So on TX currently I prefer disintegrate 5tal/2sages for DB or 5tal/3fb for super fast clear speeds (using RRoG), but also noticed a lot of people like wand of woh EB spam using ingeom (i hate stress timers) and also that spectral blades generator is good enough as well. Since T13 is going to be much, much more difficult, will it put a divide between these 3 options leaving only one clear victor?
And on a side note, think there's gonna be enough dps to even use sages in T13?
So on TX currently I prefer disintegrate 5tal/2sages for DB or 5tal/3fb for super fast clear speeds (using RRoG), but also noticed a lot of people like wand of woh EB spam using ingeom (i hate stress timers) and also that spectral blades generator is good enough as well. Since T13 is going to be much, much more difficult, will it put a divide between these 3 options leaving only one clear victor?
And on a side note, think there's gonna be enough dps to even use sages in T13?