Berserker: Increases damage of Berserker skill tree skills by a percentage (similar to a D2 Mastery). It does not increase weapon damage or the skills of any other skill tree.
Heightened Senses: Grants and increases the chance to dodge attacks.
Tier 2:
Terrifying Shout: Increase damage done by a skill, weapon or both (unclear). There may also be a "Threatening Shout" which would reduce damage done by enemies that are in range of the war cry. It is not certain that these are two different skills, or a mistake was made and they are the same skill and just do one effect (maybe both, who knows?).
Onslaught: Increases attack speed for a certain period of time. This skill will drain fury, however hitting things at a faster speed will probably build it up just as fast.
Double Strike: Identical to "Double Swing" in D2, when two weapons are equipped either two different enemies will be hit with a weapon or the same enemy will be hit once with each weapon (except that there will be a percent chance, it isn't certain).
Strong Constitution: Regenerates health (certain amount of health per second).
Berserker State: Increases the duration of the Frenzy and Onslaught skills.
Tier 3:
Leap Attack: From D2 but changed up a bit: both "Leap" and "Leap Attack" combined. The Barb will jump into the air and land with an overhead strike to the floor causing damage, stunning and knocking back any nearby monsters. It seems to be a skill that does some considerable damage (compared to the Leap in D2) instead of just a mobility move.
Enrage: Kind of like the D2 Paladin's "Sacrifice" (however instead of trading health for attack damage), Fury is increased but health damage is taken.
Dual Wield Specialization: Increases physical damage dealt by weapons while dual wielding.
Savage: Increase Fury generation for a certain period of time when a critical hit is scored.
Increase Speed: Similar to the Increase Speed in D2, however run/walk speed is only increased when using Frenzy or Onslaught. Not great, but can be used to keep your Fury high as you can move faster from one monster to another.
Tier 4:
Whirlwind: Classic skill from D2 (what every good Barb used). He pretty much twirls like a deadly ballerina with his weapons extended outwards damaging anything in range.
Slashing Strike: Melee attacks have a chance to damage all nearby monsters.
Relentless Attacks: Increases the damage of Frenzy and Whirlwind by a certain percent.
Destroy Armor: Reduce enemy armor. This is currently a skill, however it *may* be removed or changed.
Skill Tree: Juggernaut
Tier 1:
Bash: Different than D2's "Bash", the Barb will hit the enemy for 100% weapon damage (I'm guessing it does the weapon's maximum damage every time).
Inspiration: Increases critical and added hit damage (although it is unknown what "added hit" means).
Power of the Juggernaut: Increases damage of Juggernaut skill tree skills by a percentage (similar to a D2 Mastery). It does not increase weapon damage or the skills of any other skill tree.
Skill Name Unknown: Damage is reduced by a certain amount when the Barbarian is below 50% health. Pretty much the lower your health, the less damage you take.
Tier 2:
Cleave: Seems to be just a strengthened regular attack. As a drawback it's a little slower, but another plus is that you can hit multiple enemies (and the # of enemies you can hit probably increases at a higher level).
Ground Stomp: Stomp the ground stunning and decreasing the defense of anything in range (like D2's "War Cry"). Very good skill to use with an attack skill like Cleave. Also, the graphic for this is really nice: the ground shakes and everything that's stunned will drop their shield if they have one (pretty cool effect in my opinion).
Focused Strength: Increases the effect of strength on your damage. Every stat point in strength increases physical damage and this skill will increase that effect.
Stubborn: Decreases any slowing effects monsters put on you. This probably isn't that great of a skill, but it may help in keeping your Fury up.
Recovery: Increases the amount of health gained from a health globe by a certain percent.
Tier 3:
Revenge: Kind of like the "Bash" skill (above) and D2's life tap combined: smash the ground for maximum weapon damage and every monster that is in range will be hurt while every hit will add to the Barb's maximum life by a certain percent.
Taunt: Same as D2's "Taunt", it lures an enemy into coming into close-combat.
Stunning Blows: Grants all Juggernaut skills to have a certain percent chance to stun the enemy for a short period of time (seconds).
