As far as survival go, I try to teleport into large packs and spam frost nova to proc APD while channeling arcane torrent/flame ward.
Is my gear too lacking, or is it a gameplay issue?
As a side note, I sometimes have the feeling that some mobs are avoiding my damage : I've been standing right next to mobs with 2 overlapping archon stacks, and the wave of force didn't do noticeable damage.
I would say - save some gear with vit rolls instead of CDR everywhere. With such low paragon you won't survive very well.
Overall fb archon has a lot of survival issues. And it "grows" slowly. You need a lot of things to make it work. First of all you need really good gear, secondly you need augments. FB archon damage is not as good with low sheet dps, since we are rolling off a lot to CDR. And also paragon. You need a lot of it to make fb archon shine.
Hey guys,
I can't seem to complete a GR 70 with archon/FB, because I keep dying almost instantly when outside of archon.
Here's my setup :
As far as survival go, I try to teleport into large packs and spam frost nova to proc APD while channeling arcane torrent/flame ward.
Is my gear too lacking, or is it a gameplay issue?
As a side note, I sometimes have the feeling that some mobs are avoiding my damage : I've been standing right next to mobs with 2 overlapping archon stacks, and the wave of force didn't do noticeable damage.
10 mill toughness man.
I have similar issues but in 85+. Dying a lot.
I would say - save some gear with vit rolls instead of CDR everywhere. With such low paragon you won't survive very well.
Overall fb archon has a lot of survival issues. And it "grows" slowly. You need a lot of things to make it work. First of all you need really good gear, secondly you need augments. FB archon damage is not as good with low sheet dps, since we are rolling off a lot to CDR. And also paragon. You need a lot of it to make fb archon shine.