I'm following the Rhykker Archon Lightning build but I'am stuck trying to work out the synergy between the Manald Heal ring and Paralysis.
Firstly I have 3 exceptions to the Rhykker build, I'am one piece short on the Tal Rasha's set even using the Ring of Royal Granduer so I dont have the full set bonus yet only the 4 piece bonus.
Secondly I'm using Arcane Torrent instead of Magic Missle I just feel it does more damage.
I use the Chantodo's main and offhand weps as well until I get Aether Walker and Tal Rasha's Unwavering Glare wihich will give me the 6 piece bonus.
So I dont see how the ring works with the talent.
The ring turns stuns into lightning damage but you need lightning spells to make Paralysis stun.
So where is the third party here as looking at my tooltips for everything most is arcane damage and nothing deals lightning damage.
First off - there's two vastly different Lightning Archon builds - Those with Obsidian Ring and those without - which uses Convention of Elements, which seems like that's the one you are using according to the D3planner.
You don't use Arcane Torrent because you aren't using Obsidian to shorten the cool down. That's why you use Magic Missile - it doesn't use arcane mana.
You want as high of a Cool Down Rate aiming for around 64% to cycle with Convention of Elements - need to pop archon to time with the rotation of Lightning.
Paralysis procs with Manald Heal more if you have high Attack Speed. So with Gogok of Swiftness and Archon stacks you want to aim for 5 aps. Unbuffed you should have it close to 2.0 if not higher.
Starfire is better than The Furnace - because of all the lightning attacks you are using. You want your bracers to have the highest elemental damage out of everything - so that's what the element is used while in Archon form.
So - you are pretty much teleporting (Arcane) around - why you use Aether Walkers - and casting Magic Missile (Cold). When Archon is ready to pop - use Black Hole - Spellsteal (Lightning) to group as many enemies as possible (more damage stacks) - then cast Archon (Fire). With all 4 elements cast the Tal Rasha set will be giving you a huge damage boost. All the while timing the rotation of elements via Convention of Elements.
So the stacks - Tal Rasha, Black Hole, Archon and Manald Heal all add up to the HUGE DAMAGE OUTPUT.
However, you are sacrificing speed for the power.
Using the Obsidian ring - you are in Archon form 99% of the time, while COE you have to time everything precisely and only have that huge damage output for like 8 seconds.
IMO - I use the Obsidian builds until I get all the perfect pieces to finally run the COE build. COE sucks balls if it isn't perfect - Max CDR on all gear is a must because if that doesn't synch up you may as well just play another game
Thanks mate, the ring and talent will synergise into this without me having to do anything different for proc rate/use?
Getting back to my original question where is my lightning damage coming from for the ring and talent?
Or do I have to switch out Zodiac for CoE and Arcane Torrent for Magic Missile to make this pairing work?
If I keep my current setup, Arcane Torrent and Zodiac, then the ring and talent are a waste of space because theres no lightning damage from CoE to use with it?
I'm trying really hard to understand this.
I like having Archon handy on a low cooldown so for me Zodiac is preferred but if I go that way do I change the Manald Ring and Paralysis to something else?
I now have the full set bonus of Tal Rasha's and the dps difference to not having it is huge.
Manald Heal procs with Paralysis. To get that damage more frequently you need high Attack Speed.
Arcane Torrent - is a mana spender. That speeds up the Obsidian ring.
Have Lightning attack % on your bracers. Make sure that is your highest elemental damage, as that's the element that will be used when you are in Archon form.
Your 3 RINGS - Obsidian Ring of the Zodiac, Ring of Royal Grandeur, and Manald Heal. THOSE ARE A MUST.... Equip 2 and Cube the Other. For Manald Heal to work you need to have Paralysis as a passive ability.
Yes, Plan B - that's what you want. Not the one from D3planner as that is the COE build. You are no way near to doing that yet.
Just note that IcyVeins build is for speedrunning. There's a few things you can change to make it for pushing higher GRs. But don't worry about that yet.
You want to try to get Attack% and CDR on as much of the gear as you can. And lightning % on your bracers.
