This is quickly summarized what i used to complete the rift with 5 minutes left on the clock.
Weapon: yellow level 70 2h mace - 3500 dps 8% dmg 800int + socket. <- crafted afther i hit 70 for info.
4 piece DMO and mediocre yellow gear in rest of the slots except for my belt where i was lucky to get a hergbrash's binding - disintegrate cost redused for infinite channeling time BUT IT IS NOT MANDATORY just nice.
skill build:
mouse1: shock pulse - power afinity. can use electrocute surge of power for easier arcane dynamo stacks but then you need to use slow time bubbles more carefully.
mouse2: disintegrate - convergence - i like that rune for wider beams \\ hit more stuff
skill 1 2 etc:
slow time - time warp . should probably use exhaustion if you struggle to survive but has the damage output.
magic weapon - force weapon
teleport - safe passage
familiar - sparkflint
unstable anomaly <- can use like, astral presence if you struggle with arcane power and dont die much, for my run personaly either one would been fine.
arcane dynamo <- you need this. get 5 stacks, find a good possition, dropp slow time bubble and be safe then channel the shit out of everything.
once you have all 6 DMO pieces, you can just change disintegrate for frozen orb and you are rock solid good to go to crush much higher levels. if you go frozen orb you could also remove your arcane dynamo for astral presence or something something...
hope this helps with your gear progression guys! good luck!
This is quickly summarized what i used to complete the rift with 5 minutes left on the clock.
Weapon: yellow level 70 2h mace - 3500 dps 8% dmg 800int + socket. <- crafted afther i hit 70 for info.
4 piece DMO and mediocre yellow gear in rest of the slots except for my belt where i was lucky to get a hergbrash's binding - disintegrate cost redused for infinite channeling time BUT IT IS NOT MANDATORY just nice.
skill build:
mouse1: shock pulse - power afinity. can use electrocute surge of power for easier arcane dynamo stacks but then you need to use slow time bubbles more carefully.
mouse2: disintegrate - convergence - i like that rune for wider beams \\ hit more stuff
skill 1 2 etc:
slow time - time warp . should probably use exhaustion if you struggle to survive but has the damage output.
magic weapon - force weapon
teleport - safe passage
familiar - sparkflint
unstable anomaly <- can use like, astral presence if you struggle with arcane power and dont die much, for my run personaly either one would been fine.
arcane dynamo <- you need this. get 5 stacks, find a good possition, dropp slow time bubble and be safe then channel the shit out of everything.
once you have all 6 DMO pieces, you can just change disintegrate for frozen orb and you are rock solid good to go to crush much higher levels. if you go frozen orb you could also remove your arcane dynamo for astral presence or something something...
hope this helps with your gear progression guys! good luck!