I'm thinking of picking up a copy of Diablo 3 for my brand new PS4 since it's a game I can play with friends or family locally. What caught my interest was the fact that melee wizard was a viable play-style in this game, and is usually something that is lacking in RPG games. I haven't really played a Diablo-style game for quite some time now, I believe I played Path of Exiles about two years ago and tried my best to make a mage + melee hybrid back then as well, only to fail, of course.
I was browsing through several builds other people have made and it looks interesting, but I don't have enough experience with gear and available stats to make a full build up by myself. I'm mostly just aimlessly browsing to be honest.
I know that I'd like to use a one-handed sword for my primary and an orb for my secondary, weapon-wise.
For Skills, I'd like to use something along these lines:
Primary: Spectral Blade (Barrier Blades)
Secondary: Arcane Torrent (Flame Ward)
Other Skills:
Diamond Skin (Enduring Skin)*
Teleport (Safe Passage)
Magic Weapon (Deflection)
Ice Armor (Crystallize)
*Not sure about that Rune, I mostly took it to mitigate the long cool-down time of Diamond Skin
Galvanizing Ward
Since I haven't played the game, I am not sure how the skills work and if there's actual synergy or not, but I did notice a "weapon power" called Aether Walker which removes the cool-down of Teleport and makes it cost Arcane Power instead. I imagine I could change the rune on Spectral Blade to drain Arcane Power from every hit instead if Arcane Power generation is a problem should I use Teleport like that.
I imagine myself Teleporting into a bunch of enemies and gaining 25% damage reduction for 5 seconds, then casting Arcane Torrent with Flame Ward, including the passive from Blur, would reduce incoming damage by 67% (Assuming the numbers stack) when Flame Ward is at full channeling, which is a sizable sum. If I go about adding in barriers, that should generally mean that it would make me hard to kill, while Arcane Torrent and Spectral Blade should be able to do enough damage to kill things around me. I'd then Teleport around the AOE effect of Arcane Torrent to keep the damage reduction buff going and things being hit. I would prefer to whack things with my sword but I have heard that weapons tend to be a "stat-stick" when it comes to Wizard. I definitely do like being able to buff myself, you know, magic that increase my stats, enchantments and the like, buffing the weapon with elemental properties or just pure magic, the way Magic Weapon does.
The person I plan on playing with would most likely be a Demon Hunter that plays like an assassin with traps and high damage, perhaps that bit of info might affect the build?
If anybody happens to have a build which follows the few guidelines I have set or the idea I have envisioned, would you be so kind as to toss me a link? Conversely, if anybody is willing to make a build following these few guidelines, I would be really thankful. If anything needs to be changed for efficiency's sake, please let me know why!
If I can find a build that works on paper, I might be willing to buy the game and try it out, right now I'm just sitting in that gray area of being unsure as whether to do it or not.
If you like the melee wizard idea, I'd check out some DMO or Tal Rasha builds... there are tons on diablofans, but just to give you a quick idea I'll link a few:
If you want to really dice things up in melee range, spectral blades synergises really well with the Fragment of Destiny wand, Shame of Delsere Belt, Depth Digger pants and legendary gem "Simplicity's Strength" altogether... which I believe are all included in the third link up there.
Semi-viable...but you'll need augmentations of 60 or higher, gem levels of 65 or higher, paragon levels of at least 800 and ancient gear all the way around to get much further than GR70. I'm using a SB build that incorporates both a Wand of Woh and Fragment of Destiny...along with an Orb of Infinite Depth.
It works and though it has its short-comings...it is the way I prefer to play my wizard. I'm not much for the archon style of play... and I don't expect to push the build too far past GR80. I posted the build to the site and use my wizard for farming/gem-leveling. She is VERY fast...something I do enjoy a great deal. 20 to 25 TX runs per hour? No problem.