All your lightning damage while in archon form comes from your bracers. All your lightning damage while out of archon form comes from Arcane Torrent. But when you are out of Archon all you are trying to do is go back into archon. Arcane Torrent is mainly used for the elemental damage and as a mana spender to speed up the Obsidian ring for CDR.
Also note, the first time you start the rift - you'll be using Arcane Torrent's attack as a way to build up the Gogok stacks. You don't necessarily need to get it to 15 before you pop Archon, but it is good to get a few as that adds to your attack speed.
It won't be until your 2nd or 3rd time you go into Archon when you get the full effect. Keep checking and notice when your attack speed goes to 5. Pretty much when Gogok stack is at 15 and your Archon stacks are doubled up (with the help of The Swami).
Mate awesome feedback thank you so much for taking the time and trouble of helping me out with this I very much appreciate it.
I'll make some changes and see how it goes
I did notice though watching your video it didnt show or mention what spells you use as well as how are you teleporting around so much without using Aether Walker?
Heres an an updated video for Season 11. Its the exact same setup as IcyVeins speed running build.
Aether walker is is used to teleport when out of Archon form. While in archon, its the 2 piece set bonus of Vyr's that allows you to teleport at will.
The high CDR is so you can get back into Archon form ASAP. Notice in the video I spend less than a few seconds out of Archon. This also helps because of In-Geom proc. You want to kill elites and mob bosses as much as you can, that's why Nemesis Bracers are a big plus as they will spawn one when you activate it. There's one instance where I didn't kill one and you can see I'm out of Archon for a lot longer.
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Hey guys,
I'm following the Rhykker Archon Lightning build but I'am stuck trying to work out the synergy between the Manald Heal ring and Paralysis.
Firstly I have 3 exceptions to the Rhykker build, I'am one piece short on the Tal Rasha's set even using the Ring of Royal Granduer so I dont have the full set bonus yet only the 4 piece bonus.
Secondly I'm using Arcane Torrent instead of Magic Missle I just feel it does more damage.
I use the Chantodo's main and offhand weps as well until I get Aether Walker and Tal Rasha's Unwavering Glare wihich will give me the 6 piece bonus.
So I dont see how the ring works with the talent.
The ring turns stuns into lightning damage but you need lightning spells to make Paralysis stun.
So where is the third party here as looking at my tooltips for everything most is arcane damage and nothing deals lightning damage.
Heres the build: https://www.d3planner.com/242897219
So how does the ring work/proc using the talent of Paralysis?
I've looked at this a thousand times the penny just isnt dropping.
Where is my lightning damage coming from?
This also goes for Starfire I cant see how it works either so I'm using The Furnace in the Cube instead.
Thanks for any help
First off - there's two vastly different Lightning Archon builds - Those with Obsidian Ring and those without - which uses Convention of Elements, which seems like that's the one you are using according to the D3planner.
You don't use Arcane Torrent because you aren't using Obsidian to shorten the cool down. That's why you use Magic Missile - it doesn't use arcane mana.
You want as high of a Cool Down Rate aiming for around 64% to cycle with Convention of Elements - need to pop archon to time with the rotation of Lightning.
Paralysis procs with Manald Heal more if you have high Attack Speed. So with Gogok of Swiftness and Archon stacks you want to aim for 5 aps. Unbuffed you should have it close to 2.0 if not higher.
Starfire is better than The Furnace - because of all the lightning attacks you are using. You want your bracers to have the highest elemental damage out of everything - so that's what the element is used while in Archon form.
So - you are pretty much teleporting (Arcane) around - why you use Aether Walkers - and casting Magic Missile (Cold). When Archon is ready to pop - use Black Hole - Spellsteal (Lightning) to group as many enemies as possible (more damage stacks) - then cast Archon (Fire). With all 4 elements cast the Tal Rasha set will be giving you a huge damage boost. All the while timing the rotation of elements via Convention of Elements.
So the stacks - Tal Rasha, Black Hole, Archon and Manald Heal all add up to the HUGE DAMAGE OUTPUT.
However, you are sacrificing speed for the power.
Using the Obsidian ring - you are in Archon form 99% of the time, while COE you have to time everything precisely and only have that huge damage output for like 8 seconds.
