We're two chill danish guys comming back for S19. We played all seasons from S1-s13ish. We read up on all changes since then, I solo leveled 2 times to lvl70 this week and practiced the challange rift. We're playing all weekend, but monday its back to work, so more moderate play then.
We perfer voice chat, but english is just fine
Planning to lootshare and trying the new 2x barb + zmonk + zbarb xp meta
LF: barb+monk. I enjoy zbarb aswell as dps, so if you wanna play dps or z i'll play the other when getting to GR pushing.
post here or send a message on Bnet later tonight.
We're two chill danish guys comming back for S19. We played all seasons from S1-s13ish. We read up on all changes since then, I solo leveled 2 times to lvl70 this week and practiced the challange rift. We're playing all weekend, but monday its back to work, so more moderate play then.
We perfer voice chat, but english is just fine
Planning to lootshare and trying the new 2x barb + zmonk + zbarb xp meta
LF: barb+monk. I enjoy zbarb aswell as dps, so if you wanna play dps or z i'll play the other when getting to GR pushing.
post here or send a message on Bnet later tonight.
I'm down to go real hard for the weekend if you need another Barb player feel free to add me
Team is full
Feel free to add me anyway. Active players are always welcome on friendlist