I have not played much after season 3 or so. I am trying to get back into it and I am trying to push but I cant even brake the 75GR and I'm at P692 as we speak. Can someone look at my toon and give me some ideas on whats wrong and why I cant push higher I die even in archon just get wreaked. Here is profile.
I also tried this build and although it kicks @ss, it is way too squishy for super high builds playing solo. Your main problem is 16M toughness, and 718K life. Try bringing that toughness up to 22M, at least. Use your Paragon points for Vit instead of Int. Your damage will still be high enough to drift you through.
I have not played much after season 3 or so. I am trying to get back into it and I am trying to push but I cant even brake the 75GR and I'm at P692 as we speak. Can someone look at my toon and give me some ideas on whats wrong and why I cant push higher I die even in archon just get wreaked. Here is profile.
You're talking about solo or group? This build is very glassy and useful only in group.
I also tried this build and although it kicks @ss, it is way too squishy for super high builds playing solo. Your main problem is 16M toughness, and 718K life. Try bringing that toughness up to 22M, at least. Use your Paragon points for Vit instead of Int. Your damage will still be high enough to drift you through.