Hey guys! This is the second Wizard build that i've personally tested in and out and prepared for 2.4.2!
It's a lot of fun and quite tanky as well. I've experimented a lot with different skills, stats, gear and FINALLY after almost two weeks of testing i found the perfect combination that works very smooth.
This build utilizes full, reworked 2.4.2 firebird with three fire spenders and absolutely no primary skills. So this is the "all spender" caster build of pure fire and blasting!
I am sorry that video is 40 minutes long, i explained build in deep detail with all available options
Hey man! yeah Deathwish is quite popular indeed! Solid and viable build. But not as good as Wand of Woh of cause. More chainblasting also gives massive life recovery which is so needed for Wizard. Gizzard is in good spot there
I also wanted to experiment with Meteor Shower as well, but had no time to do everything.
I think meteor shower will be interesting with full firebird.
yeah, the entire poist was to make use of Etched Sigil which basically doubles the skill uses - it aut casts spenders every second following the CDs, but it doesn't actually trigger them so you get actual double uses of skills like BH and EB. From what i've seen, with double cast and Chain reaction, there are no issues to keep the stacks up. I suppose the entire point is to have the 100% increased EB damage.
Also: with the belt and RCR from paragon AT will have around 8.25 cost per second, meaning it's basically free due to the 10AP/sec base regeneration. The AP on crit is nice anyway since you're going to cast the other skills.
Only "gripe" is Blizzard/Apocalypse. It does quite a bunch of damage, but afaik the AoE don't stack, so multiplecasts have a way smaller effect - the reason why i choose Meteor Shower, it's a free cast every second and doesn't have a cooldown.
I'm not entirely sure about Magic Weapon too. It's a solid skill but i prefer some more control with BH (which has also a reduced effect on diminishing returns) and with APD toughness alreayd goes skyrocket (with 20 mobs it goes well over the 3 billions mark).
AP on crit is mostly to recover to full AP when you fight single elites/small packs.
EB casts start to drain you, and base regen not enough for it. So yeah, AP on crit is there to refill after massive EB casts vs single target like RG/Elites.
Meteor shower is a good option. But it would be more useful if you "spam" it, like it always was before. As a "triggered" skill it's pretty bad i think, as meteors have a delay and fall randomely all over the place. That's the reason why i chose Apocalypse with it's huge AOE, to effectively proc 6pc.
And i believe if you cast meteor shower manually you will be out of AP pretty quickly. Two spenders cast manually won't work in a build without a generator. AP recovery must be crazy to counter that.
I think that meteors might work in my "Geenerator" build though since AP is recovered so quickly with the Spectral Blade there
Yeah, sure. The whole point of using meteor shower is that it doesn't have a cd, so it's effectively being cast each second, so the delay happens only at the start, but then it's a permanent rain of stuff.
I messed on d3planner and with Woh EB does a lot of damage, but still less than meteor shower. ANyway it's not a good benchmark, and if you ran your build on PTR, it's definite proof that it works good.
With 40 AP per cast still, i have doubts Meteor Shower will fit Firebird from now on
And Meteors better work with Tal-Rasha as well, and the meteor boots.
Also it's very hard to drop Orb of Infinite Depth and EB from any wizard build now, since you need silly amount of damage reduction to survive without Archon. We could use Grand Vizier or meteor boots, but it all reduces toughness by a huge amount.. Unfortunately, without Nilfur's Boast any meteor build will be sub-optimal
You have a point. My idea was to never cast meteor and just let ES deal with that to autocast it. Afaik ES casts do not consume AP and have a separate CD from the actual skill.
I had the chance to try it a little. BH turned out to be pretty cool - very useful to group up enemies and it's part of the skills that proc less dr on pulling monsters effect. I'd take that instead of Magic Weapon.
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Hey guys! This is the second Wizard build that i've personally tested in and out and prepared for 2.4.2!
It's a lot of fun and quite tanky as well. I've experimented a lot with different skills, stats, gear and FINALLY after almost two weeks of testing i found the perfect combination that works very smooth.
This build utilizes full, reworked 2.4.2 firebird with three fire spenders and absolutely no primary skills. So this is the "all spender" caster build of pure fire and blasting!
I am sorry that video is 40 minutes long, i explained build in deep detail with all available options
Uhm, this looks a lot similar with my Firebird idea.
If i link the d3planner, are you willing to try it for the lulz? No guarantee of it being better, but i think it's viable.
Hope you like it.
Hey man! yeah Deathwish is quite popular indeed! Solid and viable build. But not as good as Wand of Woh of cause. More chainblasting also gives massive life recovery which is so needed for Wizard. Gizzard is in good spot there
I also wanted to experiment with Meteor Shower as well, but had no time to do everything.
I think meteor shower will be interesting with full firebird.
yeah, the entire poist was to make use of Etched Sigil which basically doubles the skill uses - it aut casts spenders every second following the CDs, but it doesn't actually trigger them so you get actual double uses of skills like BH and EB. From what i've seen, with double cast and Chain reaction, there are no issues to keep the stacks up. I suppose the entire point is to have the 100% increased EB damage.
Also: with the belt and RCR from paragon AT will have around 8.25 cost per second, meaning it's basically free due to the 10AP/sec base regeneration. The AP on crit is nice anyway since you're going to cast the other skills.
Only "gripe" is Blizzard/Apocalypse. It does quite a bunch of damage, but afaik the AoE don't stack, so multiplecasts have a way smaller effect - the reason why i choose Meteor Shower, it's a free cast every second and doesn't have a cooldown.
I'm not entirely sure about Magic Weapon too. It's a solid skill but i prefer some more control with BH (which has also a reduced effect on diminishing returns) and with APD toughness alreayd goes skyrocket (with 20 mobs it goes well over the 3 billions mark).
AP on crit is mostly to recover to full AP when you fight single elites/small packs.
EB casts start to drain you, and base regen not enough for it. So yeah, AP on crit is there to refill after massive EB casts vs single target like RG/Elites.
Meteor shower is a good option. But it would be more useful if you "spam" it, like it always was before. As a "triggered" skill it's pretty bad i think, as meteors have a delay and fall randomely all over the place. That's the reason why i chose Apocalypse with it's huge AOE, to effectively proc 6pc.
And i believe if you cast meteor shower manually you will be out of AP pretty quickly. Two spenders cast manually won't work in a build without a generator. AP recovery must be crazy to counter that.
I think that meteors might work in my "Geenerator" build though since AP is recovered so quickly with the Spectral Blade there
Yeah, sure. The whole point of using meteor shower is that it doesn't have a cd, so it's effectively being cast each second, so the delay happens only at the start, but then it's a permanent rain of stuff.
I messed on d3planner and with Woh EB does a lot of damage, but still less than meteor shower. ANyway it's not a good benchmark, and if you ran your build on PTR, it's definite proof that it works good.
With 40 AP per cast still, i have doubts Meteor Shower will fit Firebird from now on
And Meteors better work with Tal-Rasha as well, and the meteor boots.
Also it's very hard to drop Orb of Infinite Depth and EB from any wizard build now, since you need silly amount of damage reduction to survive without Archon. We could use Grand Vizier or meteor boots, but it all reduces toughness by a huge amount.. Unfortunately, without Nilfur's Boast any meteor build will be sub-optimal
You have a point. My idea was to never cast meteor and just let ES deal with that to autocast it. Afaik ES casts do not consume AP and have a separate CD from the actual skill.
I had the chance to try it a little. BH turned out to be pretty cool - very useful to group up enemies and it's part of the skills that proc less dr on pulling monsters effect. I'd take that instead of Magic Weapon.