Anyone else gunna go as a sword and shield barb like me? I like the idea of having a good defense with the shield, but still a formidable offense. For me duel wielding isnt my thing, so just wondering who is gunna use a shield and sword combo?
I'll probably play with a huge Two-Handed Hammer/Axe =D when I play the Barbarian..
Although I think I might finish the game with the Wizard first, such awesome spells =P
In Knights of the Old Republic I and II, my main character always wielded just 1 saber two-handed, but boy was it powerful, nobody could hit me and I could hit everyone with the Dexterity bonus.
But on first versions I played as a dual-wielding Sentinel Jedi =)
Dual wield? yeah never been one in d2. I had one sword barb in LOD.. mostly went 2h with that all the time.. Same goes to my other sword barbs that I had in Classic. Only before LOD my sword barb always used a shield because back then Swords 2h damage was a lot lower than what it is after LOD.
Anyways 2h Polearm weapon has always been one of my favorties.. they look so cool.
Well, Barb is my fav class.. I really like the skills for the battlemaster (1 hander and shield) But, I'm a huge WW fan.. so I will probably steer in the 2hander direction. (Since thats the tree its in.) But, I'm definitely going to experiment.
While the Barb isnt my favorite class i will play it since i just want to experience the game with all the characters. So most likely ill either do a mix of the trees or just go sword and shield and dual wield. You know just in case i find an awesome pair of axes or swords that would look amazing if dual wielded.
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[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]"The lord of murder shall perish, but in his death he shall spawn a score of mortal progeny. Chaos shall be sown in their footsteps"
-So sayeth the wise Alaundo
yea Sheild and weapon Barb i think will be one of the best specs because of his inability to not die. lol
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Even if one takes every reefer madness allegation of the prohibitionists at face value, marijuana prohibition has done far more harm to far more people than marijuana ever could
That would be better than what D2 had. Im most likely going to do a 1h barb too but ill have either a 2h wep as my second weapons or 2 really kickass swords.
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[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]"The lord of murder shall perish, but in his death he shall spawn a score of mortal progeny. Chaos shall be sown in their footsteps"
-So sayeth the wise Alaundo
I'll be doing a weapon and shield, probably not sword, though. I don't know if D3 will have weapon specialization too much so maybe I wouldn't have to worry about that... I'd prefer flails but they usually suck in Diablo games for some reason.
Well in D2 one of my favorite characters was a 2h axe barb but I think in D3 I'll make my first barb dual wield. I like the idea of using two different types of weapons at once(ex. 1h axe w/1h sword) and it looks like the masteries will be more suited for that in D3.
If I do make a barbarian. I will try to make a Duel shield Barb..... sorry im being silly.
I have a feeling that i wont play the barbarian much. So i dont know what i would make.
You would make a kickass wiz or wd.
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[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]"The lord of murder shall perish, but in his death he shall spawn a score of mortal progeny. Chaos shall be sown in their footsteps"
-So sayeth the wise Alaundo
This may seem like a silly question but i need to clarify something, what is the difference between a 2 handed wielder and a duel weapon wielder? does 2 swords (instead of 2 handed) = weaker damage but faster attack speed or something? because in D2 i found not much point being a duel wielder but a 2 handed, because with 2 swords/axes... you don't attack with both weapons simultaneously it's one at a time so i went 2 hander to deal more damage.
BTW sword and shield is a good way to go
I think you hit the nail on the head, dual wield is faster attack but less damage.
I like the idea of a sword and shield barb, but I also like 2 handed weapons just because it makes me feel like i can really get some ownage on some fou monsters. Paow!
it all depends on the damage bonuses that the weapons give... if a find a shield worthy enough and with allot of def.. than probably ill go with sword+shield.. if on the other hand i find a pair of good 1h weapons than dual wield..not a big fan of 2h weps.
Although I think I might finish the game with the Wizard first, such awesome spells =P
In Knights of the Old Republic I and II, my main character always wielded just 1 saber two-handed, but boy was it powerful, nobody could hit me and I could hit everyone with the Dexterity bonus.
But on first versions I played as a dual-wielding Sentinel Jedi =)
Anyways 2h Polearm weapon has always been one of my favorties.. they look so cool.
RIP: Demon Hunter: lvl 50 | Barb: lvl 60 (plvl 5) | Monk: lvl12 & lvl70 (plvl 200)
If ill play a barb it will be either dual wielded axes or sword+shield.
-So sayeth the wise Alaundo
Double negatives FTL?
But I totally agree with what you are trying to say, 1h + shield is awesome and that is what I am going to play.
I hope they give shields a huge defense bonus, and hope they do defense like in Wow so it gives damage reduction which I think is better than in D2.
-So sayeth the wise Alaundo
Signature and avatar courtesy of Indestructible.
I have a feeling that i wont play the barbarian much. So i dont know what i would make.
-So sayeth the wise Alaundo
I think you hit the nail on the head, dual wield is faster attack but less damage.
I like the idea of a sword and shield barb, but I also like 2 handed weapons just because it makes me feel like i can really get some ownage on some fou monsters. Paow!