Two-Handed Weapon Specialization: Basically a D2 Mastery: it increases weapon damage done by a two-handed weapon by a certain percent.
Invigorated: Picking up a health globe will (not only increase health, but will also) increase strength by a certain percent for a short period of time which will increase damage (because higher strength means higher damage).
Tier 4:
Seismic Slam: Slam the floor with an overhead swing and send a shock wave of energy forward hitting everything in its way.
Iron Will: Like a D2 Mastery that provides resistance to stun, slow and freeze.
Crushing Blows: Increases the damage of the skills Bash and Cleave.
Seismic Effect: Increases the damage of Revenge and Seismic Slam.
This is one funky looking fellow and he is one of the new character classes Diablo III will introduce. However, he is essentially the Necromancer from the previous game; he summons pets, deals with the undead and can control some magic and elements. The skills we know the Witch Doctor will have (so far) are:
Skill Tree: Plague
Tier Unknown:
Locust Swarm: Shoots a green cloud of Locusts that can spread to many enemies if they are close by. Each enemy that is killed gives extra duration time to the swarm. The Locusts can also hitch a ride on the WD's other minions (without hurting them) and will give them poison damage as a trade-off for the transportation.
Plague of Toads: Similar to the Sorc's Charged Bolt in D2, the WD will throw toads in a horizontal line or arch (yes... I know). The toads will then explode green stuff, poisoning enemies. The goo will remain on the floor and will damage any monster that walks over it.
Spider Statue: A special statue erupts surrounded by spiders erupts from the ground. The spiders will crawl over nearby enemies and deliver damage (likely poison).
Skill Tree: Spirit
Tier Unknown:
Skull of Flame: Pretty much the Sorc's Fire Ball from D2. It has a splashing effect while knocking back enemies and, although it doesn't hurt the enemies, it sets the ground on fire. If an enemy is hit and does not die, it will still be damaged by a burn affect. Also, the flames that are created can be picked up by Mongrels and other minions adding fire damage.
Hydra Rune: Will make the (formally known) firebomb skip on the floor creating multiple explosions.
Force Rune: Will increase damage and will make sort of a firewall wherever the firebomb lands (and unlike the skill without the rune, the fire on the ground will hurt the enemies).
Mass Confusion: A spirit is cast and any monster near it becomes really dumb and just walks around. It may also attack other enemies on its team and be attacked by them in return (so you are pretty much turning them against each other). However, they don't become your minions; once the spirit runs out they become normal again so it would be wise to kill them while they are entranced.
Soul Harvest: A small ring is formed around the WD that damages enemies. If it damages enough to kill the monsters, their spirits get absorbed and add to the Doctor's mana.
Firebats: Almost exactly like the D2 Sorceress' Inferno, however instead of a stream of fire, it's a stream of bats that are on fire.
Skill Tree: Voodoo
Tier Unknown:
Horrify: A combo of a Necro's curse, Paladin's aura and Druid's spirit from D2. A spirit is cast around the Doctor which strikes fear into any enemy that is in range causing them to run away scared.
Wall of Zombies: Similar to the Necro's Bone Wall from D2, a straight line of zombies erupt from the earth and claw at (damage) enemies that come nearby (they will come close because they will want to attack the wall... that's AI for you). The wall can also block ranged attacks, however it is uncertain if the size of a monster determines if it can blocked or not.
Summon Mongrel: Create a possessed dog (similar to the Druid's Summon Wolf from D2) that will attack enemies. It will carry any elemental damage (fire or poison) and its graphics will clearly change when its damage type has been modified. You can also detonate it with the Sacrifice skill which will hurt any surrounding enemy.
Sacrifice: Not similar to the D2 Paladin's "Sacrifice". It's sort of like a bomb detonator; this skill will explode any minion (like the Mongrel) which will damage nearby enemies.
*Anything is subject to change*
Once Again Not my Info Props to the Guy on
Edit: Guys name is LuLer
All 3 Classes are here and its not my info so pick away:)
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