I'm looking for a group or clan to grind a bit with. I usually play around 3-5h day (after 21.00 CET since I got kids), I'm a newly rolled DH with paragon 141 as we speak. So nothing special at all.
I'm looking for people that grind a lot when they are online and not just sitting in town and doing nothing ;P Since I can't play that much every day then I want to be playing all the time.
Been playing D3 since the release on and off, mostly played Wiz and Barb.
Send me a message here or on battle.net: poGDI#2487
I'm looking for a group or clan to grind a bit with. I usually play around 3-5h day (after 21.00 CET since I got kids), I'm a newly rolled DH with paragon 141 as we speak. So nothing special at all.
I'm looking for people that grind a lot when they are online and not just sitting in town and doing nothing ;P Since I can't play that much every day then I want to be playing all the time.
Been playing D3 since the release on and off, mostly played Wiz and Barb.
Send me a message here or on battle.net: poGDI#2487
http://eu.battle.net/d3/en/profile/poGDI-2487/hero/84142981 (Yes I just started and I don't have the full gear just yet.)