i know i want to play s10 as i had tons of fun no-lifing with a group i had during s7, basically a full week without leaving the house
if any group is planning on playing non-stop for at least a week, let me know and i'll be more than happy to join as a 4th. currently thinking of lvling a wd. i have no problem in making a supp toon just for gr / gr pushing.
i know i want to play s10 as i had tons of fun no-lifing with a group i had during s7, basically a full week without leaving the house
if any group is planning on playing non-stop for at least a week, let me know and i'll be more than happy to join as a 4th. currently thinking of lvling a wd. i have no problem in making a supp toon just for gr / gr pushing.
sent in private