Hey, so after doing about 3 hours worth of testing on the PTR, I found this neat (what I'm calling a) bug. So, as we all know, Area Damage can't be proc'd off of the Mandald Heal (no procs on procs) however, strangely enough, my 20% to proc Area Damage was proccing the Mandald Heal. Can anybody else confirm or deny this?
Test 1: Using the Hydra VyrRasha's MH with Archon Punch, dealing Mandald Heal damage to enemies at ~20yrds. (Outside the Slow Time bubble.)
Test 2: HVRMH with Archon Beam dealing damage to enemies beside the beam ~10yrds.
Test 3: HVRMH with Archon Explosion, dealing damage to enemies outside the Slow Time bubble.
Please let me know if you're having the same experience, as this may well be input lag. Further testing will be done, but if this makes it live, I feel a huge nerf in the works to HVRMH in the middle of Season 10.
From my experiences, I'm pretty sure the manald heal proc can proc area damage. It makes chain lightning pretty darn effective, especially on large packs of enemies off screen. Even on GR70 I'm sometimes seeing full champ packs exploding as they come on screen just from chains reaching them.
But then I was under the assumption area damage can proc off of any damage, but area damage doesn't actually proc anything.
Hey, so after doing about 3 hours worth of testing on the PTR, I found this neat (what I'm calling a) bug. So, as we all know, Area Damage can't be proc'd off of the Mandald Heal (no procs on procs) however, strangely enough, my 20% to proc Area Damage was proccing the Mandald Heal. Can anybody else confirm or deny this?
Test 1: Using the Hydra VyrRasha's MH with Archon Punch, dealing Mandald Heal damage to enemies at ~20yrds. (Outside the Slow Time bubble.)
Test 2: HVRMH with Archon Beam dealing damage to enemies beside the beam ~10yrds.
Test 3: HVRMH with Archon Explosion, dealing damage to enemies outside the Slow Time bubble.
Please let me know if you're having the same experience, as this may well be input lag. Further testing will be done, but if this makes it live, I feel a huge nerf in the works to HVRMH in the middle of Season 10.
From my experiences, I'm pretty sure the manald heal proc can proc area damage. It makes chain lightning pretty darn effective, especially on large packs of enemies off screen. Even on GR70 I'm sometimes seeing full champ packs exploding as they come on screen just from chains reaching them.
But then I was under the assumption area damage can proc off of any damage, but area damage doesn't actually proc anything.
Manald Heal does not proc area damage so it's useless