I have seen the main article with the changes to the garganutan abilities that relate to damage, and the couple of runes they are changing, but have seen no word on what they are doing with him in regards to survivability. The Previews gave some info for the dogs, but not the gargantuan. In the datamined info, I didn't see anything about neither dog's nor gargantuan's health. Did I miss it in all the changes, or is it just not public yet? Thanks
- Single-hit damage cap is the same. The cap scales with the player's level, Armor, and Resistances.
- Max Life will scale with the player's. On top of that, at level 60, Gargantuans will receive an additional 50% of the player's Max Life.
Gargantuan damage is also being increased from 25% to 100%, but the trade-off is that they can no longer trigger procs.
they will revive similar buffs, but we don't know if its that same value as dogs 10000 or if its higher my guess its the same value as the dogs or the value of around 30000 that was its last health. he is meant to deal damage and not tank like the dogs. henche my guess is that the value will be 30000*(100%-armor%)*(100%-resist%), it should survive a fair bit longer with the extra health it receives. assuming his base health is still around 30000 and not 10000 with 50% scaling.
time will tell i guess. he is more durable and deals more damage and that is all i care about.
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Lylirra1 day, 2 hours ago
@Quatto777: Very similar, but not identical.
- Single-hit damage cap is the same. The cap scales with the player's level, Armor, and Resistances.
- Max Life will scale with the player's. On top of that, at level 60, Gargantuans will receive an additional 50% of the player's Max Life.
Gargantuan damage is also being increased from 25% to 100%, but the trade-off is that they can no longer trigger procs.
they will revive similar buffs, but we don't know if its that same value as dogs 10000 or if its higher my guess its the same value as the dogs or the value of around 30000 that was its last health. he is meant to deal damage and not tank like the dogs. henche my guess is that the value will be 30000*(100%-armor%)*(100%-resist%), it should survive a fair bit longer with the extra health it receives. assuming his base health is still around 30000 and not 10000 with 50% scaling.
time will tell i guess. he is more durable and deals more damage and that is all i care about.
EU Season Achievement Ladder: Season 1 : #773, 7150/7880 | S2 : #742, 5970/8280 | S3 : #1000+, 810/980 | S4 #? 0/? |