IMO - I use the Obsidian builds until I get all the perfect pieces to finally run the COE build. COE sucks balls if it isn't perfect - Max CDR on all gear is a must because if that doesn't synch up you may as well just play another game
That was one fatal flaw I did forget to mention, I'am using Zodiac and not CoE.
My cooldown time is around 46% without Gogok's kicking in but I usually only have a few seconds wait between using Archon again.
I use the rotation now that you mentioned so I have that down pat, its just the lightning damage I was concerned about.
So if you are using Obsidian - the whole entire setup is different than what I explained above....
Rotation of elements doesn't matter - just keep hitting with Arcane Torrent to speed up the CDR and pop Archon ASAP.
Thanks mate, the ring and talent will synergise into this without me having to do anything different for proc rate/use?
Getting back to my original question where is my lightning damage coming from for the ring and talent?
Or do I have to switch out Zodiac for CoE and Arcane Torrent for Magic Missile to make this pairing work?
If I keep my current setup, Arcane Torrent and Zodiac, then the ring and talent are a waste of space because theres no lightning damage from CoE to use with it?
I'm trying really hard to understand this.
I like having Archon handy on a low cooldown so for me Zodiac is preferred but if I go that way do I change the Manald Ring and Paralysis to something else?
I now have the full set bonus of Tal Rasha's and the dps difference to not having it is huge.
Plan B is this build, it makes sense, just not sure if its better: https://www.icy-veins.com/d3/lightning-archon-wizard-skills-and-runes
At this stage I'm up to GR60 and doing it easy.
I've never hit 70 on any of my characters but thats my goal and I'd like my Wizard to do it because I really enjoy the class.
You are mixing TWO VASTLY different builds.
Manald Heal procs with Paralysis. To get that damage more frequently you need high Attack Speed.
Arcane Torrent - is a mana spender. That speeds up the Obsidian ring.
Have Lightning attack % on your bracers. Make sure that is your highest elemental damage, as that's the element that will be used when you are in Archon form.
Your 3 RINGS - Obsidian Ring of the Zodiac, Ring of Royal Grandeur, and Manald Heal. THOSE ARE A MUST.... Equip 2 and Cube the Other. For Manald Heal to work you need to have Paralysis as a passive ability.
Yes, Plan B - that's what you want. Not the one from D3planner as that is the COE build. You are no way near to doing that yet.
Just note that IcyVeins build is for speedrunning. There's a few things you can change to make it for pushing higher GRs. But don't worry about that yet.
You want to try to get Attack% and CDR on as much of the gear as you can. And lightning % on your bracers.
All your lightning damage while in archon form comes from your bracers. All your lightning damage while out of archon form comes from Arcane Torrent. But when you are out of Archon all you are trying to do is go back into archon. Arcane Torrent is mainly used for the elemental damage and as a mana spender to speed up the Obsidian ring for CDR.
Also note, the first time you start the rift - you'll be using Arcane Torrent's attack as a way to build up the Gogok stacks. You don't necessarily need to get it to 15 before you pop Archon, but it is good to get a few as that adds to your attack speed.
It won't be until your 2nd or 3rd time you go into Archon when you get the full effect. Keep checking and notice when your attack speed goes to 5. Pretty much when Gogok stack is at 15 and your Archon stacks are doubled up (with the help of The Swami).
My Lightning Non-Hydra Build
However, I used a Pig Stickler instead of In-Geom and used Blizzard instead of Frost Nova. But pretty much identical is use and form.
Mate awesome feedback thank you so much for taking the time and trouble of helping me out with this I very much appreciate it.
I'll make some changes and see how it goes
I did notice though watching your video it didnt show or mention what spells you use as well as how are you teleporting around so much without using Aether Walker?
Is that what 60% CDR gives you instead?
Heres an an updated video for Season 11. Its the exact same setup as IcyVeins speed running build.
Aether walker is is used to teleport when out of Archon form. While in archon, its the 2 piece set bonus of Vyr's that allows you to teleport at will.
The high CDR is so you can get back into Archon form ASAP. Notice in the video I spend less than a few seconds out of Archon. This also helps because of In-Geom proc. You want to kill elites and mob bosses as much as you can, that's why Nemesis Bracers are a big plus as they will spawn one when you activate it. There's one instance where I didn't kill one and you can see I'm out of Archon for a lot longer.