i´ve just seen that you´ll get the Delseres Set from the journey in S6. I haven´t spent that much time on the PTR but i really struggeled testing a Gr20 with 4p Delse to get the last 2 pieces, because you only get the cdr on SlowTime with the 2p and dmgreduce when you´re in the SlowTime from 4p.
So considering that you only have Head, Shoulders, Hands and Feet of Delseres and probably only yellows on the other Slots with craftet Rings,Amulet and 2H weapon, any1 got a build yet to smoothly clear the Gr20 for the last 2 setpieces with a 100% clearrate no matter if there are 10 minutes left or just 1 in a bad riftlayout and mobtype?
Get the leoric's crown from story mode skeleton king at level 20 to speed up leveling. Cube it after your first set of bounties at 70. Craft your yellows to get maximum offensive stats and cooldown reduction on every available slot (Shoulder, Weapon, Source, both Rings, Amulet, Gloves). Focus your gold on leveling up diamonds and your early offensive paragon on cooldown reduction.
Spend blood shards on sources and use DB's to hope of cain on wands.
If you get triumvirate, unstable scepter, chantodo's set, wand of woh, orb of infinite depth, serpent sparker, etched sigil, mirror ball, or fragment of destiny in the course of doing these you have a build essentially chosen for you.
If you don't, stack up that CDR and use archon/slow time, audacity, bane of the trapped, and any weapon damage proc gems you can get your hands on (Pain Enhancer, Mirinae, Wreath of Lightning, Efficacious Toxin)
Buffed Archon and/or DMO4 w/exhaustion will make you super overkill durable for GR20, so its just about doing the damage. Buffed archon and multiplicative stacks should get you there, especially combined with the buffed legendary gems.
is crafting 1h/oh better than a 2h for yellows when we hit 70 and try our GR20? I dont think we would have any lego gems yet since that will most likely be my first GR done.
When I attempted my first Grift 20 solo this season for my last 2 pcs. I was in the 4 pcs and just some bad yellows. I finished with 5 mins or so to spare I believe. as stated above the only issue is damage your durability is fine. I'd use disintegrate with entropy for your damage dealer. if you can get an Orb of Infinite Depth, add Explosive Blast with the Chain Reaction Rune on it for a low cost boost to damage. keep those slow times up and take your time. baby steps, if you need to skip low density mobs to go for an elite, do it. it will seem close at first unless you get a great rift but you can do it :-)
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Hey Folks,
i´ve just seen that you´ll get the Delseres Set from the journey in S6. I haven´t spent that much time on the PTR but i really struggeled testing a Gr20 with 4p Delse to get the last 2 pieces, because you only get the cdr on SlowTime with the 2p and dmgreduce when you´re in the SlowTime from 4p.
So considering that you only have Head, Shoulders, Hands and Feet of Delseres and probably only yellows on the other Slots with craftet Rings,Amulet and 2H weapon, any1 got a build yet to smoothly clear the Gr20 for the last 2 setpieces with a 100% clearrate no matter if there are 10 minutes left or just 1 in a bad riftlayout and mobtype?
This is a good question. My pick:
Get the leoric's crown from story mode skeleton king at level 20 to speed up leveling. Cube it after your first set of bounties at 70. Craft your yellows to get maximum offensive stats and cooldown reduction on every available slot (Shoulder, Weapon, Source, both Rings, Amulet, Gloves). Focus your gold on leveling up diamonds and your early offensive paragon on cooldown reduction.
Spend blood shards on sources and use DB's to hope of cain on wands.
If you get triumvirate, unstable scepter, chantodo's set, wand of woh, orb of infinite depth, serpent sparker, etched sigil, mirror ball, or fragment of destiny in the course of doing these you have a build essentially chosen for you.
If you don't, stack up that CDR and use archon/slow time, audacity, bane of the trapped, and any weapon damage proc gems you can get your hands on (Pain Enhancer, Mirinae, Wreath of Lightning, Efficacious Toxin)
Buffed Archon and/or DMO4 w/exhaustion will make you super overkill durable for GR20, so its just about doing the damage. Buffed archon and multiplicative stacks should get you there, especially combined with the buffed legendary gems.
is crafting 1h/oh better than a 2h for yellows when we hit 70 and try our GR20? I dont think we would have any lego gems yet since that will most likely be my first GR done.
When I attempted my first Grift 20 solo this season for my last 2 pcs. I was in the 4 pcs and just some bad yellows. I finished with 5 mins or so to spare I believe. as stated above the only issue is damage your durability is fine. I'd use disintegrate with entropy for your damage dealer. if you can get an Orb of Infinite Depth, add Explosive Blast with the Chain Reaction Rune on it for a low cost boost to damage. keep those slow times up and take your time. baby steps, if you need to skip low density mobs to go for an elite, do it. it will seem close at first unless you get a great rift but you can do it :-)