Thank you for taking the time to read and respond.
With my WD I am currently happily farming act2 inferno with minimal deaths, 50 packs, skipping belial in about 2hours. However act3 is a mission, I can kill some packs, but it takes long and I die often.
Summary stats: 41k dps without PTV, 35khp, lowest resist 305, EHP 175k, armor 3000,
MF 196% with follower, +- 271% with 5 stack NV, I do not gear swop
Note: I play from South Africa, so latency is like Australia. High risk quick response builds not really going to work since I will get hits sometimes. Current EHP allows me to survive about 3 hits.
Advice needed
1. General build and gear advice. I use splinters due to long range, allows off screen dps, can kill all trash before its near me. Anything I can replace it with?
2. What should I be aiming at gear wise? How much dps should I be aiming to sacrifice? If I get a shield, I lose roughly 12k dps, if I change my helm away from intel/crit I lose 4-5k dps, etc. More AR? more armor?
3. Anyone successfully farming act3 with high mf without swopping. Mind linking your profile, giving some advice? explaining your general play/deaths/etc? Really need some advice.
4. I have around 20mil eu gold currently to spend on upgrades. Not looking to spend RMAH.
Any advice would really be appreciated. Thanks again
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With my WD I am currently happily farming act2 inferno with minimal deaths, 50 packs, skipping belial in about 2hours. However act3 is a mission, I can kill some packs, but it takes long and I die often.
Profile link with build and gear:
Summary build: Bears,splinters, grasp,horrify,BBV, Spiritwalk
Summary stats: 41k dps without PTV, 35khp, lowest resist 305, EHP 175k, armor 3000,
MF 196% with follower, +- 271% with 5 stack NV, I do not gear swop
Note: I play from South Africa, so latency is like Australia. High risk quick response builds not really going to work since I will get hits sometimes. Current EHP allows me to survive about 3 hits.
Advice needed
1. General build and gear advice. I use splinters due to long range, allows off screen dps, can kill all trash before its near me. Anything I can replace it with?
2. What should I be aiming at gear wise? How much dps should I be aiming to sacrifice? If I get a shield, I lose roughly 12k dps, if I change my helm away from intel/crit I lose 4-5k dps, etc. More AR? more armor?
3. Anyone successfully farming act3 with high mf without swopping. Mind linking your profile, giving some advice? explaining your general play/deaths/etc? Really need some advice.
4. I have around 20mil eu gold currently to spend on upgrades. Not looking to spend RMAH.
Any advice would really be appreciated. Thanks again