Everything you need to know for Demon Hunter in Patch 2.4.2 Season 7
Since there were very few fundamental and relevant changes for demon hunter this is mostly a copy paste from last season
Like in previous seasons I will list all the build guides I have for patch 2.4.2 plus some additional resources and information. Since the builds are still essentially the same I haven't made new videos, but the text guides will be updated and polished throughout the season and videos may be reproduced but for now will serve as a visual representation of the build's gameplay and overall idea. The build's foundations are mostly optimized for solo intermediate players, for more information on beginner, advanced, and group variations please read the text descriptions for each build!
If you find these helpful do not forget to give them an upvote, please and thank you! My guides will continue to be polished, updated, and current. If you have any questions or suggestions please kindly let me know! you can contact me either here on dfans or on my Live Stream
Everything you need to know for Demon Hunter in Patch 2.4.2 Season 7
Since there were very few fundamental and relevant changes for demon hunter this is mostly a copy paste from last season
Like in previous seasons I will list all the build guides I have for patch 2.4.2 plus some additional resources and information. Since the builds are still essentially the same I haven't made new videos, but the text guides will be updated and polished throughout the season and videos may be reproduced but for now will serve as a visual representation of the build's gameplay and overall idea. The build's foundations are mostly optimized for solo intermediate players, for more information on beginner, advanced, and group variations please read the text descriptions for each build!
If you find these helpful do not forget to give them an upvote, please and thank you! My guides will continue to be polished, updated, and current. If you have any questions or suggestions please kindly let me know!
you can contact me either here on dfans or on my Live Stream
- List of Builds -
1.Solo GR - Legacy of Nightmare
2.Solo GR - Unhallowed Essence
3.Solo GR - Marauder
4.Torment - Legacy of Nightmare
5.Torment - Unhallowed Essence
6.Group GR - zDH Support
additional resources and information
1-70 leveling walkthrough
Unhallowed Essence Discipline Calculator
Best Legendary Gems for DH
Optimizing Follower Setup
Monster progression info
Weapon Damage Reroll Calculator
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1. Solo GR Lon FoK - build for pushing max greater rifts solo
[S7] Solo GR - Legacy of Nightmare
2. Solo GR UE - build for average level greater rifts solo or group
[S7] Solo GR - Unhallowed Essence
3. Solo GR Mara - alternative greater rifting build for average level solo or group
[S7] Solo GR - Marauder (cluster/chakram)
4. Torment LoN - alternative to UE build for speed farming torment
[S7] Torment - Legacy of Nightmare
5. Torment UE - standard speed farming build for torment
[S7] Torment - Unhallowed Essence
6. Group GR zDH - support damage amp build for high group greater rifts
[S7] Group GR - zDH Support
7. TBD
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didn't think you'd make a comeback after the ban, welcome back!
Season 7 Hardcore Demon Huntard #14 @ GR78
Unhallowed Essence Multishot Guide