I am playing rend barb as a main i am atm para 1400+ 2.8 mill sheet dps . Allso gearing zbarb and when barb is full augmented i gear my crusader allso.
Looking steady group to farm paragons and later push maiby. But atm main goal is paragon . My personal goal is 3.5k.
My last attempt before i quit the season it is just stupid searching 6 houers or more group out of 10h session and big chances are u get a trash group.
My playtime is high depends on day 10-16h per day and i am free for all season. Group needs to be same minded farm as efficent as possible and allready decent gear/para and have a idea how this new crusader meta synergy works.
I am playing rend barb as a main i am atm para 1400+ 2.8 mill sheet dps . Allso gearing zbarb and when barb is full augmented i gear my crusader allso.
Looking steady group to farm paragons and later push maiby. But atm main goal is paragon . My personal goal is 3.5k.
My last attempt before i quit the season
it is just stupid searching 6 houers or more group out of 10h session and big chances are u get a trash group.
My playtime is high depends on day 10-16h per day and i am free for all season. Group needs to be same minded farm as efficent as possible and allready decent gear/para and have a idea how this new crusader meta synergy works.
Contact me on my bnet.