So yeah, I did a GR60 in like 12 minutes. Anything above 64 is completely impossible, I can hit the same white mob for the entire duration of Archon without killing it. My gear is not great at all, but I expected low 60s to be quite easy. I get 1shot outside of Archon and easily get rekt in Archon as well.
Is there some trick to this that I'm too daft to understand?
1.1m sheet dps, 9m toughness, standard gear (6p Vyr, CoE, Halo, Ancient Defenders, Chantodo, Fazula belt. Cubed Furnace, Swami and Obsidian).
Granted vyrs isn't the better version of archon it can still do pretty high rifts. You just need to get massive groups of mobs. Fighting a couple mobs is just too slow. The spec is all about mass aoe with chantodo.
Need to abuse APDS as either spec. You have literally no toughness and even less as firebird vs vyrs.
So yeah, I did a GR60 in like 12 minutes. Anything above 64 is completely impossible, I can hit the same white mob for the entire duration of Archon without killing it. My gear is not great at all, but I expected low 60s to be quite easy. I get 1shot outside of Archon and easily get rekt in Archon as well.
Is there some trick to this that I'm too daft to understand?
1.1m sheet dps, 9m toughness, standard gear (6p Vyr, CoE, Halo, Ancient Defenders, Chantodo, Fazula belt. Cubed Furnace, Swami and Obsidian).
The set you are using is bad,people are using Firebirds set for Archon.
And yes it could be you also just as it is me.I just can not play that build at all.I am not looking forward to next season for wiz.
also are you using ice nova all the time to freeze mobs to get the increased toughness from bracers?
Granted vyrs isn't the better version of archon it can still do pretty high rifts. You just need to get massive groups of mobs. Fighting a couple mobs is just too slow. The spec is all about mass aoe with chantodo.
Need to abuse APDS as either spec. You have literally no toughness and even less as firebird vs vyrs.
I'm by no means top of the leaderboards(i was gr78) but here is some gameplay of GR75
This is 6P Firebirds/Archon.
Sorry but I only recorded the last 5 minutes of the rift. It is pretty powerful. Unfortunately, I only tried a couple of days in the PTR