I seem to be stuck at gr85 can finish it but around 18 mins++
Im at 62.6 CDR max on all slots except ammy when im specced into the glacial spike build.
1)is it ok for me to have 8% on all slots (including ammy) except weapon, or do i need max cdr on all items. I ask because i feel i need the life on hit on my weapon so im thinking of dropping cdr for it
2) i dont know if this is a silly question but how much of a difference is 64 and 62%, i mean does it really make the CoE rotation that much easier
3) which gr level do u think i should start using CoE because i cant seem to damage the mobs in 85+ without it, am i doing something wrong
Your toughness is waaaaay to low for GR85. I would build that up. You can do this by putting half your Int Paragon points in Vit. You can also try using in geom instead of aether walker in the cube. This works well for a lot. This may work and it may not as everyone's play style is different, but I would try this out! I have almost the identical setup except I dont have a primal starfire :(, and I cleared GR87. the only difference is that my toughness is at 24M and yours is at 16M
Hey man. I don't mind helping, I just need a bit more information.
Whats the following stats for you please:
Total Int:
Attacks per second:
attack speed increase:
attack speed roll on weapon:
crit hit chance:
crit hit damage:
on your cooldown question. Yea, it really does make it easier to manage your CoE cycles to have 64%. Otherwise one little mistake can really screw you. Gotta watch the stacks like a hawk.
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I seem to be stuck at gr85 can finish it but around 18 mins++
Im at 62.6 CDR max on all slots except ammy when im specced into the glacial spike build.
1)is it ok for me to have 8% on all slots (including ammy) except weapon, or do i need max cdr on all items. I ask because i feel i need the life on hit on my weapon so im thinking of dropping cdr for it
2) i dont know if this is a silly question but how much of a difference is 64 and 62%, i mean does it really make the CoE rotation that much easier
3) which gr level do u think i should start using CoE because i cant seem to damage the mobs in 85+ without it, am i doing something wrong
this is my profile i have a CoE with 8 cdr and a diff rorg with 8 cdr https://us.battle.net/d3/en/profile/Draeko-2408/hero/87534413
I played d3 from the beginning but quit and came back this season for my first season.
Any tips on GR pushing appreciated, im quite new to it
Your toughness is waaaaay to low for GR85. I would build that up. You can do this by putting half your Int Paragon points in Vit. You can also try using in geom instead of aether walker in the cube. This works well for a lot. This may work and it may not as everyone's play style is different, but I would try this out! I have almost the identical setup except I dont have a primal starfire :(, and I cleared GR87. the only difference is that my toughness is at 24M and yours is at 16M
Hey man. I don't mind helping, I just need a bit more information.
Whats the following stats for you please:
Total Int:
Attacks per second:
attack speed increase:
attack speed roll on weapon:
crit hit chance:
crit hit damage:
on your cooldown question. Yea, it really does make it easier to manage your CoE cycles to have 64%. Otherwise one little mistake can really screw you. Gotta watch the stacks like a hawk.