So stumbled across this guy while checking what stats people were rolling on the leader boards ? not sure if its a bug with the leader board snapshotting what gear he has on or something ? does not seem right at all 94 without chantodos or even ancient weapons
So stumbled across this guy while checking what stats people were rolling on the leader boards ? not sure if its a bug with the leader board snapshotting what gear he has on or something ? does not seem right at all 94 without chantodos or even ancient weapons
bump... anybody have and explanation ?
pretty possible with Vyrs i guess since he has 6pc bonus +2pc vyr, also furnace cubed.
Bad build indeed but fairly possible to do in insane density. how he did that with such low paragon though, hehe
i need to check this chinese build asap. Does all arhon runes really boost damage so much.
the firebird exploit, the threads deleted on main forums..
sad sad should have made copies.