Hello, I'm seeking a build that is focused around Wave of Force. Is there any out there? I did a search on this site, apparently no one has come up with one or if they have they didn't post it.
Perhaps if someone has some tips I can attempt to make a build.
You could try using something like that. You teleport around, then start channeling Arcane Torrent, and the legendary effect of your offhand (etched sigil) will begin casting wave of force around you for free.
Hello, I'm seeking a build that is focused around Wave of Force. Is there any out there? I did a search on this site, apparently no one has come up with one or if they have they didn't post it.
Perhaps if someone has some tips I can attempt to make a build.
Thanks in advance,
You could try using something like that. You teleport around, then start channeling Arcane Torrent, and the legendary effect of your offhand (etched sigil) will begin casting wave of force around you for free.