Good day nephalems !!!! *
With 2 more friends i created the clan because we felt so lonely . Now we are 30 + people and there is always someone to play with . In this clan there are people who :
Farm Soft-core
Farm Hard-core
Farm Nephalem Rifts
Farm Bounties
The main language in chat is English . Also we have a Secret - Facebook group , where you you can join to and post interesting stuff about the game. Thank you guys , and i hope to see some of you in sanctuary. You can find us in the clan finder as - Sentinels or feel free to contact one of the officers :
"Much uncertainty surrounds the archangel Malthael. Once the calm guiding hand of wisdom, he was lost to us the moment the Worldstone disappeared. Unable to fathom that catastrophic event, he abandoned Heaven. His departure created a colossal fracture within the council, one that, to this day, remains unrepaired." — Selathiel, writing on Malthael
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With 2 more friends i created the clan because we felt so lonely . Now we are 30 + people and there is always someone to play with . In this clan there are people who :