Kadala Stole My Bike (KsmB) is a newly formed clan, hoping to recruit all kinds of members of the English speaking world. The minimum requirement to join this clan is that you simply speak English.
I have formed this clan myself just recently which i decided to create with a few others because many other clans i joined were inactive or had retards or plain and simple little kids that couldn't control begging or raging and on the basis that I'd like to create a larger community to get as many people in the clan so there's enough on to get bounties/rifts and grifts as often as possible.
* You must be active, but we do understand what happens when life calls upon us. * You must be respectful, mature and courteous towards everybody in the clan. * Negative behavior and attitudes will not be tolerated. * There is no age limit, so long as you are conduct yourself in a mature manner. * Everybody helps their fellow clan members; if you're unable to help, palm the situation off to someone else that might be able to. * Everybody works as a team - it would be preferable for you to play team games with clan members rather than solo.
Additional Information:
* We do have a teamspeak 3 server, which I plan on getting the most out of it when people want to communicate with each other easier when rifting. * Most of all I want a calm and friendly clan
If you're interested in joining add my battle tag inzfm#2111
Kadala Stole My Bike (KsmB) is a newly formed clan, hoping to recruit all kinds of members of the English speaking world. The minimum requirement to join this clan is that you simply speak English.
I have formed this clan myself just recently which i decided to create with a few others because many other clans i joined were inactive or had retards or plain and simple little kids that couldn't control begging or raging and on the basis that I'd like to create a larger community to get as many people in the clan so there's enough on to get bounties/rifts and grifts as often as possible.
* You must be active, but we do understand what happens when life calls upon us. * You must be respectful, mature and courteous towards everybody in the clan. * Negative behavior and attitudes will not be tolerated. * There is no age limit, so long as you are conduct yourself in a mature manner. * Everybody helps their fellow clan members; if you're unable to help, palm the situation off to someone else that might be able to. * Everybody works as a team - it would be preferable for you to play team games with clan members rather than solo.
Additional Information:
* We do have a teamspeak 3 server, which I plan on getting the most out of it when people want to communicate with each other easier when rifting. * Most of all I want a calm and friendly clan
If you're interested in joining add my battle tag inzfm#2111