Hello everyone!
We decided to form a clan of very very angry people, and here I am now asking if you would like to be angry with us?
We are a group of friends that has been playing for a while and we thought it would be fun to find like minded people to play with.
What we have in mind for the future:
1) Grow in numbers
2) Clear the Sanctuary of demon scum (doubt we will achieve this)
3) Set up a website in the next few weeks (if we get enough members and they are interested in using it)
What we can already offer:
1) T5-T6 groups on daily basis (you are welcome to join below these requirements though I cannot guarantee that you will be able to find groups on regular basis)
2) A gamevox voice server
3) Fun, lively clan chat!
So, if you are at least 18 years old and a social person, active in game (not necessarily online every single day, but a few days a week at least) , by all means add me in game so you can ask me any questions or at least have a chat.
My battletag is snowchief#2377 (I am online every day for at least 5-6 hours so you will catch me pretty easily)You can add Jaku#2710 or Axor#2559
Changed requirement to T5 plus seeing that hardly anyone does T4. You are still welcome to join although I cannot guarantee that you will be able to find groups.
We decided to form a clan of very very angry people, and here I am now asking if you would like to be angry with us?
We are a group of friends that has been playing for a while and we thought it would be fun to find like minded people to play with.
What we have in mind for the future:
1) Grow in numbers
2) Clear the Sanctuary of demon scum (doubt we will achieve this)
3) Set up a website in the next few weeks (if we get enough members and they are interested in using it)
What we can already offer:
1) T5-T6 groups on daily basis (you are welcome to join below these requirements though I cannot guarantee that you will be able to find groups on regular basis)
2) A gamevox voice server
3) Fun, lively clan chat!
So, if you are at least 18 years old and a social person, active in game (not necessarily online every single day, but a few days a week at least) , by all means add me in game so you can ask me any questions or at least have a chat.
My battletag is snowchief#2377 (I am online every day for at least 5-6 hours so you will catch me pretty easily) You can add Jaku#2710 or Axor#2559
No man is sane who does not know how to be insane on proper occasions.