me and a friend are looking for two more people to level to 70 and grind out some paragons Giving us a strong start to the new season we have opted to do the new barb exp speed runs so we are looking for two more people who preferably want to play barb
please be available for the whole opening weekend and willing to put the time into it
we both speak English but my friend is danish and is multilingual we will be using discord to communicate
if if you are at all interested please reply below with you Battletag and add me dan#21372
i wouldnt mind to join in for that, danish here aswell, but i dont mind speaking english either if need be, im gonna play barb this season aswell. gonna do the challenge rift stuff first thou, but i think most are, so that shouldnt be an issue xD my btag is niko#2267
me and a friend are looking for two more people to level to 70 and grind out some paragons Giving us a strong start to the new season we have opted to do the new barb exp speed runs so we are looking for two more people who preferably want to play barb
please be available for the whole opening weekend and willing to put the time into it
we both speak English but my friend is danish and is multilingual we will be using discord to communicate
if if you are at all interested please reply below with you Battletag and add me dan#21372
I'm looking for a good and efficient grp to start season 19 with.
I'm planning to start barb or sader. I'm also danish but I'm fine speaking english too.
My battletag: BlackAlmvig#2775
i wouldnt mind to join in for that, danish here aswell, but i dont mind speaking english either if need be, im gonna play barb this season aswell. gonna do the challenge rift stuff first thou, but i think most are, so that shouldnt be an issue xD my btag is niko#2267
I'm up for the group, starting barb. btag: Ghostpants#13594
I'm down to go real hard for the weekend if you need another Barb player feel free to add me
As every start of a new season, i'll play a lot on the first week-end.
I'm planning to main Barb and i can speak english as well.
Battletag :