I'm thinking of picking up a copy of Diablo 3 for my brand new PS4 since it's a game I can play with friends or family locally. What caught my interest was the fact that melee wizard was a viable play-style in this game, and is usually something that is lacking in RPG games. I haven't really played a Diablo-style game for quite some time now, I believe I played Path of Exiles about two years ago and tried my best to make a mage + melee hybrid back then as well, only to fail, of course.
I was browsing through several builds other people have made and it looks interesting, but I don't have enough experience with gear and available stats to make a full build up by myself. I'm mostly just aimlessly browsing to be honest.
I know that I'd like to use a one-handed sword for my primary and an orb for my secondary, weapon-wise.
For Skills, I'd like to use something along these lines:
Primary: Spectral Blade (Barrier Blades)
Secondary: Arcane Torrent (Flame Ward)
Other Skills:
Diamond Skin (Enduring Skin)*
Teleport (Safe Passage)
Magic Weapon (Deflection)
Ice Armor (Crystallize)
*Not sure about that Rune, I mostly took it to mitigate the long cool-down time of Diamond Skin
Galvanizing Ward
Since I haven't played the game, I am not sure how the skills work and if there's actual synergy or not, but I did notice a "weapon power" called Aether Walker which removes the cool-down of Teleport and makes it cost Arcane Power instead. I imagine I could change the rune on Spectral Blade to drain Arcane Power from every hit instead if Arcane Power generation is a problem should I use Teleport like that.
I imagine myself Teleporting into a bunch of enemies and gaining 25% damage reduction for 5 seconds, then casting Arcane Torrent with Flame Ward, including the passive from Blur, would reduce incoming damage by 67% (Assuming the numbers stack) when Flame Ward is at full channeling, which is a sizable sum. If I go about adding in barriers, that should generally mean that it would make me hard to kill, while Arcane Torrent and Spectral Blade should be able to do enough damage to kill things around me. I'd then Teleport around the AOE effect of Arcane Torrent to keep the damage reduction buff going and things being hit. I would prefer to whack things with my sword but I have heard that weapons tend to be a "stat-stick" when it comes to Wizard. I definitely do like being able to buff myself, you know, magic that increase my stats, enchantments and the like, buffing the weapon with elemental properties or just pure magic, the way Magic Weapon does.
The person I plan on playing with would most likely be a Demon Hunter that plays like an assassin with traps and high damage, perhaps that bit of info might affect the build?
If anybody happens to have a build which follows the few guidelines I have set or the idea I have envisioned, would you be so kind as to toss me a link? Conversely, if anybody is willing to make a build following these few guidelines, I would be really thankful. If anything needs to be changed for efficiency's sake, please let me know why!
If I can find a build that works on paper, I might be willing to buy the game and try it out, right now I'm just sitting in that gray area of being unsure as whether to do it or not.
Thanks in advance for any and all help!
If you like the melee wizard idea, I'd check out some DMO or Tal Rasha builds... there are tons on diablofans, but just to give you a quick idea I'll link a few:
and I made one: http://www.diablofans.com/builds/70207-brolandis-tal-wizard-t10-speedfarm-dbs
If you want to really dice things up in melee range, spectral blades synergises really well with the Fragment of Destiny wand, Shame of Delsere Belt, Depth Digger pants and legendary gem "Simplicity's Strength" altogether... which I believe are all included in the third link up there.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy giving those a shot.
Far from optimal, but it gets the job done.
Semi-viable...but you'll need augmentations of 60 or higher, gem levels of 65 or higher, paragon levels of at least 800 and ancient gear all the way around to get much further than GR70. I'm using a SB build that incorporates both a Wand of Woh and Fragment of Destiny...along with an Orb of Infinite Depth.
It works and though it has its short-comings...it is the way I prefer to play my wizard. I'm not much for the archon style of play... and I don't expect to push the build too far past GR80. I posted the build to the site and use my wizard for farming/gem-leveling. She is VERY fast...something I do enjoy a great deal. 20 to 25 TX runs per hour? No problem.
Spectral blades + 10minute shrine cube power + Speed Shrine = win