If you're playing non-HC, why make a thread in the HC forum? ;-)
I've moved this thread to the correct forum (LFG EU). However, I'd strongly advise to search for communities (anything with the words "boost" or "powerlevel") and ask in there. Lots of people in those communities that are always very helpful.
Ah okay, that makes more sense. Still, this is the right forum. Well, NS-HC is pretty much the worst possible place to look for people, especially now it's probably completely dead. On Friday the season will end and NS might become a bit more active, so if you don't find anyone until then, the weekend should work out.
Alternatively here's would I *strongly* suggest: You just ask for a powerlevel on HC season today or tomorrow, get the free set, and on Friday your season char will be a non-season char again - but you have the full set of your class choice (Tal's in case you stick to wizard).
I pressed rebirth somehow,
now my wizzard is level 1.. i dont have any friends and my gem of ease i was leveling is level 22

please is there someone who got some time to boost me a bit?
im 29yo i dont have much time and i do realy want to continue
my bnet is : MarcoplaysPc#2561
i play Non hc - eu
If you're playing non-HC, why make a thread in the HC forum? ;-)
I've moved this thread to the correct forum (LFG EU). However, I'd strongly advise to search for communities (anything with the words "boost" or "powerlevel") and ask in there. Lots of people in those communities that are always very helpful.
Omg, i ment Non season hc
Ah okay, that makes more sense. Still, this is the right forum. Well, NS-HC is pretty much the worst possible place to look for people, especially now it's probably completely dead. On Friday the season will end and NS might become a bit more active, so if you don't find anyone until then, the weekend should work out.
Alternatively here's would I *strongly* suggest: You just ask for a powerlevel on HC season today or tomorrow, get the free set, and on Friday your season char will be a non-season char again - but you have the full set of your class choice (Tal's in case you stick to wizard).