Since a few people were asking, here are some of the typical scripts I use for autocast / rebind with AutoHotKey.
Please use these at your own risk. I am not responsible for your actions.
The wizard in particular has problems with skills like Explosive Blast, Teleport with force stand, and Archon (with archon blast) that will otherwise destroy your hand from extended play.
Teleport & Force Stand
I prefer to rebind teleport for general use to the Tilde key (~). When in Archon though, I move this to my mouse button. These scripts assume you have force stand assigned to (XButton1), so change this if your force stand is assigned elsewhere. You will also want to place Teleport on your left click skill slot.
#IfWinActive, Diablo III
`::SendInput {XButton1 down}{LButton}{XButton1 up}
For outside Archon Form:
#IfWinActive, Diablo III
XButton2::SendInput {XButton1 down}{LButton}{XButton1 up}
Here is the reassignment I use for casting the Archon Teleport (while in archon form):
#IfWinActive, Diablo III
`::Send {3}
Right Click Autocast toggle
This script is great for farming builds (such as Tal electrocute MH), that require you to hold down right click (also works good for DH strafe builds btw). If you're pushing with such a build you might prefer to not use this script though, as it can get rough if you accidentally toggle it off in higher GR.
How it works: right click will toggle cast of right click spell on or off. F3 suspends the script. You might have to tap right click after suspending to ensure casting has stopped.
#IfWinActive, Diablo III
if getkeystate("LButton", "p") ;if a button is Physically held down by the user.
send, {XButton2}
sleep, 150
else if ^LButton
SendRaw {LButton}
This statement allows you make your Left click button always force move (assuming force move is assigned to XButton2). To circumvent the force move to pick up items or interact with objects, you can CTRL+left click. F3 easily suspends the script. Lbutton's assigned skill can still be cast using the Teleport script listed above, or you can just manually press force stand + left click.
This is great for builds that don't use teleport.
Explosive Blast & Related short Cooldown skills
EB builds often use repeating spells that are on a short cooldown. These include but aren't limited to: EB, DS, and FN. Especially for a farming build, this can be very hard to maintain without damaging your hand.
The script above assumes a typical FN:Mists + EB setup on skill keys 1 and 4. Note the timers can be commented out using the semicolon (;). More (or less) can be used, and you can even customize which keys are used, and the frequency (in milliseconds) that the spell attempts to cast. The script can be paused or unpaused by pressing the F2 key.
Archon / Archon Blast with Explosive Blast or Diamond Skin:
For this setup to work you want to place Archon in the skill 1 slot, and EB in the skill 4 slot. Since the number 4 slot is unused while in archon form, only when you come out of archon form will skill 4 (EB) be cast.
Thank you for reading, and Happy slaying, wizards!
EDIT (6/17/2018): By request, here is the script I use for rolling blood shards at Kadala. This spams right click up to 30 times (enough to fill an inventory). Feel free to reassign the hotkey or number of clicks.
#IfWinActive, Diablo III
Note that shadow power (Timer1) below is fairly configurable. Thus far I've preferred quicker recast here to boost uptime on Tactical Advantage, but if you'd like to save a little on resource more, this would be an easy place to do that, simply increase to 4500 or so.
EDIT: (6/17/2018): By request, here is the script I use for condemn on the crusader. The num1 attack is tuned slightly differently, to match condemn. It may need slight adjustment on your own machine depending on your system, network, preference, etc.
Yes, the numlock trick is the safest alternative.
Other than the reassignment for Teleport, and / or force move, all the autocast functions can be done with numlock.
See here for a quick guide from Quin69 on the numlock trick:
Hi all. Extremely need a script wich can starting autocast skills 1-4 only if Steed Charge is not active. I know its wizard's territory, but i see here peoples who know, how to writte good scripts for custom situations.
Or prompt the site were programmers can help me with writing this script.
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Since a few people were asking, here are some of the typical scripts I use for autocast / rebind with AutoHotKey.
Please use these at your own risk. I am not responsible for your actions.
The wizard in particular has problems with skills like Explosive Blast, Teleport with force stand, and Archon (with archon blast) that will otherwise destroy your hand from extended play.
Teleport & Force Stand
I prefer to rebind teleport for general use to the Tilde key (~). When in Archon though, I move this to my mouse button. These scripts assume you have force stand assigned to (XButton1), so change this if your force stand is assigned elsewhere. You will also want to place Teleport on your left click skill slot.
For outside Archon Form:
Here is the reassignment I use for casting the Archon Teleport (while in archon form):
Right Click Autocast toggle
This script is great for farming builds (such as Tal electrocute MH), that require you to hold down right click (also works good for DH strafe builds btw). If you're pushing with such a build you might prefer to not use this script though, as it can get rough if you accidentally toggle it off in higher GR.
How it works: right click will toggle cast of right click spell on or off. F3 suspends the script. You might have to tap right click after suspending to ensure casting has stopped.
Reassign Force Move to left click
This statement allows you make your Left click button always force move (assuming force move is assigned to XButton2). To circumvent the force move to pick up items or interact with objects, you can CTRL+left click. F3 easily suspends the script. Lbutton's assigned skill can still be cast using the Teleport script listed above, or you can just manually press force stand + left click.
This is great for builds that don't use teleport.
Explosive Blast & Related short Cooldown skills
EB builds often use repeating spells that are on a short cooldown. These include but aren't limited to: EB, DS, and FN. Especially for a farming build, this can be very hard to maintain without damaging your hand.
The script above assumes a typical FN:Mists + EB setup on skill keys 1 and 4. Note the timers can be commented out using the semicolon (;). More (or less) can be used, and you can even customize which keys are used, and the frequency (in milliseconds) that the spell attempts to cast. The script can be paused or unpaused by pressing the F2 key.
Archon / Archon Blast with Explosive Blast or Diamond Skin:
For this setup to work you want to place Archon in the skill 1 slot, and EB in the skill 4 slot. Since the number 4 slot is unused while in archon form, only when you come out of archon form will skill 4 (EB) be cast.
Thank you for reading, and Happy slaying, wizards!
EDIT (6/17/2018): By request, here is the script I use for rolling blood shards at Kadala. This spams right click up to 30 times (enough to fill an inventory). Feel free to reassign the hotkey or number of clicks.
EDIT (10/19/2018): Adding in script for DH / Displacement Nephalem rifting build:
Note that shadow power (Timer1) below is fairly configurable. Thus far I've preferred quicker recast here to boost uptime on Tactical Advantage, but if you'd like to save a little on resource more, this would be an easy place to do that, simply increase to 4500 or so.
EDIT: (6/17/2018): By request, here is the script I use for condemn on the crusader. The num1 attack is tuned slightly differently, to match condemn. It may need slight adjustment on your own machine depending on your system, network, preference, etc.
I do not recommend AHK, cause many people were banned for simple EB macros
Yes, the numlock trick is the safest alternative.
Other than the reassignment for Teleport, and / or force move, all the autocast functions can be done with numlock.
See here for a quick guide from Quin69 on the numlock trick:
Hi all. Extremely need a script wich can starting autocast skills 1-4 only if Steed Charge is not active. I know its wizard's territory, but i see here peoples who know, how to writte good scripts for custom situations.
Or prompt the site were programmers can help me with writing this script.